By pkroutray
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(In the following delineation” I” stand for “A retired life”)
Generally a man retires or superannuates at the age of sixty. Rules have been made accordingly. Society thinks at this age man stops contributing, his creative power goes down, he needs mental and physical rest. Perhaps as a mark of gratitude, society gives him rest with a clear intention to serve them. This class of persons excludes politicians who generally start their career at this age and shape the destiny of the country with their so called experiences, this also excludes a section of intelligent, powerful, God blessed persons who make their groundwork from their employment period so that they never retire .In fact they are gifted people and rule of retirement is not applicable to them. They are like kings of olden era who do not retire but sometimes renounce. However such exceptions give rise to inequalities and frustration. Of course this may be a result of the PARABDHA or one’s action in past life. These exceptions do not appear in this delirium but contribute to such delirium.
Before further deliberations by way of this delirium I must touch the dilemma of the society as to at what age a man should be given this status, whether it could be (a) At 65, 70 years of age (b) According to the own will of the man while he is pursuing his business (unless his kith and kin drive him out), (c) As per a medical board’s certificate. (d)As per superior officer’s certificate? A Chairman, a professor, a director of yesterday who were so much required by society can not contribute to day! Really it is a topic to be analyzed and debated upon. “Does the society need the capable retired ones to serve befitting to their capabilities?” Experts may debate, if it has not been done already. However the delirium talked of here is based on the retirement age of sixty.
Are there any scriptures existing on this subject? Are their interpretations not being correctly analyzed, understood and implemented? Then why have our Subramaniums (Referred later) been produced? I beg that all experts and philanthropists to reflect.
I retired after forty years of service; received the major part of my dues and had a nice farewell at 5pm on the last day. Friends, Colleagues and seniors spoke high of me and my contributions and wished me the best for rest of my life and even beyond .I have heard similar farewell speeches on many such occasions for my senior colleagues. But still it was pleasant to hear about my own laurels. Under the above inflation to my ego I felt aggrieved for a thought that I would not again enter in to the premises as I used to do so long. Many painful flashes of my past unions and separations in last forty years of my service career appeared before my eyes. At that instant I realized, how did “The forty years even that too sixty years of my life” fly away like calendar pages of days, weeks, months and years in flash of a moment under a strong blow of wind? It looked exactly similar to a symbolic representation of a passing past happening which is commonly adopted in a film to jump over the time. Can we find a way to hold time steady? Then HIS MAYAS (delusion) will be replaced by our logic.
I suddenly started doubting as to whether the society, the family would need me with same expectation and warmth. But I would certainly need them unlike what was the state till a day before. The thoughts based on examples, as to what had happened in real lives, illustrated in fictions and my imaginary apprehensions, passed through my minds eye.
A judge after retirement enjoyed playing as a horse and an elephant to his grand child; afterwards it became almost a profession for him against his will. A retired professor in literature had to teach A B C to his grand children, for too long a period which was beyond his liking.
In their quest to share their moments of pride with their successful son in USA Mr. &Mrs. Mallick had miserable time in doing baby sitting not to their liking but as per the dictates necessity (or requirement of his son & daughter-in-law) and we his neighbors felt pity in watching the change of their tone from a pitch of pride to extreme frustration when they managed to cut short their stay at USA and came back.
Further when ever I visited Gour babu, two years older to me, I used to see his frustrations mainly based on comparison with his friends and contemporaries who were less sincere, less honest, less intelligent and less industrious and what not but had better fortunes, such as, a job after retirement, better-placed sons and daughters, high rise in service career etc. Even a telephonic talk by his neighbor from his phone to neighbor’s daughter in USA” disturbs him and his wife and gives rise to their remorseful comparison and distressing discussions, at times leading to disturbances between the couple. Ultimately they blame God. My philosophical advice and sermons had no contribution to mitigate their depressions.
Some of my colleagues and classmates had taken voluntary retirements. Palit a brilliant scholar during his career pursued study of Sanskrit literature and scriptures, which his family had tolerated with much difficulty. Later he joined the divine society as a fulltime member. Some of them took up other assignments to have more years before they retire. Ratikant joined teaching from which he would retire two years after me. He forgot that two years also would fly away in a moment. Of course he stretched it by teaching unteachables.
Raju baju had retired from police service three years back; recently suddenly he lost his memory power. People attribute it to the chair and retirement.
A director general of Police crawled and danced with his baby grand children in a deranged mental condition after retirement.
