"Willow's Tail" 32 ( Conclusions Part 2-- the ending)

By Penny4athought
- 1820 reads
So, we drink your potion and tell the truth?”
“Exactly,” Perfidia stated placing the two potion laced tea cups on the table.
Jon picked up one cup but waited for her to do the same.
“How do I know you’ll really take a sip?”
“How do I know you will?” she challenged.
“On three?” he suggested and she nodded.
They both lifted their cups and sipped the tea. After several minutes of staring at each other, Perfidia broke the silence.
“Did you havoc us?”
“No,” Jon replied but the potion forced him to elaborate, “not all of you.”
“Hah! So you did havoc me?”
Jon gave an exasperated sigh. “Honestly Perfidia, How could you send that defenseless man to the Amazon?”
“Roger? You sent Roger to me?”
“You know you deserved to help him.”
“It was you?” Her eyes filled with disbelief.
“I’d heard he’d had a terrible time of it so I visited him in the hospital. He told me it was you who’d suggested the Amazon as a simple adventure. How could you do that? One day in and he’d nearly died.”
Perfidia had the grace to look repentant.
“I’ll admit, I didn’t think it through.”
“No, you didn’t.”
Perfidia glared at him. “So you thought it was your duty to send him to me to fix?”
“You broke him.”
“I didn’t mean to!”
Jon’s expression clearly suggested he’d hoped not.
“Okay, maybe I deserved that,” she conceded, almost graciously.
He smiled and pushed her teacup closer. “Why don’t you finish your tea?”
Perfidia gave him a quizzical look but it was an excellent blend and she was immune to the truth potion so she picked up the cup and finished the tea.
Jon smiled. “Yes. Now tell me why you interfered with Roger and Gloria?”
Perfidia asked with concern but not because of his question, because she felt the truth potion taking effect, but Willow had protected her with an antidote; hadn’t she? Perfidia's eyes narrowed with suspicion and unkind thoughts about that untrustworthy cat.
Jon repeated the question and Perfidia tried to convince her brain it didn’t understand what he’d asked, but her tongue was already wagging like a dog.
“Because Gloria made you leave, she didn’t deserve to have another chance at love. That’s the truth…happy now?”
Jon grinned and inquired, “To be clear…you were jealous.”
“That’s a stupid word.”
“But you were?”
Her eyes blazed at him and she tried again to stop her wayward tongue, but to no avail.
“N…N…Ahhhhh! Yes!”
Jon's satisfied grin annoyed her and she tapped her long crimson nails on the table deciding it was time to interrogate him.
“Was it you who sent the stink weed to Gloria and stole my original Orchid? And by the way, I want it back!”
Jon’s satisfied expression slid to defensive.
“No, why would I do any of that?”
“Hah! I don’t believe you,” she scoffed.
“Don’t you have faith in your truth potion?” He teased, nodding to his empty teacup.
Perfidia might have had faith in it, if it wasn’t affecting her. And there was also the possibility Willow had given Jon the immunity instead of her; it would be just like that cat to switch things up.
“No, I'm not sure I do,” she admitted sourly.
“Is it because of how I left things between us?”
“That’s too long ago to think about,” she shrugged, but the potion forced her to add, “But, maybe.”
“We should have shared a cup of your truth potion back then.”
“And if we did,” she said flippantly, “you’d have admitted you were in love with Gloria.”
Jon shook his head. “We’re just friends.”
“A friend you left me for, remember?”
“Gloria is a friend, a good friend and I didnt leave you for her.”
Perfidia had stopped listening, she needed to find Martha and tell her what she’d learned about Jon and she needed to have a talk with that cat too.
“Can you give me a minute, there’s something I need to do,” she said and stood up.
“Wait, before you run off again and before it wears off,” he said standing up and stepping closer to her, “Tell me one more thing.”
“Do you love me?”
Her face lost all color and she bit her lip hard but she couldn’t stop the word, or the crimson blush that matched her nails.
“Yes,” she ground out.
“Good to know,” he smiled and moved forward to kiss her but she backed away and even as her heart trip hammered and overwhelmed her with feelings, she wasn't comfortable acknowledging them, not yet, not until she knew for sure if he was their mischief maker,
"I'll be back," she muttered and walked away.
Dillon’s expression reflected a mood not to be trifled with as he walked towards Martha in the parking lot.
“After that nice long nap Martha, which I was surprised to have taken, I did awake with a clearer perspective.”
“You’re welcome,” Martha interjected with a smug smile as she walked past him,heading back to the reception hall.
Dillon's eyes darkened at her flippancy but he wasn't deterred as he turned and walked along with her. “It brought back that first day we met," he continued.
Martha shook her head. “I'm not taking about that."
Dillon went on as if she hadn’t spoken. “I’ll admit, I was having a bit of fun with you, at first.”
“Oh well, joy for you,” she grumbled.
“But I did intend to tell you the truth on our second day only, that day everything changed. Do you remember?”
“Maybe you should have some of your own tea for a rendezvous with the truth.”
Martha gave him an exasperated look. “Strong words from the man who has no relationship with it,”
Dillon’s eyes sharpened but his tone remained calm.
“It was the day we went on a hike and talked for hours; remember?”
“Maybe,” she shrugged, feigning disinterested, but he was stirring up memories.
They stepped into the reception hall and Dillon took her arm and led her to an open table before he continued.
“I found out there were sparks of spontaneity hidden under your proper façade and it intrigued me; you intrigued me Martha so, I decided that day, I wouldn’t tell you the truth-"
"No surprise there."
"Which I knew was dishonest but there was still truth in that day. I found it in you. I found the real Martha, and she was happy.”
“What can I say, you were humorous,” she tried to keep her edge of anger intact but it was waning.
“Martha, you lit up hidden places in me too." Dillon leaned closer. “Did you ever share the dreams you talked about, with Percival?”
“I thought I was sharing them with Percival.”
“You didn’t suspect I wasn’t acting like Percival?”
Martha’s eyes didn’t waiver from him. “Maybe, I thought Percival was opening up to me…finally,” she whispered the last word ruefully.
Dillon was astonished by her answer, he hadn't thought of that.
"Still, I think you were happier than you’d ever been with Percival.”
“As you think,” she shrugged.
"And I think I provoked that happiness, but I didn’t hold it intact.”
Martha’s eyes flashed with pain. “No, you didn’t, and you should never have allowed those kisses and conversations without telling me the truth.”
Dillon nodded but his expression remained unrepentant.
“That’s true, but that first kiss caused me a dilemma.”
“A dilemma?” she questioned with a skeptics scowl.
“Yes, if I’d told you the truth then you’d have regretted that kiss.”
Martha eyes were doubtful. "So you let the lie live for the whole of those two weeks becasue of a kiss?”
“Because I wove the lie so fine, I had no way out.”
“Until Percival came home and I was caught in your lie too and…it changed everything,” she whispered harshly.
“Did it?”
“Yes, you know it did, and even if coming home has been healing for me…leaving my home was your fault.”
His brow rose with interest. “Did you just admit you’d left because of me?”
Martha contemplated walking away and Dillon accurately read her reaction.
“Before you storm off,” he said gaining her reluctant attention, “I do have a confession to make.”
“I switched Percival’s letters.”
“You did that? Why?”
“I couldn’t see you being happy with Percival. And before you get too angry with me, I did come back to tell you what I‘d done, but you’d already left.”
“All this time…it was you.”
Dillon nodded. “And that’s why I’m here Martha. When Percival mentioned you were entering the contest this year, I bought a ticket; I wanted to see you.”
“Why?” she asked in a cautious whisper.
"To start things over," he said as he stood up and extended his hand to her. "I'd like to introduce myself,” he said with a lopsided smile, “I’m Dillon Goodfellow, Percival’s odd twin brother, and you are?”
“Not wanting to be charmed,” Martha said drolly but a tentative smile played at the edges of her mouth as she took his hand.
“Wait, aren’t you the Martha Kendelite; the beauty who has a way with tea leaves?”
“Maybe,” she said and her smile became a grin just as Perfidia walked up to their table, unaware of the fragile moment and interrupted them.
“Martha, I have to talk you,” she demanded without preamble.
Dillon chuckled and shook his head.
“And we meet again Perfidia.”
“Oh Dillon, I didn’t see you there,” she said without care and continued imploring Martha, “I really need to speak to you, alone.”
“Do you mind?” Martha directed her question to Dillon.
“Not so long as we can resume this conversation.”
Martha smiled. “I think I can remember where we were.”
Martha’s step was light and happy as she walked out to the garden with Perfidia and they found Willow there too, sitting under a tree.
“There you are,” Perfidia said with dark accusation turning to the feline, “I’ve a cat bone to pick with you!”
Willow sauntered over undeterred by her angry expression.
“Why wasn’t I immune?” she asked the cat.
Willow sat down and began to lick her paw ignoring both the question and Perfidia.
“Willow has a moral compass and she’ll follow it over any trivial request Perfidia."
Perfidia snorted. “It wasn’t trivial and…I didn’t enjoy having the truth forced from me."
"No one does," Martha said sagely, reminding Perfidia she'd once done that to her.
“Fine, okay I get it…I guess I'll forgive your cat,” she grumbled and Willow’s questioning meow filled the air. Perfidia knew exactly what she'd asked.
“Yes, I’ll still honor our bargain,” she muttered to the cat.
Willow's smile beamed with joy but Perfidia turned her attention from the happy cat to Martha.
“The reason I needed to talk to you Martha is because I know who the mischief maker is.”
“You do?” Martha asked, surprised Miriam had confessed to Perfidia.
“It’s Jon.”
“Jon?” Martha was confused by the accusation, “What makes you think that?”
“He admitted he sent the invitation to Roger. So he must have sent the stink weed to Gloria and stole my Orchid but he hasn’t confessed to any of that…yet, but I did wonder if he was under my potion's influence or not?” She gave a dark look to Willow who appeared to have no interest in enlightening her on that question.
“Jon sent the invite to Roger?” Martha repeated, knowing it was the last piece of this summer’s puzzle she'd needed to solve.
“Yes, he said so I’d redeem myself; stupid reason isn’t it?”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Martha chuckled.
Perfidia’s eyes darkened with annoyance but she continued telling Martha what Jon had said. “And…he told me he never dated Gloria; he left because of me. So I guess all these havocs were my fault. I’m sorry Martha,” Perfidia apologized but it was with a happy trilling voice that bared no sign of regret.
“So you’ve forgiven him?”
Perfidia grinned like a school girl. “He never got over me so, of course I'll forgive him.”
“I’m thinking you never got over him either,” Martha concluded.
Perfidia pressed her lips together reluctant to respond, but it was no use.
“I’m only admitting this to you Martha because that stupid potion hasn’t worn off yet, but yes I care about him,” she admitted, then she gave Willow a look of annoyance but it wasn’t very convincing. “Anyway,” she continued turning back to Martha, “Do you think I’m right…about Jon? He hasn’t confessed to all of the havocs, but I think it’s him.”
Martha shook her head. “No, he’s not the mischief maker.”
“How do you know he isn't?”
“Because it’s Miriam; I was going to tell you but then Dillon…anyway, she confessed that she hired incognito inc. and arranged the havocs.”
“Miriam did? Why?”
“She thought Percival was still in love with me.”
“So it had nothing to do with me?” She sounded disappointed.
“No; you were involved because you were at my house.”
“And it was Miriam who took my orchid and left that stink weed?"
“I'm sure that was an Incognito inc. havoc so, yes. So can you forgive Miriam?”
“I want my orchid back but, after that…it’s in your court if you want to forgive her.”
“You aren’t upset by her interference in your life?”
“No; I don’t think I am. Returning to the festival, entering a contest, winning first prize and…finding Jon again, all in all nothing I didn’t enjoy,” she admitted and this time her smile even reached her eyes.
“It has been an interesting challenge,” Martha agreed.
"Are you thinking of staying awhile?" Perfidia asked with interest.
"I'm thinking I might have Willow install a tree in this home's garden too."
"A willow tree that has a hidden door to your other hidden garden?"
“You like Dillon don’t you?” Perfidia teased.
“I’d say, about as much as you like Jon,” Martha countered with a telling smile.
"Maybe we should go back inside," Perfidia suggested, thinking she might be ready to aceept Jon's truths and those feelings he'd unearthed too.
Willow coughed up a fur ball, adding her opinion to the saccharine conversation but she was pleased by the outcome of these havocs…a month of dinner and dessert, now that was a purrrfect ending.
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I so enjoyed reading about
I so enjoyed reading about all the intrigue, magic, and Willow's, Martha's and Perfidia's powers. Life is so full of misunderstandings, you never know what might happen next.
Great story telling Penny and thanks for sharing.
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Yes, congratulations on
Yes, congratulations on completing a novel-length story. Beautifully crafted throughout. Whimsy and drama. You could definitely edit and publish this if you chose to. Paul
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This dialogue is sparkling,
This dialogue is sparkling, not a single un needed word, it's really fun to read. Thankyou so much for keeping going, it has been wonderful to see your story unfold, the strong characters and place. That the relationship wrong-turns of the two central human characters are resolved by Willow's "moral compass" is brilliant. And I liked very much how you finish on a fur ball! Though I will miss the lovely surprise of finding a new episode - I do hope you may write some more Perfidia one day!
I agree with Paul, if I were a publisher I would want this, all of us who have found such pleasure in Willow's Tail can't be the only ones
That photo has such a funny expression :0) Your cat will wonder why you have stopped creeping up to take pictures
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If all you need to try a
If all you need to try a publisher is someone to check for typos, I'd be happy to have a go? I'd be bound to miss a few, but if it would help? I don't like to go on about them every time I see them incase it's discouraging
If you do (pleeeaase) do a sequel, I hope it will include Incognito Inc (did I ever say what a fabulous name that is?) Maybe Perfidia could get a job there?
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