Toxic Creature
By pkroutray
- 332 reads
Toxic creature
P K Routray
A wolf couple in a forest
prowling in a prey’s quest
out of many days’ hunger
the male could no longer bear.
They found a human corpse
in the distant side of river’s course
Human flesh tastes sweeter
hardly had they got such a dish earlier.
They crossed the river stream very fast.
By the by she wolf had the power to sense a deed of past.
The male wolf caught hold of corpse’s hand
to satisfy its days’ hunger by feasting grand.
“No, no” shouted the she- wolf in anger
“ This man’s hand has helped needy never
Hence is not befitting for our dinner.”
The he wolf then caught hold of corpse’s leg
“Stop stop” Humbly the she wolf did beg”.
“The legs have never taken the man to any sacred place,
do not eat it or else we will fall out of God’s grace.”
The he- wolf put its mouth on the corpse’s eye
“No no, it had never borne tear for other’s cause” told the female with a sigh.
The male wolf looked at the brain of the dead body
“It has never thought good of anybody” told the lady.
Frustrated he- wolf put its paw on the corpse’s chest
imagining that soft and sweet would be lungs and heart.
Flared up the she- wolf at top of its voice out of anger
“Hey Idiot! Can you not bear hunger for a few days more?
This man loved none with sincerity and truth
Breathed the pollutants created and contributed by him since his youth.”
The hewolf jumped over thr dead corpse’s soft tummy
Hoping it with fat the flesh would have the taste of honey
“Hey pauper!” shouted she wolf and stopped her partner
“With sinful wealth in, the stomach is not our food proper.”
The hungry wolf could see the light of wisdom in its partners’ logic
and wondered “How and why did God create such creature tragic and toxic?”
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