Worse ways to go
By Parson Thru
Sat, 21 Apr 2018
- 868 reads
On the cusp of sleep, I stare at an imaginary window
The shouts of borrachos infiltrate from the street
Thoughts come and go like ships on a horizon
Thoughts come and go like ships on a horizon
I try to follow them
as I always have
as I always have
Phlebas lies beside a bookmark
unquestionably dead
unquestionably dead
I try to resurrect him
but surrender to fatigue
but surrender to fatigue
It matters not to Phlebas
Nor to the poet
whose ashes lie indifferent at East Coker
leaving Phlebas’ bones to wash
in perpetuity amongst the fish
whose ashes lie indifferent at East Coker
leaving Phlebas’ bones to wash
in perpetuity amongst the fish
What happens when the lantern is extinguished?
Dead poets, artists,
the minds that gave us Phlebus
King Lear and Arthur Dent
the minds that gave us Phlebus
King Lear and Arthur Dent
What happens to the universe in which they dwelt?
The dry narrative from observers of cerebral activity
gives that all of existence is controlled by a switch
gives that all of existence is controlled by a switch
Here today,
That unconsciousness is not the unconscious,
secretive, yet active,
but encapsulates the end of being
secretive, yet active,
but encapsulates the end of being
No linguistic form can represent such oblivion
Phlebas the Phoenician,
dead only a two week,
whose bones wash in the current,
moves towards the whirlpool
dead only a two week,
whose bones wash in the current,
moves towards the whirlpool
But what lies beyond?
Better minds have observed the universe in shutdown
Observed the end of everything
Observed the end of everything
Pity Phlebus, then, whose existence persists only in the minds of the living
Pity the minds of the living
Pity the minds of the living
Pity us
T. S. Eliot, “The Waste Land, IV Death by Water”, “Selected Poems”, Faber and Faber Limited, 1954.
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I think I might have done The
Permalink Submitted by catherine poarch on
I think I might have done The Waste Land at college. Was April the Cruellest month? Anyway, you followed those ships to interesting places and I like how this flits back and forth from your questions to descriptions of Phlebus. I like to think (with no actual evidence to back this up) that in heaven all those imaginary worlds like Narnia, Middle Earth etc will be there for us to visit.
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