We certainly have overheard the distressing discussions of old persons in a park or on a rest bench during their morning and evening walks. Generally they talk of their frustration and agony on the dealings, which they get from their near and dear ones and from those on whom they had bestowed all their fortunes and love.
These thoughts dampened my spirit and gave rise to frustration and fear towards the balance period of my life. The thought of “What would be the routine and activities of my life on the next day and then next to next day” was a nightmare for me.
Suddenly my family and relatives started showing compassion towards me. A deviation was noticed in their attitudinal alignment towards me, which was different compared to their earlier dealings. In all previous occasions I had a major say in all matters; But now I feel as if I am being ignored. Now I have to go out regularly for bringing grocery and vegetables under compulsion as I only have idle time to stand in queue and wait for the rush. Indeed I feel that I am at mercy of those who were at my mercy till yesterday. Once I saw, one of my friends who retired as an SP standing for his choicest piece of mutton from 6am to 11 am. Afterwards he had to pathetically compare his present fate to his past dreamy days and lament with his drooping moustache in a philosophical tone.
Suddenly an old joke against my Ex-CMD disturbed me. Our ex-CMD cancelled our leave citing that he had surrendered all his casual leaves for two years and had not taken any leave for a year. The joke is “He was a master in the office but an unpaid servant at home. Naturally he must be enjoying in office while lamenting at home unlike us”. A joke in lighter vein is too heavy when it actually happens in real life. I swear, I should not have told the joke if I had not forgotten that I would retire one day and face a real life situation. Now “what would be my fate?” was worrying me. “Serving at home or that too at any place without a master,” may be treated as a hobby and is acceptable if we are allowed to perform at our sweet whims, at own willed pace. And may be enjoyable also. But as a commitment and a requirement under a master it will be hardly acceptable. Many apprehensions on future dealings of my wife, family, and the society above all gave me too much discomfort and pain. Now I realize “why did Subramanium, a retired bureaucrat suddenly started dancing and jumping with children, fought with them over a rubber cricket ball, not for a day but for number of days till his only son came from USA and got him admitted in an asylum. This news came in the newspaper. During his service career, Mr Subramaniam was a powerful, successful and strict disciplinarian and upright bureaucrat.
Just a day after retirement I felt the pinch, which went on increasing at faster pace compared to my adjustment and adaption to the surroundings & situation. Friends deserted, colleagues and, juniors forgot and some looked for any omissions or commissions omitted and committed during my service career, to highlight, to satisfy their ego and to take revenge which I owed to them. If you have out standing dues from the company you served it is an opportunity or a field for a show of their power. Mobile phone calls for help gradually were ignored. It was very much painful to sever the relationship with the company you loved and served, stayed nearly for thirty years and the company which gave you respectful and dignified life while in its service. But the inflicted sufferings and insults attributable to a man’s demonical nature have to be tolerated. As I feel, the Chair does not identify a man. The chair is transitory. But the fruit of action committed while in chair hardly get mercy from HIS chair. Hence retired persons deserve all virtuous words like mercy, sweet dealings etc at least from his old coleagues. They are at the forefront to answer for the sins they jointly committed.
I must narrate a plight or a true-life situation. Mr Nayak retired from Rourkela steel plant from the chair of ED. He was a terror during his service career. As a senior management person for twenty-five years, he could maintain his distance and fearful personality till his retirement. After retirement, for a few months, employees made way for him in a queue and wished him and he was helped in his shopping works with respect. But gradually he was ignored and ultimately, from saheb to sir then to Mr Nayak and then it turned to “Hi old man” within a span of a year. Mr Nayak had love for Rourkela and must have decided to stay there being certain of his anticipation of continual status. I really pity for you, sir. Really man is a soul and all souls are parts of same source. We all were created by one father i.e., MANU. It is a bitter truth for a chair.
I found the retired persons stand far inferior compared to the common man while traveling in public transport and standing in any queue. Even while getting a legitimate thing done, he resorts to the righteous path without breaking the system as per his learning and practices during his service life. But an ordinary man does not bother for all these and easily ventures to break the system knowing well where to bribe. An Ex-chief engineer stood helplessly in various queues seven times one day for eight hours for electric bill, telephone bills, water bill, bank and post office work and in a ration shop. Then he understood himself “Who is he”? Is he “A body holding to his past post”, “Lost chair” or “A soul”.
Society is not prepared to accept us the retired person as they deserve. It seems to be too busy to think of us. Sons and daughters search old age homes to settle their parents thus somehow fulfilling their obligation towards them. They end their worries, getting a sense of satisfaction that they have repaid the parental love and affection with compound interest by putting them under the mercy of the management of such organization. As told earlier a Professor of literature will be forced to teach alphabets to his grand children if he is lucky. Otherwise he has to take up manual labors as an occupation to earn his livelihood if he has not been too selfish to have saved enough money and particularly lucky in his investment plans. (Interest has become low and going down day by day).
The high pitch voice of a proud and boasting father having rich and well settled sons abroad melted down and his throat became dry when he narrated his plight of ill treatment meted in the hands of his daughters in-law. He stared cursing their parents for bad upbringing and his own sons and wife for all his miseries. All his vanity of having being blessed by destiny with such a nice family cracked down and collapsed as a pack of cards.
It is generally told that people dream of future, but we the retired persons dream of our past pleasant lives the childhood days and the days of employment or business we repent about “what we have done and what we could have done”.
Oh Saints and Monks! Kindly tell us what wrong we committed please guide future mankind to learn and act as per your advice and according to scriptures in order to attain peace, bliss and tranquility of mind particularly in retired life.
After serving for forty years when we retire we feel upset. No suitable job for which we were taught trained and, experienced. “A Director Finance selling grocery, a general manager of materials starting a hostel etc” look embarrassing and ridiculous and an insult to the retired community. Can these be treated as hobby or a pastime or a regular job for survival? Perhaps Subramanium hanged on to his chair or got confused with the chair body and soul or the society could not understand him. Who is mad, Mr Subramanium or his son & the society?
If we analyze the different phases of life, the associated people & their influences and the aims of these phases we arrive at the following table. This speaks that we all neglect and are least prepared for third phase of life.
Phase Period of life Broad purpose Support
Phase-1 Up to age-21 years Study, health Parents, teachers
Phase-2 From age 21 to 60 years Earning Money to run family, look after children Colleagues, family
Phase-3 Beyond 60 years Maintenance of yourself Wife children and friends
The phase-1 of a life is mostly dedicated for the Phase-2 of the life in real sense of the terms. But Phase-1 and Phase-2 of life have no major plan or impact for Phase-3 of the life. Is it like this: phase 1 prepares us to commit sin and in phase 2 we commit the sin and after retirement we make attempt to atone it, or we reap the harvest alone ourselves without preparation and real support.
After reaching the age of superannuation, when we think of our past, we heave a sigh of grief, grievance and repentance, we feel tempted to recollect the past two phases of life as a history. These phases can be analyzed critically for the benefit of younger generations and the analyis would definitely expose our lapses in our preparation for the third phase of our life. We certainly knew very well that this phase of life would come. Then our strength, stamina and confidence in our physical and mental ability would dwindle. “To look after us by first group or second group” will not certainly be in the priority list of their agenda. Mostly we have to look after our selves. Then we were unable to know the ultimate goal of life and sub goals to reach the same and also we could not differentiate between means of achieving and the goal it self. Till yesterday we were captains and majors, serving the society and nation. To day can we not contribute? When asked friends mostly reply with a heavy sigh but without any certainty of their plan for future as if tomorrow is our “D” day. Psychologists, experts in the field and shapers of our destiny “Please react and reflect”!
On seeking advice from various groups as to how to spend time, how and when to train for this third phase of life, instantly the following suggestions came: -“Keep good health and pass time”. Any way passing time or killing time” is not easy. An Ex-bioengineer once remarked on his engagement that one-day he had gone to Grocery shop 11 times and a retired chief engineer dedicating his time for cooking and cleaning. As per some retired persons enough works can be created in a house for two persons and even for a single person (you have to enlist and pursue.) e.g. arranging mason and carpenter as per your choice, and so on and so forth. This would take so much time and there will be so many failures in commitments that, you may think of learning all such trades. Further the high handedness of any supplier will keep us engaged for all the days. You have to learn the methods of getting justice and tricks of consumer court and right to information act. Hence you are totally busy. There is also another way “Pick up a quarrel and aggravate it leading to court and lawyers. If you can continue it, without being a Subramanium then you have mastered the scriptures. Let us think for a moment “Who were doing these jobs earlier? Who had created the situation? Can we retired people not do some thing in this regard!”
Are we having no goal left and no means to achieve the same? We had our aim at first phase to compete study and get a good assignment for second phase of life. In the second phase we concentrated on “How to excel and surpass others” During these days we had forgotten the third phase of life. No time could be spared to think, plan and prepare our selves to seek happiness, peace and bliss in the third phase of life, in which we require them, the most. At first and second phases of life, age was favorable; strength and capability were there to withstand the emotional and mental crisis and sufferings. Further external factors like decreasing rate of interest on retired man’s deposit, rising prices and rising trend in ego, greed and dishonesty, are taking toll of retired persons Hence “our negligence for preparation for this phase of life” is torturing us and making us too philosophical.
