Singing in My Thoughts (Poetry)

My collection of poetry





A search

A search P K Routray Perhaps three types of pains and pleasures exist in living beings,, At physical, mental or Intellectial level they create the feelings.

A thought on self

A thought on self P K Routray Edited by:P Gaan I am not the body nor mind nor intellect,

A tribal village

A tribal village P. K. Routray Edited by P Gaan Many villages are found on our mother earth

An illuminated water fall

An illuminated water fall P K Routray A common man with darkened future sees something different from poet in the grandeur, A boon in the form of a message, for him it is clear.


JANMASTAMI Edited by: P K Routray The title of the poem may sound strange,


LEARNING FROM OUR OBSERVATIONS P K Routray Edited by P.Gaan An epic in India tells about Jadu, a King of the Jadu-dynasty


MAN WILL DIE WITHIN SEVEN DAYS P K ROUTRAY Edited by P GAAN The title appears awkwardly strange I beg excuse for showing such courage. It is true that man will die,


THE UNGRATEFUL WRETCH P K Routray Edited by P Gaan


THE UNGRATEFUL WRETCH P K Routray Edited by P Gaan

Thought at sixty five

. Thought at sixty five P K Routray Edited by P Gaan I am sixty five retired from service,, for some other assignment I strive.

A befitting husband

A befitting husband P K Routray To make a wife little happy these are a few, a befitting husband needs to be. A friend, a companion, a lover, a man, a brother, a father,

A bemusing Hindu monk

A bemusing Hindu monk P K Routray Skinny, ash smeared, having long beard, wildly haired, who never gets scared, frail man with a loin cloth, with wisdom of a million worth,

A bemusing question

A bemusing Question P K Routray A disciple studied and mastered religious scriptures, with austerity and penance for twelve years Then he went to his master for further instruction,


A BOON P k Routray A man once meditated on Lord with pain and penance, The lord was pleased and offered him a boon to mitigate the man’s grievance. But He kept one condition;

A challenge to God

A challenge to God P K Routray Once a super scientist felt complacent on human scientific achievements, He thought of cosmos and God’s worries and patience.

A child prays

A child prays P K Routray My father and mother, superiors and teacher, always tell me to pray at dawn and dusk, following their way. As to whom to pray and what to pray,

A common man

A common man P K Routray

A comparison

A comparison P K Routray Down pours the rain, when its heaviness the sky cannot handle or retain. Tears also falls like rain, when the heart can no longer handle the pain

A criticism

A debatable question

A debatable question P K Routray Atheist does always see From God, religion to soul a superstition tree challenging His existence keeping religious belief and faith at a distance

A difference

A difference P K Routray From Google net, a surprise I could get, that I share with you to muse on a fact shocking but true Out of one hundred eight nobel laureates,

A Divine Sanction

A divine sanction P K Routray From the Holy bible, erose, agape, phileo and storge, as the types of love, these four forms only emerge love agape needs generosity, forgiving, and compassion


A FACT P.K.ROUTRAY Falsehood begets falsehoods, injustice breeds injustices, How can selfish motive and selfishness come to human services? With above sins in the society in the globe,

A Fading Dream

A fading dream (On death anniversary of my child hood class mate, friend Sangram Mishra) P K Routray Sangram! Before a long painful year three hundred sixty five dark nights earlier

A few gems from Mother Teresa

A few gems from Mother Teresa P K Routray “We ourselves feel what we are doing, is a drop in the ocean, But the ocean will be less because of that drop, be certain.”

A finding for scrutiny

A finding for scrutiny P K Routray A man always searches for happiness in his life, But the same eludes and puts him always in strife. If he looks at an ignorant child,


A flower P K Routray A flower is the quintessence of bliss and beauty, It remains the same to a genius or to a crazy.

A fool laughs

A fool laughs P Gaan P K Routray A fool laughs thrice tell the wise Thomases, First time he laughs without thinking,seeing people laugh in masses.

A Forecast

A Forecast P K Routray For transfer and storage of information and knowledge on tree, sand and stone man has made many an invention. From palm leave and scribner


A FUN WITH STRESS P K Routray Here is a dare devil attempt for your surprising diversion, from rhythm and rhyme of a poem to meditation.

A funny Thought

A funny Thought P K Routray Today I got up at four in the morning, Suddenly a thought came up in me dancing. I have got plenty in life so far to smoothly row,

A gross mistake

A gross mistake P K Routray Both science and mysticism agree on one thing, that the highest form of evolution so far is human being.

A Harvesting : Cherished

A Harvesting: Cherished P K Routray An art, an entertainment and a fun once used extensively for paddy production, now replaced by machines, is on the verge of extinction

A Heart-break

A heart- break P K Routray A heart often breaks, when a relationship cracks, when the fear for future apprehends pain and torture, incidents real or thoughts imaginary

A Household tradition

A Household tradition P K Routray I beg to tell you a curious customary tradition, followed in every Indian house belonging to the sects of the Hindu religion

A Hug

A Hug P K Routray Hug is a physical expression of love, it remains the same across the globe, In every place and language, It's always understood as a mark of love and bondage.

A joke

A joke P K Routray To an audience a joke first time brings loud laughter, if told second time the laughter goes down on the ladder. On repeated citations it brings boredom.

A key to success

A key to success P K Routray Once a young man came to Socrates with an appeal, to know the secret of success, which to him the great philosopher will reveal.

A Lady and A River

A Lady and A River P K Routray In all languages, over the ages, in all countries, crossing all boundaries, Poets see a simile between a river and a lady.


A LADY NOW AND THEN P.K.ROUTRAY Girls are now topping the examinations, Girls are also at the top in scientific inventions.

A learning place for wisdom

places are kept bound.

