Death Ship - SDD Five, Part Eight
By Pete Maida
- 620 reads
Sacrificing stealth for speed, the marines rushed down the passageway to what Sergeant Wrobel described as main engineering. Turning the corner, they ran head long into three guards outside the engineering spaces. Sergeant Wrobel rose into the air landing a slicing side kick on the closest guard. The guard crumbled to the floor and the other two quickly surrendered.
The marines burst into the room firing full laser bolts at any equipment in sight. Resistance entered the room from a door on the other side. They fired on the marines, and Raven’s warriors dove for cover. Laser bolts crisscrossed the room providing a deadly light show. “Ah,” Nick called out as a laser bolt ripped across his leg. Two of the enemy dropped from their perches, shot down by marine lasers. Through the rising smoke three laser bolts cut through a large tube of stabilizing fluid. The structure came crashing to the deck spraying green fluid on everyone. The lighting in the room suddenly turned red, and the core of the ship’s power plant began to glow.”
Sergeant Wrobel yelled, “Lieutenant, I think we better get the hell out of here.”
“Damn right.” Scott answered.
They grabbed Nick Blazina and hauled him out of the room. They were quickly followed out of the room by the other marines. They met no resistance during the retreat. Their enemy was retreating out the door they came in.
“Get to the shuttle,” Scott yelled, “this place is going to blow!”
Pat and Scott carried Nick as they ran back down the passageways. The alarms were deafening and the lights flashed red and white adding to the chaos.
Gasping for air the marines rushed into the hangar. Scott had another marine help with Nick while he went to the control panel and started the depressurizing cycle. As he ran toward the shuttle the door slid open and a group of former directorate officers ran in. Scott dove and rolled toward the shuttle as the enemy opened fire.
The marines responded from the shuttle cutting down the officers standing in the open. Scott dove into the shuttle yelling, “Go! Go! Go!”
The shuttle powered up and shot out of the collapsing ship as soon as the door opened.
“Give it all you got Pat,” Scott yelled, “when that thing blows, it going to vaporize everything in this rock.”
The shuttle sped across the inner space of the asteroid base and shot into the access way. Just as it did the giant ship exploded. “Hold on!” Scott yelled, as the shock wave and deadly debris roared into the access way behind them.
“Captain,” Amy called frantically, “there’s been a major explosion inside the asteroid base!”
“Oh God,” Valerie moaned, “Scott.”
The shuttle came shooting out of the access way followed immediately by a rush of hot gas and debris. Tumbling wildly into space, the shuttle managed to maintain is structure with minimal damage. Everyone pulled themselves back into their seats and Scott checked on Nick, “Hey Nick, old boy, how ya doin back there?”
“I’m fine Lieutenant. My thigh is a bit well done, but it’s nothing a medical patch won’t cure.”
“Outstanding.” Scott said.
A minute later the shuttle’s communication system came alive. “Shuttle one, this is Raven, can you respond?”
Sergeant Wrobel slapped the switch and spoke for the crew, “Raven this is shuttle one. We’re coming home, with all hands.”
Everyone on the bridge of Raven, including Captain Merriel, stood and cheered. Captain Merriel got on the communication system, “Sergeant, tell Lieutenant Bort that this is the second one of my shuttles that he’s wrecked on Raven’s first tour.”
Scott’s voice came out of the speaker bringing a big smile to Valerie’s face, “Take it out of my pay, if you don’t mind, Captain.”
“That’s OK,” Captain Merriel said with a smile, “consider it an early wedding present.”
Matthew Bushman and Alan Erskine returned to the bar in Chicago. There, sitting at the same corner table was, Klisaz. Once again the SPINTEL agents sat on either side of their adversary. “Well Kilsaz,” Matthew said, “the Hegemony’s troubles are over the alien ship is no more.”
“Yes,” the alien snarled, “but how many more ships are out there, and how much alien bacteria can be gleaned from that base in the Capella system?”
“They are not questions we want to answer, or have any intention of answering.” Matt said staring back at his enemy. “We have completed this mission in good faith. The Hegemony will just have to trust us on the rest. We did not destroy that ship because we feared your threats. We did because it is not our way to exterminate whole populations without cause or warning. The Hegemony has tested our resolve before and found it strong. Tell them not to make that mistake again.”
“We will be watching,” Klisaz said, “and if that threat appears again, we will take action.”
“Here’s a threat you can count my old friend,” Alan said as the three stood; “if I see your ugly face on a human planet again, I’m going to burn a hole through it. Now get your four-armed self out of human space the quickest way possible.”
Klisaz smiled, “You know you haven’t seen the last of me my colorful adversary. Just a little tip, watch your back.”
Klisaz strolled out of the bar, once again, not noticed by the other patrons.
The sun was shining brightly in Hometown, Illinois. Valerie and Scott said their vows in the beautiful centuries old Golgotha Lutheran Church. The honor guard held their swords up high as the two officers emerged. Their smiles were brighter than the sun itself. As the walked arm and arm down the path they could see the lady from child welfare agency holding baby Sarah Lee. The baby was in cryogenic chamber number one on the alien ship. Valerie and Scott loved her from the moment the chamber was opened. Their smiles broadened even more. At the end of the path Sergeant Pat Wrobel and Corporal Nick Blazina crossed their swords and smiled at the couple. Pat announced, “Sir, you may not pass until you kiss.” The crowd began to cheer as Scott and Valerie kissed on the path. The lady from the child welfare agency stepped up and handed baby Sarah Lee to Valerie. She turned and look around. There in the crowd smiling at her was everyone she had become close to. She saw Captains Matthew and Linda Merriel, Matthew Bushman and the always colorful Alan Erskine. Up front was her maid of honor Amy Zero, and Susannah Franklin. Of course all of the marines were in their official dress blues, they were led by Sergeant Pat Wrobel and Corporal Nick Blazina. Valerie took in a breath as a tear came to her eye. She looked at Scott and said, “My life is complete.”
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