With above back drop a man beyond sixty recollects his past days not only thinking of self but also thinking about others who had contributed and possibly could have contributed to make this period to be enjoyable ,blissful and more meaning full. Oh mad man! Did you know the goal of life? You knew only the goal of the first two phases of life never bothered or were taught to integrate the goals of human life for all three phases. Hindu scriptures tell—SATYAM DHIMAHI.TO HOLD ON TO KRISHNA BY HOOK OR BY CROOK. This gives rise to many philosophical questions and preparations in all phases of life. Hey! Scientists, the atheists, Can you find a solution and give guidance?
A set of questions were asked to an elite cross section of retired persons, well wishers, and also to common men in different walks of life at different age groups centering round ” what a retired person should do”, A number of suggestions came. They have been analyzed and enumerated below for further analysis and reflections. The questionnaires were asked to different age groups with particular emphasis to consider the following aspects:
1. Practical experience
2. Practical observations.
3. The guidance of Dharma. (Righteousness)
4. Own suggestions.
They are
1. WRITING - Write and list out those things, you could not do in the earlier part of your life, which could have contributed, to the cause of society. Observations: Who will listen and read? There is enough materials to read. Your standard and reputation might not be able to generate any response. With old age eyes may not support favorably to read, write and edit. Secretarial assistance to type and print is difficult. Further when it becomes voluminous it will become a problem for your kith and kin to dispose or store it, This is a real fact of life. The daughter of a famous artist is running pillar to post for storing her fathers’ works. Writing for others at this age requires Gods gift as no body has time to read. We may write for ourselves. Your house will need a space for you and for storing your works. Grand children will joke and create difficulties. All your health problems will be attributed to your writings and too many readings neglecting your yoga and pranayam. Morning walks would get neglected. Above all your assistance in house hold chores would be questionable.
2. HEALTH - Maintaining health by physical exercise, Meditation and Pranayam. Health means both mental and physical health for you and for your brethren and above all that of society that of environment. Hence it is a mad talk. Observation: Health is a vast subject the physical health has been commented upon elsewhere below. Definitely we retired persons should work and contribute and fully concentrate on this aspect as we along with other members of the society have degraded it out of greed and lust. But power centers both official and private must support.
3. RELIGIOUS PURSUITS - On religious pursuits like Bhajan, Prayer and participating in religious celebrations. Observation: Youth of present era and future retired persons will laugh as they want to see hear, taste, smell and touch the result. Further you find ill health, pollution and politics in most of the religious places and you lose inner devotion. You may be treated and criticized as escapist, because you will not be there to act horse for your grand child or for bringing salt from market but will be joining illiterates who were seen as uncultured.
4. READING - Reading and enjoying it. Observation: Then you must have correct guidance on “whom, where when and what? Does reading contribute to good health, and healthy emotion and hence to the psychology of an ageing man? Will it contribute to our dharma which as per Hindu scripture is (a) Bhajanamand chintanam (b) Dana (c) keep commitment or promise to maintain and preserve the treasures of earth. All of us are acting as demons with greed, lust and all demonical instincts in our pursuit for happiness. Hence “what to read” is a difficult decision. It may disturb your budget.
5. TO SERVE THE NEEDY - To serve the needy. Observation: Easier to say than done e:g we thought of planting trees in all weekly markets at Bhubaneswar, but were not allowed by local inhabitors. Question came “to which political party did we belong? What was our motive?” Once while searching for poor and needy people, it was found that all the beggars near a temple were moneylenders. For other needy, needier does not feel their deficiency and need spiritual inputs, and an utopian task. But we will attempt.
6. TO EARN MONEY - To earn money for future rainy days of self and family or for more needy? Observations: “Getting a job befitting to your pre-retirement status” is difficult. Whether earning at any cost is acceptable? But it is a method to serve the needy and society. But the job should have dignity.
7. PLAYING GAMES - Outdoor, Indoor games, computer games. Observations: We have to search the place and partners. This becomes practically very difficult Further if we start playing in some body’s house, it may invite wrath for him. We have to swallow Our own words of criticizing it as a wasteful and unproductive engagement of manpower when we see in almost in all villages in India that some will be playing cards or dice while some would be commenting or assisting and some would be sleeping with sleepy participation. We usually see this site while passing through on the road of any village. Who earn for them? Is it a time wasting and unproductive job or a blessing for all?
8. COMPUTER- Spend time on computer for part time earning, share, reading and listening, listening and playing and chatting in internet and e-mails. But beware of your eye sight, get selective. Can it give health and happiness?
9. TV WATCHING - Any channels of your choice. Observations: Can anybody continuously watch a TV without harming himself? While selecting channels we generally choose a channel which we usually refrain others from viewing because of its harmful effects. Can we have exclusive arrangement for ourselves? Can we tolerate the commercial breaks? It has been proved beyond doubt that “T V watching” is bad. Also question comes when and what.
10. WHAT EVER WHENEVER YOU LIKE - Walk, sleep, watch TV, read as per mood and pass the time. Gossip with so many groups formed by you. Observation: Can we not contribute to society? Shall we not attempt to mitigate the sins committed by us? Can any body suggest authentically the routine like a doctor of diabetes?
11) RELIGIOUS DISCOURSES - Go on listening discourses live in all religious places in the town and media.
Observations: Be aware of conflicts and their intra and inter infighting before it costs you. Also cooperation of your family especially your better half is required. But who will tolerate the crack fellow? It may point out many sins committed in your life. Atonement may be difficult.
12) NGO - Start or join an NGO.
Observations: What should be the motto of NGO? All members should have same pursuit. NGOs have created bad reputation going to conflicts, politics, unholy means and lost goals. Society has started looking at them with suspicion.
13) POLITICS - Join a political party.
Observation: Can it be a medium to atone your sins committed? Have you enough money? Have you enough support? Can you tell umpteen lies and survive? Can you have muscle power? And then we must have luck and strength to withstand selfish and demonical pressures. To day or tomorrow rotten eggs and stolen and snatched chappals will come on you.
14) HOUSEHOLD WORKS - Find works at home and sleep rest of the time.
Observations: Can any body continuously do this job as discussed earlier in this delirious discourse after forty years of active employment? Will it go fruitful and satisfy us in our repayment for the sins?
15) FIGHTING FOR ALL WRONGS SEEN IN DAILY LIFE - To fight for all wrongs, injustices, teaching all what is rectification or wrong and their right.
Observations: will those whose demonical interest is otherwise not crush such attempts? You need support and blessings of all. Professional groups exist, NGOs exist, and medias exist for the job. But wrong doings are on increase. Solution may be found to root it out.
16) TO LOOK AFTER GRAND & GREAT GRAND CHILDREN - To look after children in India or abroad-As baby sittings cost to your near and dears. Also enjoy your grand and great grandparent hood. Observation: Enjoy rendering service without expecting any thing in return. Had you given anything in return to your grand father even to your father? Will it be a fitting engagement? Where is your independence?
17) GOSSIP AWAY - Make groups to gossip, discuss, laugh, dine together, walk together, and fight together. Help one another. Observation: It is difficult to frame such group. But with advanced age and experience it may be possible. It may not be acceptable to your family members. There may a fight among old men while arguing based on a discussion or a gossip. Some disputes have to be settled then and there. If not settled you may have a difficult time.
18) VISITING ALL RELIGIOUS PLACES - Visit at regular intervals all religious places in the town and other places and join in their celebrations.
Observations: Your health & stamina, strength, purse, friends and family should permit and accompany if possible.
19) HOBBY - To pursue hobbies,
Observations: Childhood hobbies like philately, photography are costly hobbies which could be maintained by father’s money but with dwindling interest rate of deposits it is difficult to manage with one’s own reserve. Further contemporaries will be young hence we will be outdated and out laughed As to hobby of pursuing games acceptable to age, the facilities and friends of acceptable age group and mentality will be hardly available. Further will it have some benefit to any body except passing/or killing time?
20) NEW LEARNINGS - To know the unknown (Beyond learning and experiences) as per comfort but as per a course designed in consultation with wel-wishers. Example may be reading scriptures of other religion, learning and practicing a new trade etc.
Observations: Area is vast
21) CONVINIENT COMBINATION OF ALL THE ABOVE - An optimum combination of all the above. Any suggestion? Any distribution and routine?
Observation: What should be boundary conditions, what should be the combination based on one’s Physical, financial and social limitations.
Another set oh suggestions (also common) illustrating a routine for the life after retirement came from a section of retired persons. This has been presented in the following paragraphs:-
04:00AM:- Wake up, Meditate and clean up
04:45AM to 05:45AM:- Computer:-
• E-mails
• Internet
• Papers and scriptures.
• Listening to music.
05:45AM to 07:15AM:- Walk, while walking listen to some discourses
07:15AM to 09:30AM:- Computer for internet .Reading - News papers and Yoga
09:30AM to 11:15AM:- Bath/Puja/Breakfast
11:30AM to 01:30PM:- Bank, Post office, Medical Bills, Visit to a holy place/friend. Consumer court, Assistance to needy and poor. Any house holds works.
01:30PM to 03:30PM:- Lunch and Rest
03:30PM to 05:30PM:- Reading , planning works for the next day.
Listening, reflecting on discourses and time with family.
05:30PM to 07:30PM:- Market/Bazaar Walking and chatting with friends.(Topics must be conducive)
07:30PM to 09:30PM:- Prayer, Japa and Meditation, Watching TV for News and other recommended program, Dinner prayer and rest.
Visit to a holy place/relative etc. Some seva works. Weekly schedule is to be drawn.
Monthly/yearly plan:-
Get to-gather:-
Same age group of different localities,
Same batch
Same college group
Same school
Same company etc
Visit to a religious place in-group
(you may have a different set of combinations ,timing and time for different hobbies).
Other common suggestions were
1) Your physical health should be your priority. You are your own doctor
2) As the basic language of Hindu is Sanskrit this must be learnt. And one should be acquainted with scriptures.
3) The essence of the Bhagavatam, which was meant for a dying man to die after seven days, should be taught as a preparation for retirement
4) A new scripture or nineteen puranas may be envisaged.
5) The parents, teachers, and others who contribute immensely for this part of life should be made aware of “Do’s and Don’ts.” So a man is prepared and conditioned from child hood for this stage of life.
6) Government, society and family must ensure financial stability of retired persons.
7) The retired persons may be provided community accommodation with cohesive and harmonious grouping with required facilities. Builders may come forward.
8) Spiritual classes and discourses should be conducted by all sections of religions.
9) They may be encouraged to make some philanthropic organizations to help society and themselves. Legally and financially they may be assisted.
10) Retired persons can be divided in to sub-groups as per age and physical and mental ability. Some can serve others and some need service from others.
11) Comments from spiritual angles.
a) Hindu scripture had found a solution for king Parikshit “what to do for seven days before death”. Can we interpolate some scripture or guide line for this period of life? Can God send another SUKA MUNI? Can our present saints, psychologists and experts find out “What a retired man should do” for a happy life and beyond, as wish to him in his Farwell on superannuation.
b) In this phase of life one should get immersed in the study of all scriptures. He should listen practice, discuss and impart.
c) Experts from all religions should come out with spiritual guidelines for this part of life.
The entire suggestions centre round health, happiness and divine blessings. we should debate and reflect on “Whether have these three any separate. Whether health can be achieved by following doctors’ advice? Whether happiness can be achieved by possession of wealth, materials or only by visiting temples? Has His divine blessing any contribution to the other two? How will we get divine blessings? Are there some thing beyond these three which should be aspired for by us?” The means to get them were also to be suggested. But it did not clarify as to whether retired person will remain greedy for the above for themselves or for all? Whether shall we again repeat the same mistake for not doing any thing as per requirement for future?
On the above “I” may be allowed to high light the suggestion, which looks outdated but most outstanding, pertinent and most significant as they are based on the analysis of imparted knowledge by Hindu scriptures. The man’s goal should be liberation of the soul.
One must have following GOALS,
To achieve this goal you should select a means as per DHARMA which is defined as -
1 Remembering GOD
2 DANA (offer)
4 Preserving (A) The wealth of the earth
(B) Creatures on the earth
(C) Knowledge on the earth
All trainings, attempts in all phases of life should aim at this.
Classes. Discoursers and discussions at least on the Gita and the Bhagawatam should be held at convenient and auspicious places regularly;
Similar discourses should be done for all religious.
WE, all retired persons NEED KNOWLEDGE, SYMPATHY, COMPASSION AND JUSTICE FROM All. Society must think and do SOME THING for this phase of life.
What is the goal of life and means to be adopted in different phases of life should be clearly understood and pursued.
“COMMENTS AND SUGESTIONS ARE WELCOME SO THAT A RETIRED PERSON LIVES WITH BLISS WITHOUT ANY PREDICAMENT AND CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS SERVICE OF OTHERS. The society must fully utilise them by retraining if required. It should serve them. They should not be left lamenting for their misery.
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