A legend on rainbow

A legend on rainbow P K Routray Seven colors of rain bow symbolizes seven levels of consciousness leading a man from ignorance to enlightenment through this process.

A letter from a future net

A letter from a future net P K Routray A letter written in twenty second century found surprisingly in net, Perhaps it defeated the laws of time that science could upset.

A Lie

A Lie P K Routeay A lie has been a child’s sin, a parents’ easiest path to avoid the child’s wrath, a grown up boy’s usual tool for his acts to make parents fool,

A Longing

A Longing P K Routray Hey! Butterfly, catch you I try, out of jealousy, intent Inner fancy for a life like yours dreaming since years. With sweet will experience of thrill

A Look

A look (On a photo of a brooding old lady) P K Routray A fading memory holding a fistful of treasure of pearls, rubies and diamonds tinged occasionally with mire and mud


A lost love P K Routray “Without seeing the face, the beauty of a girl you can trace, by observing the beauty of the little finger of her toe,”

A meagre Toy

A meager Toy P K Routray Warning too feeble Cells, candles, matchsticks bread, butter, milk essential commodities out of stock from market kept in in freezes in frenzy

A Metaphoric Incident

A Metaphoric incident P K Routray “ Save me save me or else I will die’ Sinking down and rising up in water was a drowning man’s cry.

A Mistaken Goal

A Mistaken Goal P K Routray Money is the power to own, to fall in to its pitfalls, always the man is prone. It is our love and aspiration ‘To accumulate it’ is a man’s passion.

A Mother's Pain

A Mother's Pain P K Routray It is told that Del is the unit of measurement of pain, Forty five Del of pain a man in sense can sustain..

A Motherly Dream

A Motherly Dream P K Routray “To world atop my child will hop” dreams every mother praying God to confer on Her child the sovereignty of health, power and prosperity

A Mute Tree

A Mute Tree In the mid noon of hot summer, scratching heat making man to swelter, stands, the tree Gulmohar laden with beautiful flower gazing at the sun in meditating posture

A novice inference

A novice inference P K Routray Peace medal initiated by Alfred Nobel on the earth, for peace only to prevail a symbol for fraternity in the world to grow

A novice inference

A novice inference P K Routray Peace medal initiated by Alfred Nobel on the earth, for peace only to prevail a symbol for fraternity in the world to grow


A PART OF MY LIVE EXPERIENCE P.K.ROUTRAY Today I had my left eye surgery, I feel now I at my best to tell my emotional story.

A poetic error

A poetic error P K Routray I was on the net, types of love to get. I found the mistakes of the poets, as to where from the love secrets. to my surprise it is not from heart but from brain,

A Prayer

A Prayer P K Routray Please bless me with pains and pangs to suffer, But give me strength and courage to bear them with pleasure.

A Prayer

A prayer Pray we for you and I asking this or that whatever we want a period short or long or an amount more or less, may or may not be they good at the end for us. Unaware we

A prayer for the day

A prayer for the day P K Routray Oh Almighty! In our life you are our only goal, “To merge with you” is the sole aspiration of every soul

A price tag

A price tag P K Routray In everything we search for a price tag, Immaterial whether we give or take, beg or bag. But some stuffs like attention, insight and compassion have no such value,

A problem

A problem P K Routray Most of the time we act without thinking, rest of the time we think without acting.

A quarrel

A Quarrel

A Quarrel P K Routray There arose a quarrel among past, Present and Future, As to who is the greatest was the cause of their agitated composure

A question?

A question? P K Routray People tell I am old, I question why so is told? Is it told judging my contribution on the basis of my chronological, biological or psychological condition?

A quote on Love

A Quote on Love P K Routray It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love, how you love, it matters only that you love

A rainbow

A rainbow P K Routray After a rain when the sun is seen again with dark background of once thundering cloud the scenic beauty of rain bow does the nature throw to show a flowering path

A Rebirth

A Rebirth P K Routray Edited by P Gaan I am an engineer by education, Was a technocrat by profession? I served for forty years

A Reflection

A Reflection P K Routray The bounty and the beauty of the nature, the scenic splendor and subtle fragrance of the flower, supplementing the splendor of the flower, the dancing stream of water,

A reflection on anger

A reflection on anger P K Routray Anger is definitely a deadly devil, Man is taken straight to the hell after and even before death by this evil.

A Riddle of love

A Riddle of love P K Routray Edited by P Gaan

A rustic’s parable.

A rustic’s parable. P K Routray Edited by P Gaan There dwelt a king kind and considerate in an Indian state

A saintly observation

A saintly observation P K Routray Society does not go down and ruin, because of criminals heinous action, but because of good people’s inaction,

A shoulder

A shoulder P K Routray As to a query of my mummy as to the most important part of a body, I mused for a while, “It is sound” I came out with a smile, hence to me it was the ear

A simile

A simile P K Routray The sun rises everywhere, but the crop grows only there where farmers put up hard work. Similarly God pervades every where

A Simile

A Simile P K Routray Flowers of silk cotton before their petals bloom open with its color and grandeur the parrots, they do lure. Around it, parrots continue to hover

A six liner

A six liner P K Routray Accept your past, without any regret to lambast. Handle your present, without any tension but by being confident. Face your future, without fear of failure.

A Stone’s autobiography for a human being.

A Stone’s autobiography for a human being. P K Routray

A strange sight

A strange sight P K Routray Out of fun and curiosity, I surveyed my house, town and country from net via a goggle map I could locate my house and lane I could distinguish

A strange Thought

A strange thought P K Routray A mosquito can kill hundreds but it does not, it is great, A fly can cause death to hundreds but it does not do, it is great,

A Suckling Child

A Suckling child P K Routray For two years towards end of my service career, I was posted in a plant to a tribal area it was very near. A hilly forest with practically no logistic,


A TALE OF A DEAD BODY P K Routray Edited by P K Routray I am a dead body, Amidst lamentation and grief I am lying still and steady. Consciousness deserted me a few moments back,

A tale of a spirit

Tale of a spirit P K Routray My dear mummy I see you cry, your tear runs like a perenial river never stops for me I was neither drunk nor driving fast I swear this as true.

