Home Read Write Forums Blogs Mrs Muhulu and the Manky Monkey of Manchester By pepsoidMon, 28 Oct 2013 450 reads It crashed around the Arndale Centre like something possessed. "Here comes the exorcist," said a nearby shopper, which answered at least one of the unasked questions in Mrs Muhulu's head. Certificate PGStoryMysterious Moments of Mrs MuhuluHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Mrs Muhulu and the Manky Monkey of Manchester By pepsoidMon, 28 Oct 2013 450 reads It crashed around the Arndale Centre like something possessed. "Here comes the exorcist," said a nearby shopper, which answered at least one of the unasked questions in Mrs Muhulu's head. Certificate PGStoryMysterious Moments of Mrs MuhuluHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments