[Re-write] The Day Before Yesterday, Thirty Years From Tomorrow (Entry 3, Entry 4, Entry 5)
By paulbrec
- 553 reads
....so these six crazy women carried me to the end of the platform. I didn't really fight them. After all, they were just a bunch of crazy women living in a subway station. What could they do?
The one who appeared to be the leader stood behind a makeshift podium.
I thought at first these women were angry about something, but this one seemed a bit sad.
She continued to stand at the podium as if she was a politician addressing voters.
"Thank you all for coming this afternoon", she said, although I was the only one there.
She went into a speech, but I had been thinking about how much she looked like my wife. My wife, before she died.
These women were not a threat. They were like me. They had been alone for so long, it has affected them. It looked like they got together here in this subway station for some reason.
After this woman finished her speech, I had to ask, "How long have you been here?"
"Too long", she said sadly.
"Why are you setup in a subway station?", I asked with concern.
She paused, and shrugged.
I had to ask, "What is your name?"
"Christie, and these are my friends. It has been a long time since a man has walked through here.".
"Well, why don't you come with me? I am heading west to see if I can find more people. All of you"
"As much as we would like to do that. We can not."
"We can not. You must go."
I had no idea what these women were up to, but I granted their wish, and left the station to head downtown.
What a freaking mess.
Imagine a scrapyard, a dump, and whatever was left over from the previous night's party.
I found my way to Sherbourne Avenue and began to walk south. I had passed a few apartment buildings, but I did not want to investigate for fear of what I may (or may not) find.
Dundas Street and Sherbourne Avenue, once known to be a "shady" area of the city, with its hookers, drug dealers, gangs, and "adult" bars. It all just blends in now. You really can't tell the difference.
I continued to walk downtown. At one time this whole area was busy with people, but there was nobody around. However, I continued to look, and hope that the next group of people I found were normal.
After walking for what seemed to be a very long time, I arrived at the former Chinatown. From the position of the sun, I would have guessed that it was late afternoon.
I found an electronics store, and decided to check out the "latest" technology.
The place was a mess. It looked like someone had a lot of fun in there. Near the back was what looked like the remains of a display of reactive-argon hologramatic televisions. Yeah, I remember at around 2035, they found a way to use lasers to safely project a hologram into the middle of the room. The second-generation of real 3D television. Of course none of them work now, because there are no more TV stations, and they never made Blu-Rays that were reactive-argon compatible. Too bad. It was a great technology. The first-generation did not last long. If someone walked through the hologram, they were blinded by the lasers.
While I was in the store, reminiscing about technology, I heard a disturbance outside.
I went to investigate.
There, standing in the street, were four men dressed like ninja. One was holding a katana, one had a nunchuck, another had a bo staff, the fourth was just standing there making odd Wushu moves, and making a "Waa...waa" sound.
What...the...hell...is...this? Looks like I found a group of nutcases.
The were swinging their weapons around like a really bad martial arts demonstration. The guy with the nunchuck let it go, and it ended up about a half-block down the street.
I couldn't help myself. I giggled and said, "Holy crap. Bruce Lee movie rejects!"
They began to approach me, and although I did not really see them as a major threat, it is never a good idea to be close to a guy swinging a sword, even if he isn't very good. I began to back up.
In the meantime the nunchaku guy went to pick up his weapon, so he would be gone for a while. I could probably make it around the bo staff and the "waa-waa" guy, but the katana worried me. I had to distract him.
I suddenly looked to my left, pointed and yelled, "Hey, is that a balloon?!"
They all looked, and I was able to boot around.
I ran, and they all followed. Fortunately, my six straight months at the 'Y' payed off. These sad-case "ninjas" couldn't keep up, and I was soon on my way to safety.
It was getting late. I could see the sun beginning to set. I had a real tiring day. I needed to find a place to sleep.
I had somehow found my way to Queen's Park. At one time this was where the Government of Ontario offices were. Now just a shell of what was once politicians' offices and meeting rooms.
Interestingly, there was a lingering smell.
Reminded me of an overflowing toilet.
Not far down the road, was a University of Toronto campus. There would be a place to sleep in there.
I walked into a building with a worn sign beside the door. It looked like "FACULTY OF MEDICINE". I could cut through there, and then across the campus. On the north side was the student residence.
As I entered, I could see light coming from the basement.
Should I?
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