A teacher and a Guru

A Teacher and a Guru P K Routray A teacher takes responsibility of your growth A Guru makes you responsible for your growth- a real truth

A teacher and a Guru

A Teacher and a Guru P K Routray A teacher takes responsibility of your growth A Guru makes you responsible for your growth- a real truth

A teaching

A teaching P K Routray Happiness, peace and bliss to get from inner abyss is the ultimate goal, a man sets but on his way, he is lost in his sub goals’ nets.

A thought

A thought P K Routray The mind is a garden and the thoughts are seeds, One can grow flowers or one can grow weeds. The conscience is the mentor which puts the manure to fertilize the mind

A Thought

A Thought P K Routray On a gloomy day When I found no way to come out of problems and plight, all adversities together physical, mental and natural I had to fight.

A thought on thoughts

A thought on thoughts P K Routray Psychologists categorize the thoughts based on three concepts considering pathological, logical and emotional aspects.

A thought to ponder

A thought to ponder P K Routray It is the mental attitude of your own, that makes the world for you alone. Your thoughts make things divine and beautiful,

A Tribute To B.N Ratha

A Tribute To B.N Ratha P.K Routray A boss, a senior, a colleague and a friend Santa Claus came to bless his end. Builder of RSP, Nourisher of BSL, Revamper of Rourkela Plant,

A tribute to the Iron Lady

A tribute to the iron lady P K Routray Iron Lady Madam Margaret Thatcher Great Britain’s so far lone lady prime minister left her mortal remains on her journey to Heaven

A truth

A truth P K Routray Let us live limiting our need to the bare necessity but not to the mounting greed. Because a beggar can satisfy his need but an emperor cannot satisfy his greed.

A Tummy

A Tummy P K Routray Belly is bulging out, Belt failed in the bout. The belt challenged with authority, out of owner’s concern for beauty but it had to surrender meekly

A Tussle

A Tussle P K Routray Lust greed anger attachment vanity and jealousy had once a tussle, as to which of them to a man is the worst baneful.

A Weird Dream

A weird dream P K Routray Beauty and nectar, fragrance of the flower, soft touch of the petal. are divine blessings to a mortal. Flying as per will and whim singing to the tunes of hymn

A white Peacock

White peacock P Gaan P K Routray (1) A white peacock spreading its tail, in a dancing posture does it tell, “Look, I am the most beautiful of creatures,

A Woman- An embodiment of beauty

A Woman- An embodiment of beauty P K Routray A daughter and a sister, a lover and a partner, a friend and philosopher, a nurse and a teacher, above all a mother,

A woman’s choice

A woman’s choice P K Routray Every woman heart has different inscriptions written in her tears and through her actions, in her eyes as well as through her smiles and silence,


Accomplishment P K Routray Even a fool can accomplish a task from the start, if it were after his or her heart But the intelligent ones are those who can convert every job,

Act as per your conscience

Act as per your conscience P K Routray Many people have many opinions, based on their own logic and own missions, Without yielding to them, act as per your conscience

Adieu anger

Adieu anger P K Routray Anger does not only lead a person to hell, but also puts on a living man the pain of a death nail. Anger brings with it many deadly diseases,

After Retirement

After retirement, P K Routray I am retired, even though I feel that for doing a job further I am not tired. I feel that I am hale and hearty,

After rEtirement

After retirement, P K Routray I am retired, even though I feel that for doing a job further I am not tired. I feel that I am hale and hearty,

An abstract thought

An abstract thought P K Routray If the man would have the power to reduce the distance between each of the following pair Vanity and self respect, Love and attachment,

An apologetic thought

An apologetic thought P K Routray Wimbledon tennis, since nineteen sixty three, I have been privileged to read and see, Now live on TV channel, earlier in the news paper,

An artistic logic?

An artistic logic? P K Routray An artist differentiates the dusk from the dawn with his brush painting the games between darkness and illumination.

An atheist’s prayer

An atheist’s prayer P K Routray Oh God! Intently and intensely in misery for you, pray and cry we but never in our difficulties your presence to help us physically we see.

An atheist’s prayer

An atheist’s prayer P K Routray Oh God! Intently and intensely in misery for you, pray and cry we but never in our difficulties your presence to help us physically we see.

An embarrassment

An embarrassment P K Routray The sun doth blush, painted with His red colored brush when at dawn the cover of darkness has gone after a gap of twelve hours the sun comes and scours

An eye witness

An eye witness P K Routray A little rain and a mild wind gaining momentum and speed from intensity mild, suddenly turned lurid and wild. Confusion and chaos land water and sky across

An Indian weekly market

An Indian weekly market P K Routray To my respected readers I must brief on an Indian site where I usually make weekly twice my visit. It is a biweekly market for common people


AN INFERENCE P.K.ROUTRAY In a school there was an art competition, The subject was “to draw an art on cow in any position.” A student submitted an answer paper blank,

An inner voice answers

An inner voice answers P K Routray Within lives the wisdom benign Seek and contemplate all answers and advice you will get. if you consult your inner voice in solitude,

An ode to dear Subash

An ode to dear Subash P K Routray Far back in seventy did we finish our education, And to pursue life further each of us left for a destination.


Anchor P Gaan P K Routray Anchor keeps the ship fixed in a sea, Anchor in man’s life is a virtuous she Anchor for the family is the love of parental

Ancient Rice Mill

Ancient Rice Mill P K Rpitray Perhaps to the wonders of the modern readers present here me a pivture of “Dhinki” an ancient rice thrasher, not using gas, oil or coal at all

Anna Hazare in India

Anna Hazare in India P K Routray Edited by: P.Gaan A day after celebration of the sixty fifth Independence day

Anna Hazare- The crusader against corruption

Anna Hazare- The crusader against corruption P K Routray Edited by P Gaan A day after celebration of sixty fifth Independence day

Ant Hill

Ant Hill P K Routray White ant, black ant and red ant minute creatures with many a variant. They make their dwelling places on their own

Anything beyond and behind

Anything beyond and behind P K Routray Look back you will get experience of life, Look forward you will seek hopes in rife. Look around you will find realities happening,

As you sow, so you reap

As you sow, so you reap P K Routray if you plant honesty you will reap trust. If you plant goodness you will reap friends and friendship will never rust.

At a burial ground

At a burial ground P K Routray In an off day for an experimental experience Arrived at a Hindu burial ground, in a small town to spend time as long as I can to my heart’s content

Autumn in India

Autumn in India P K Routray Poets since the days of yore eulogize the autumn season from their hearts’ core The climate remains cool and pleasant

Ayansh - Prince of St. Gallen

Ayansh - Prince of St. Gallen P Gaan P K Routray (1) Prince of St. Gallen, how do you do, We see you in picture only, not the real you. When you will come to India to show your sweet face,

Banyn Tree

Banyan Tree P K Routray With majesty stands a banyan tree In its thick foliage beauty of the nature we see. Its shed in summer is a paradise to a traveler

Beast creative

Beast creative P K Routray Happy remains always a child except for short spells of cries for physical needs which make him wild playing, talking and singing on his own

Beauty Absolute

Beauty Absolute P K Routray Touch, taste, sight, smell and sound together only can give perception all-round of an entity as a yard stick in measuring its absolute beauty.

Best and worst

Best and worst P K Routray Do you know when your best and worst come together? Your life’s best lesson is learnt in the worst of your time and from your worst mistake or from either.

Best Wishes

Best Wishes P K Routray Best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year, to each of my dear friends and ABCtales' reader. Beat wishes for your happiness and health,

Beyond life

Beyond life P K Routray Horizon beyond the ocean is neither the end of horizon nor the end of the ocean but the limit of the human imagination. Similarly the death is not the end of the a soul

Birth Day

Birth Day P K Routray Can you define a birth day? Why do you celebrate it with joy? Is it for losing one precious year of your life,

Bite and Chew

Bite and Chew P K Routray Do Not Bite Off More Than You Can Chew, This maxim needs to be remembered constantly with much ado. We often tend to take more responsibilities,

Bitter memory

Bitter memory P K Routray I was waiting in the waiting hall for the doctor, saw her name plate on the door. Gita cathalina was the name I saw,

Blessed we are

Blessed we are. P K Routeray Hey passerby! Sorry I am, please excuse me, Your wretched feet and damaged wears, now I could see Selfish I am, also I am greedy too

Bondage and cocoon

Bondage and Cocoon P K Routray Silk worms out of saliva of their own, make the cocoons, their wonderful creation, for their natural protection which if they want, they can cut open

Boon Regretted

Boon regretted P K Routray A Hindu monk meditated and succeeded in meeting God asked for a boon that he wants every living being on the earth to go to Heaven. The God granted the boon

Bouquet (A Pleiades Forme)

Bouquet (A Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Bouquet is everybody’s craze,, Brickbats do every one daze. Basking in the glory of garland around neck, Banter of others no one would take.

Calorie and Dollar


Can Money Buy?

Can money buy? P K Routray For money we run after cost to us, we hardly bother, means whether fair or foul we ignore, without caring the process even if we suffer,

Can you name?

Can you name? P K Routray Many forms of love do exist, Their identifications are here for you in gist. Devotee to god is love devotional, Parents to child is called love filial,

Can youC believe?

Can youC believe? P K Routray Everything you hear has four sides, as does it appear. One side is as you understand, the second is what the source does mean and demand,


Cancer P K Routray Cancer, cancer, cancer, a deadly disease almost with no cure practically no method to prevent, medical scientists so far could not dent?


CAR FESTIVAL AT PURI P.K.Routray Edited by p Gaam Today is the great holy day of the year,


Care P K Routray Wrecked Physically shattered emotionally either or both are common with age and life in isolation. Needs are love and care When the modern man has no time to spare.

Celebrating A Golden Jubilee

Celebrating A Golden Jubilee P K Routray Age but not the grace time but not the smile on the face youth but not the intellect have withered paying Mr. and Madam Mishra the due respect.

Change yourself

Change yourself P K Routray Change Yourself According to the Environment, Thus goes the saying, so profound and so brilliant. If you try to change the environment single-handedly,


Comparison P K Routray Comparison forces into mundane man’s horizon, gets the man frustrated at the show off, flaunted by neighbors and peers with ostentatious cheers.

Confusions on love

Confusions on Love P K Routray For this novice writer, there is much confusion, Whether love has any link with all varieties of passion?


Contentment P K Routray Edited by P Gaan A man was lying flat in a sea beach,

Cooperative wisdom

Cooperative wisdom P K Routray A self reflection on environmental destruction, on threats to creation, on inequality, poverty and moral degradation, forces us to borrow the wisdom

Corporate Strategy

Corporate Strategy (CLERIHEW FORM) P.K Routray While working in a forest, Michel and Kates, Seeing a tiger coming towards them, Michel put on his skates.


