The final redoubt
By Parson Thru
- 3940 reads
Filled with frustration I screamed the words:
“Father, midwife and wet-nurse of tyranny
Property thief, economic enslaver
Who entertains labour whilst draining its blood
Who feigns indignation when plans go awry
Who nurtures its grudges like fruit of the womb
Who holds all the cards but still marks the deck
Who auctioned its soul to the highest bid
Who raises its interns to follow the flag
Who poisons the world with its founder’s head
Who pays off the despots and murders the poor
Who distributes weapons to cultivate war
Who buys up the earth from under the dead
Who engineers ethics to favour the rich
Who knows how to sugar the cyanide pill
Whose fraudulent dream seduces the world
Whose saccharine banner flies from the hill
Whose merchant adventurers carry their creed
on the noses of missiles and B-52s
Whose corporate thieves govern a world
of good and evil, black and white
Nurturing enemies, buying up friends
while holding a gun beneath the baize.”
Then somebody shouted “Your words are naive!
Those methods are older than Gilgamesh!
There were villains before and others will follow.
Everything’s relative, each has his day.
The ascendant star has moved to its zenith.
Its drama occupies centre stage.
But greed doesn't flow from nation or flag,
it comes from a darkness deep in the heart.”
I needed an enemy, someone to blame,
the alternative's too much to contemplate
A beggar, yesterday, gave me his view:
"The end is at hand." according to God
“The wicked will perish.” he seemed to be glad
“But the good will be saved.” I assumed that was him
And what of this darkness each of us harbours?
We are not worthy, it seems.
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I can't say I understand all
I can't say I understand all the rant, but found coming down to the individual fascinating –
But greed doesn't flow from nation or flag,
it comes from a darkness deep in the heart.” … “But the good will be saved.” I assumed that was him
And what of this darkness each of us harbours?
We are not worthy, it seems.
Surely the whole point is that none is worthy enough, even the beggar, no-one perfectly good, all have that darkness deep in the heart that needs the washing of the blood of Christ, through faith and repentance, but it is offered to all. Rhiannon
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A good rant is necessary from
A good rant is necessary from time to time. Whenever I feel as though the world is about to disappear up its own fundament, I think of Shelley's 'Ozymandias'. This too shall pass. The caveat is - how many of the innocent will it take with it?
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This is probably dense, so I
This is probably dense, so I apologise in advance.
Is it possible to have democracy without capitalism? Or is it then communism which has problems also?
I am not counting ancient democracies which had slaves or those where only land owners could vote.
Is it that there is always this compromise with greed that stops democracy from working - you let me take these resources and make xxx money and I'll give you x money back to pay for hospitals
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Thankyou for your detailed
Thankyou for your detailed response :0)
Do you feel that democracy with high taxes is the best version?
Where do you think the best hope comes from? I was discussing this with my partner. I wondered if Africa and India might be the best hope as they are not so deeply riddled with huge corporations as the west. They still have time to choose not to follow us. But he thinks it is too late. The Belt and Road thing complicates things
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you should go on the World
you should go on the World Service :0)
I wondered about paraphrasing this but would have missed out something important :
I kind of feel governments are still playing Sorry while Amazon/facebook/Microsoft have moved onto Chess.
Agree there has to be a global agreement on tax for societies to survive. But globalised government? Everwhere is trying to get smaller these days?
I had not realised that about nationalised industries failing because they were worn out. Are you supporting re nationalisation now?
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Thankyou for the link. I had
Thankyou for the link. I had not realised the Daily Mail website is one of the most popular in the world?!?!
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