Dire Tribes
By Paul Annon
- 415 reads
The Conservative Party: an unholy alliance of toffs and spivs
The Labour Party: (now home to) career lefties
The Liberal Democrats: eclectic eccentrics as much misjudged as misjudging; wide-eyed and-soon-to-be-Clegg-less opportunists
UKIP: the party-political equivalent of Prince Philip with just a wiff of Bernard Manning; BNP lite
The SNP: saltire-waving would-be oil barons
HM Civil Service: jumped-up jobsworths and hard-pressed penpushers
Big business: fat cats and fraudsters
The press: hacks and hackers
The BBC: media-savvy mediocrities and licensed creeps
The trade unions: toothless dinosaurs
The establishment (in general): priveleged promoters of their own interests and of conformity and compliance among the masses
The younger generation: overindulged underachievers
The Great British Public (as a whole): aspiring Big Brother contestants and Jeremy Kyle Show guests
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