CRAVING FOR RECOGNITION P K Routray Though the recognition generates motivation and inspiration, but its absence and criticism cause pains and frustration. We generally crave for name and fame,

Create a day positive

Create a day positive P Gaan P K Routray (1) The day will be positive and fruitful if you think for the unprivileged, downtrodden on the brink

Critic and Mother

Critic and Mother P K Routray We are afraid of criticism and critic, immaterial whether they are constructive or destructive, rustic or caustic.


Cruelty P K Routray With timidity and humility a deer begs human mercy. With its grace and agility It adds to the creation, the beauty. A dear in a group or alone, standing or on the run


Cup and Lip P K Routray, There is a gap between cup and lip, Matter and energy playing their role in the stage of space and time close the gap allowing us to sip. The failure is one in million,


Cupid ( A Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Cupid makes stupid of men and women, Can no one resist its penetrating acumen.

Devil’s Blessings

Devil’s Blessings P K Routray From mud and mire dust and dirt in air get we lily and lotus, beauty of sun around us. From among weeds the most unwelcome

Divide and Rule

Divide and rule P K Routray “Divide and rule.” the principle is very simple to grab prosperity, pelf and power luck, the dame fortune will shower bringing people around you

Empty or Infinity

Empty or infinity P K Routray Intently and intensely we pray, theist or atheist be we may to somebody or something unseen and unknown Him, human acumen and logic have yet not shown.

Excuse me please

Excuse me please P K Routray At man, big and famous, great and genius world looks with awe in their praise many hymns they say. Legendary figures are they

Flower- a mute prayer

Flower, a mute prayer P K Routray A flower. not the fruit nor the leaf, nor the root nor the trunk, nor the shoot is the voice of a tree, the mute. With nectar- like honey in its core

Give up, never

Give up Never P K Routray From the brink of failure and defeat bounce back, you will, an achievable feat, if you do not surrender nor the opportunity you squander.


Gratitude P K Routray Grateful you are, tell you “Thank you sir” Expressing one’s gratitude in spoken form, a pleasant etiquette and a common norm, noted by he, you and society around

Happiness is personal

Happiness is personal P K Routray Success or no success needs a man happiness. With everything or nothing for happiness, man goes on searching. Conclusion the scriptures have drawn,

Illogical logic

Illogical logic P K Routray So goes a story from childhood memory. A tiger was drinking water upstream of a flowing river killred and ate a goat that drank water

Impossible is possible

Impossible is possible P K Routray By practice, perseverance and determination reach a man can his aspired destination Accepting failure, surrendering to fear and apprehension

Ingenuity, if transplanted

Ingenuity, if transplanted P K Routray Transplantation, the research is on to go beyond eye and kidney hand, leg, ear and limbs many.

Legal Complication

Legal Complication P K Routray Limbs transplantation a scientific acclamation Every limb of a dying man reuse a surgeon certainly can for the physical ability and joy

Love and Power

Love and Power P K Routray Charlie chaplin, the world has never seen a comic actor of his caliber a greatest comedy film maker bringing millions, smiles and laughter

Love eulogized

Love eulogized P K Routray Everyone needs love and care be it a man, an animal, trees even insects rare Love and attachment, too difficult to detach


Luckiest P K Routray Lucky are some with knowledge and wisdom Lucky are some with pelf, wealth and kingdom Lucky are some with stamina and strength awesome Luckiest are they

Man and Environment

Man and Environment P K Routreay Living species more than eight million live on the earth on its land, air and ocean. With free food, water, air and materials for protection

Man's muscled limb

Man's muscled limb P K Routray Tongue a limb unique to taste and speak, a function of organ of action, another for sense to get a feeling intense, more critical than ear and eye

Money - an aid to Man's Greed

Money - an aid to Man's Greed P K Routray Man and animal, all living species big or small have four needs to fulfill, need for food, hunger to kill,

My Dreams

My Dreams P K Routray Sweet dream, we cherish, With dream of life one does flourish Day dreaming is the trait of a foolish But real dream to me is always uppish.

Need versus Greed (Food)

Need versus Greed (Food) A handful of rice or a slice of bread starving for days or I shall be dead. I do not need sugar nor do I need butter hunger is painful bear I can no longer.

Need Versus Greed (Clothing)

Need versus Greed (Clothing) P K Routray With civilization cloths were worn To with stand cold warmth of the body to hold clothes are essential for mankind’s survival.

Need Versus Greed (Shelter)

Need Versus Greed (Shelter) P K Routray In summer, rain and winter needs a man protecting cover for his own self and for his each family member tiny babies, ailing wife, old father and mother.

Oh God! We need you!

Oh God! We need you! P K Routray Situation hopeless and helpless pray we intently, God to bless asking Him to pass our examination proving His worth for all time to come.

Only for a while

Only for a while P K Routray Off from duty, two days a week fun in adventure many of us seek. Driving one’s car through a difficult terrain gives thrills and a chance to entertain

Our Dear Subash

Our Dear Subash P K Routray In far seventy we finished our education, to pursue life further each of us left for a destination. In the mean while much time had passed on

Our Destination

Our destination P K Routray Inhuman, unhygienic, miserable, pathetic, uncultured, rustic, needy, hungry, anemic, emaciated, weak and sick, illiterate, ignorant, lack of logic,

Please Invent.

Please Invent. P K Routray Inventions are being carried on in every sphere and every direction to make up of the deficit in creation to meet the need of present generation.

Primitives were our ancestors

Primitive were our ancestors P K Routray Bed luxurious, room lustrous, climate artificial, heat and humidity optional as per our comfort and pleasure with least adjustment to natural weather

Priority and divine duty

Priority and divine duty P K Routray A professor of philosophy raising his students’ curiosity held a practical demonstration with water, sand and pebbles of different dimension.

Silent and smile

Silence and smile P K Routray Silences and smiles keep crises at miles Silence nips them before they see the morn, smile kills many of them even after they are born.

Subash, we cherish your company

Subash we cherish your company P K Routray Forty eight years before met we on a ragging floor in second hostel in REC our Alma-mater for the seniors’ fun and for us, the torture.

Success and Sacrifice

Success and Sacrifice P K Routray Lilly, jasmine, rose or lotus the flower remains only the focus ignore we, leaf, stem and root from soil and filth, vital energy to the flowers they route.

The infinity at net

The Infinity P K Routray Know not we even what we see. Limitless is the creation, limitless remains unseen unknown. Even if you are born again and again,


Why? P K Routray Read we story, read we novel, see picture and stories we tell. Villain and hero, good or bad we notice desirous we become to see, villain hero to punish

Wonder Of Wonders

Wonder of wonders P K Routray Clicked I the net world wonders to get. Results pushed me to wonder with flashing thoughts to ponder. Variation in the list is natural

An erroneous decision?

An erroneous decision? P K Routray An epitome of sin and vice hatred, violence and malice, all negative demoniac qualities is KALI as the poetic theme here sees.

Squint Eye

Squint Eye P K Routray Squint eye aiming at Washington looking at Sanghai. a god’s gift an aid to chit. Grieve you for poor child here but the healthy child is your dear.

Eve Teasing

Eve Teasing P K Routray With age and increasing Courage an adolescent boy for his infatuation and joy teases a girl, annoying her an act of eve teasing it is sure.

Forbidden apple

Forbidden apple P K Routray What a beautiful site! sure to increase the appetite I am jealous of the lady in the picture plucking an apple at her whim and pleasure

Fun with a departed soul

Fun with a departed soul P K Routray Take it as a mortal’s letter but do not bother for us or for your dearest dear we only look for our comfort and wellbeing as selfish we are sure.

I woke up

I woke up P K Routray Thank God! You wake me up in a cheerful way with early morning’s beauty on a vibrant display. With crimson rose color, the rising sun painting the sky


Incomparable P K Routray Greater than mother’s love, a virtue God has yet to evolve. Warmer than the hug of a father, He has not yet created any place still better.

Interesting Evolution

Interesting evolution (In future Man will be head only with leg and hand carrying it) P K Routray After a century or so unnecessary organs, away man will throw like the tail of a monkey

Keys to end sorrow

Keys to end sorrow P K Routray Four aphorisms appear in Indian scripture to aid man to end his misery and mental torture Possession of material wealth is purely transitory,


Loneliness P K Routray Retired old and alone, no works entrusted to be done, time to go to the other world is close by but not known,

Mom and God

Mom and God P K Routray God! Have you taken my mom? Didn’t you have a mother like we some? Pray, send her now for some days to me.

Monkey and Mercy

Monkey and mercy P K Routray From monkey the man over a long time span Darwin’s logical creation man is the improved version. Vanished the tail and hair and organs required rare.

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer P K Routray Good morning God. Pray I, seeking your gracious nod Above ostentation, pride I should stay with ignorance, anger, cruelty and fear kept at bay.

Mother's day

Mother’s Day P K Routray A mother’s day regards and respects for mothers to pay in an organized and grand way her contribution is remembered, we say.

Oh Mother!

Oh Mother! P K Routray A mother’s day For her I pray. She took pain so I could shine and reign. For me, my mother creator, mentor and sustainer. Expressing my gratitude,


Ostentation P K Routray On ostentation, the word meanings, the dictionaries throw, “Of wealth and innate trait, a man’s pretentious or conspicuous show”.

Our Dear D K

Our Dear D K P K Routray Singh Deo kumar man of noble character with ever smiling graceful feature we are stunned that with us you are no more

Sangram I fondly remember

Sangram I fondly remember P K Rouyray Hey Sangram! You were tenacious graceful and equanimous we still feel your dynamic personality around us

Sangram! Where are you?

Sangram! Where are you? P K Routray Sangram! Before a long painful year three hundred sixty five dark nights earlier snatched you away untimely by the cruel fate

Self Esteem

Self esteem P K Routray (On a photo of very old emaciated lady with white saree selling flowers Face bloodless, feature lifeless cloth white, spotless self with dignity and grace

Smiles from Heaven

Smiles from Heaven (Imagining a group of boys playing after examination) P K Routray A playing session is on, over is the examination, friends are with frolic and fun.


Terrorism P K Routray With dedication and ambition impossible becomes possible examples on this earth are in plenty and ample The man in stone age looked at the birds in sky

Toxic Creature

Toxic creature P K Routray A wolf couple in a forest prowling in a prey’s quest out of many days’ hunger the male could no longer bear. They found a human corpse

True Love

Truer Love P K Routray With no trace of physical passion nor any presence of sensual attraction but with presence of parental affection, coupled with plethora of sisterly compassion

The Needy

The Needy By P.K.Routray Esited bi P Gaan I saw man in rags; emaciated and craving for food,


SONG ABOUT ONE’S WIFE BY P.K.ROUTAY Edited By P.Gaan In 1975 my father searched a girl for his son ,


PARABLE OF THE INNOCENT RUSTIC By P.K.Routary Once in India ruled a king having a beautiful daughter, Worried were the king and queen to find a groom for her.


“SENSES” P K Routray Edited bt P Gaan We have five senses to perceive through five sensory organs And deeds get executed through five organs of action.


TRUE KNOWLEDGE P K Routay Edited by P Gaan Edited by P

Time is the great healer

Time is the great healer P k Routray Edited by P Gaan Please look into your life’s story You will find it full of pleasant memory.

