Tough Parenting Or Just A Cry For Attention?
By paulbrec
- 727 reads
You have probably all seen, or at least heard about the video posted on You Tube, and supposedly Facebook, about the father who gets back at his daughter over comments she made on her Wall.
Apparently, he destroyed her laptop by shooting it, which he paid for. Also, he humiliated her on Facebook.
I can not help but to give my own two cents worth on this.
There is something that bothers me about this. None of this makes sense.
First of all, you have to be some kind of a major nutjob to destroy a perfectly good computer that has just been updated. Secondly, no parent, regardless of how angry you are with your children, you do not humiliate them on a public forum.
Also, we are talking about a teenager. Teenagers talk crap about their parents. That is perfectly normal teen behavior. You should not take it personally. If my teenagers did not complain, I would take them in for a physiatric evaluation.
Anyway, that is only if any of this really happened.
I think this whole thing was a production in order to get international attention, and it worked.
He probably shot up an old piece of crap computer that did not work.
Also, does anyone really know if this was really posted on Facebook?
All we know is that it is on You Tube. Of course, that is the idea. Everyone knows that videos like this on You Tube get a lot of attention.
One more point, if his daughter really is the spoiled little brat he claims she is, she would have taken this a lot harder than she did.
To conclude, I would like to say thank you for wasting everybody's time, and get a life.
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