Leaving Europe - All At Sea
By Paul Annon
- 262 reads
Defying geography, this country has set sail across the Atlantic, figuratively at least, into the flabby embrace of an impeachable president soon to go down in history as climate criminal in chief, trade warrior and joint architect of the new world disorder. Against better judgment and its own best interests, the nation that once celebrated rhyme and reason has succumbed to the siren call of populism and nostalgia, lured onto the rocks of economic uncertainty by misguided patriotic fervour, with the puff of those two self-serving toads, one pseudo-Churchillian, the other a walking, talking Toby Jug, in its sails.
How long before the dream of leaving runs out of steam ? How long before the tidal wave of relief, and runaway enthusiasm in many quarters, crashes on the perilous shore of reality ? How long before the ship of state founders, weighed down by the failings and folly of its captain, even though the band plays on ? Switching metaphors, it is only a matter of time before the remaining wheels come off the battle bus (when the damnable lie paraded so publicly is finally nailed) and that bandwagon finally rolls to a standstill, like the economy; only a matter of time before the uncomfortable truth dawns that it is better to stand together than stand alone, better to steer away from the cliff edge than charge blindly over it, and better to turn toward the light than try to turn back the clock…
Postscript: if the foregoing reads in the main like empty rhetoric, then it is no different in that respect from most of the so-called arguments mustered in support of leaving.
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