Union and separation

Union and separation P K Routray Edited by P Gaan Union is a matter of jubilation Pains and pangs besiege separation. When we part,

My Roof Top Garden

My Roof Top Garden P K Routray Edited by P Gaan I live in a city Hardly observe nature’s bounty Have gone sick of seeing every where jungle of concrete structures

Forgive and forget

Forgive and forget P K Routray Edited by P Gaan Forgive and forget are words to be always kept in heart


Dream P K Routray Edited by P Gaan A disguised fulfillment of repressed wishes results in a dream, it is told.


LORD JAGANATH P K Routray Edited by P. Gaan


Tales of HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY  P.K.Routray Edited by P.Gaan Geography and history as space and time’s barometer, Speak and record their nature and culture.

Friends in need are friends indeed

Friends in need are friends indeed P K Routray Edited by P Gaam We were of the same age We grew in the same village We went to school together

When a man becomes a monkey

When a man becomes a monkey P. K. Routray Edited by P Gaan

Learning from our observations

Learning from our observations P K Routray Edired by P gaan

Nail and hair- the human decor

Nail and hair- the human decor P K Routray Edited by P Gaan Without nail, and hair, can a man survive?

India observes her Independence Day

India observes her Independence Day P K Routray Edited by P Gaan We are celebrating our sixty fifth Independence Day,

The Shadow of death

The Shadow of death P K Routray Edited by P.Gaan “I am thirty eight and have a little daughter, three years old I want to live further for her”.


Tear P K Routray Edited by P Gaan Tear of sorrow and tear of joy Tear of love and tears for health of eye

Two Grandfathers generations apart

Two Grandfathers generations apart P K Routray Edited by P Gaan

Excuse me

EXCUSE ME by: P K Routray Edited by P gaan I am an engineer by education I was a technocrat by profession

Whatever happens is For Your good

Whatever happens is For Your good P K Routray Edited by P Gaan Ancient India had many a kingdom A king used to rule a state with his own freedom

I pay for all

I pay for all P. K. Routray Edite by P Gaan For everybody’s work the common man pays A doctor tells. I treat the common man for health

Life and Time

Life and Time Edited by: P.K. Routray Please look into your life’s story

Whatever happens is For Your good

Whatever happens is For Your good P K Routray Edited ByP.Gaan Ancient India had many a kingdom A king used to rule a state with his own freedom


GOALS AND MEANS P K Routray Edited by: P.Gaan I, perhaps we, get confused, About these two words, at times we also get bemused.

Word Power

Word Power P. K. Routray Edited by: P.Gaan To many problems, silence is a solution, Spoken words are like arrows and do not return.

Values and Valuable

Values and Valuables P K Routray Edited by:P.Gaan The words in the title may have many meanings as per dictionary.

Tongue and Tooth

Tongue and Tooth P K Routray Edited By: P.Gaan Man has many limbs and many organs,

Future Forecast

Future Forecast P K Routray Edited By: P.Gaan Let us ponder over over, what will be our future?

Lord Ganesh

Lord Ganesh P K Routray Edited by P .Gaan In India to-day it is a day of joy and jubilation,


OUR FUTURE P K Routray Edited by P. Gaan Let us ponder over what will be our future?

Three Most important Epics of India

Three Most important Epics of India P k Routray Edited by P Gaan

Definition (Haiku)

Definition (Haiku) P K Routray Edited by: P.Gaan Mind, Intellect and Memory Knowledge, wisdom and theory To us where do they carry?

Glimpses of Hindu Philosophy

Glimpses of Hindu Philosophy P K Routray Edited by P. Gaan Hinduism believes there is a god or a super soul Every human being has a soul descending from this super soul

“Be a child and keep your slate clean”

“Be a child and keep your slate clean” P K Routray To my query how to get bliss of life and live in peace, My friend in advanced stage of spiritual path had an advice.

Spiritual Conduct for self-development

Spiritual Conduct for self-development P Gaan P K Routray Lord Krishna to Arjun in Hindu scripture Gita has told, That knowledge to be acquired for one’s spiritual development

Virtue and vice as seen by Gandhi

Virtue and vice as seen by Gandhi P Gaan P K Routray Gandhi the father of Indian nation about virtue and vice had the following perception. Virtuous and godlike is the man who

Divine Mother Durga

Divine Mother Durga P K Routray I evoke your goodwill & patience as I am bringing to you again an aspect of Hindu religion.

“Be a child"

“Be a child" P K Routray To my query how to get bliss of life and live in peace, My friend in advanced stage of spiritual path had an advice.

Strange Facts

Strange Facts P K Routray A spider creates cobweb and in the end devours its own creation,


MOTHER P K Routray Mother is a mother with heavenly love To substitute a mother, an alternate, God has yet to evolve.

Jungle Rule

Jungle rule. P K Routray We look at this rule in disdain, We feel there “Might is right” reign.

Empty Hands

Empty Hands P K Routray The coffin of Alexander the great was carried by his generals accompanied by many a soldier,

Nature’s Beauty and Bounty

Nature’s Beauty and Bounty P Gaan P K Routray A beautiful blend of soft and soothing color As if rainbow is reflected in the multifaceted splendor

Empty Amidst Plenty

Empty Amidst Plenty P K Routray The more exciting news on pleasure and politics keeps us away and unaware of our brethren’s strife,

Stay Hungry and stay foolish

Stay Hungry and stay foolish P K Routray Without a visit to an university Steve Jobs climbed and was enthroned to a crown position,

Lessons from Steve Jobs.

Lessons from Steve Jobs P K Routray Connecting dots of Steve Jobs signifies that Future has a connection with past,

Dennis Ritchie

Dennis Ritchie P K Routray Here is a father promoter of modern computer, Lived unsung, died unseen because of long illness from cancer. The whole world expressed shock at Steve’s demise,


Success P K Routray Is not one’s success achieved at the cost or failure of others? Let us deliberate and muse for a while for the decision of the readers.

Woman power and India

Woman power and India P K Routray “Oh Goddess I pray you as the mother of the universe and as the supreme strength and energy in all beings,

When I am Ninety Two?

When I am Ninety Two? P Gaan P K Routray (1) What I will be doing at ninety two? I shall be with my children along with my wife too. We will spend time with grand children together,

Love, and Ladies of life

Love, and Ladies of life P K Routray Love is the quality, property and potency of Heaven, Blessed are those in whom with God’s grace this divinity has been woven.


Diwali P K Routray I wish you the readers the best of health and humor, on the occasion Of Diwali being celebrated in India to-day with pomp and splendor.

Divine mother "Kali"

Divine mother "Kali" P K Routray The picture of the divine mother looks funny and fearsome. This is the imaginary figure of Hindu goddess kali as conceived by a mortal man’s wisdom.

Theory and Practice

Theory and Practice P Gaan P K Routray Human life without lust, greed, anger, attachment, ego and jealousy is impossible. Love without attachment or lust is Impracticable.

Failure (Pleiades Form)

Failure (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Failure is the pillar of success, Free from failure nobody you can access. From Nobel laureate to ordinary person,

Sweat (Pleiades Form)

Seat (Pleiades Form) P K Routray P Gaan (part 1) Sweat of brow tastes salty but outcome is sweet,


( Duty P gaan P K Routray Duty, supreme is “love and serve”. Do this with unflinching faith in Him, nothing should swerve. Dream of it asleep or awake,


Forgive P Gaan P K Routray Forgive for sake of your own health, Forgetting to avenge is one’s real wealth Forbearance aids the process with its divine quality,


Equality P Gaan P K Routray Equality is a virtue of human society Essence of which is “All men have equal right and responsibility” Exceptions are barred from the principle


FATHER (A Pleiades Form adapted with modification from an anonymous writer’s work) P Gaan P K Routray


Ink (Pleiades form) P Gaan P K Routray Ink is the blood stream of thinker and writer. Ink less computer has also ink in its printer..


Hope (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Hope builds a pyramid at any point, we have to admit, Horrible becomes the life when hope deserts it.


Joy P Gaan P K Routray Joy on a baby’s face is the real bliss Jubilation in children’s play may be called as true happiness and peace


KEY P Gaan P K Routray Keys to success are knowledge, hard work and luck, Keeping glued to one may not work, Knowledge in all fields plays vital role for success,

GOSPEL (Pleiades Form)

GOSPEL (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Gospels are practiced and preached by the prophet. Good followers never forget to emulate


Hope (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Hope builds a pyramid at any point, we have to admit, Horrible becomes the life when hope deserts it.


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LUCK (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Luck, they tell, controls your life. Lucky are they who do not know strife. Little they think that lady- luck does not smile,


Mirror (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Mirror tells the truth always. Minor differences come to knowledge. Minute details may look unpleasant,

Need (Pleiades Form)

Need (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Need of the day is ecological protection and ethical up gradation,

Open (Pleiades Form)

Open (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Open your window; the whole world will be yours Oneness is His preaching; practice it always as your divine lessons.

Paradox (pleiades Form)

Paradox (pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Paradoxes are the ways of life in this world, Prudent are some whereas foolish are others,

Queue (Pleiades Form)

Queue (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P k Routray Queue everywhere you find yourself in, Quit not if long and winding even. Quest sincere and wait in patience brings results at last,


Relation (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Relation is the essence of a human society, rests on human relations agrarian or industrial prosperity.


Soul (Pleiades Form) P gaan P K Routray Soul is an indestructible, eternal and formless entity, Scripture tells it is a part of divinity.

Soul (Pleiades Form)

Soul (Pleiades Form) P gaan P K Routray Soul is an indestructible, eternal and formless entity, Scripture tells it is a part of divinity.

Tact (Pleiades Form)

Tact (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Tact is a definite need of life, required for one to thrive,

Umbrella (Pleiades Form)

Umbrella (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Umbrella saves us from sun and rain, Under its protection people like to remain .

VALENTINE (Pleiades Form)

VALENTINE (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Vexed became my valentine at my whisper, Valiantly she told me I am a great bore. Very very sensitive is she to my sweet nothing,

Woman (Pleiades Form)

Woman (Pleiades Form) P K Routray P Gaan Woman has different roles in life as a grandmother, a mother, a sister, a friend, a wife and a daughter

Xantippe (Pleiades Form)

Xantippe (Pleiades Form) P K Routray P Gaan Xantippe I am married to, as ill-luck would have it, X-rays she my gestures and postures to pick up a thread to quarrel and quit.

YAK (Pleiades Form)

AK (Pleiades Form) P.K.Routray P.Gaan Yak in the Himalayas is a useful animal. Yacht as in deep water, is ferries main against mountain wall.

ZEBRA (Pleaides Form)

ZEBRA (Pleaides Form) P.K.Routray P.Gaan Zebra is a funny animal found in African state. Zonal geography suits it to pro-create. Zigzag black stripes, found on its body are,

Kaleidoscope (Pleiades Form)

Kaleidoscope (Pleiades Form) P Gaan P K Routray Kaleidoscope is this world, Keeping eyes wide open you behold, Keen observation of flora and fauna


Gift P K Routray Contribution, donation, gift and give are words of million worth, They may have behind them divine or devilish intention or both.

Mental Barrier

Mental Barrier P K Routray A mighty elephant is compelled to do menial labor, To serve human need and greed he is trained to get bound for ever.


REVENGE (My personal opinion) P K Routray You get angry and get determined to take revenge, Stay always on the look out to avenge. Revenge is a attitude of negativity,

Some bitter facts of life

Some bitter facts of life P K Routray Man comes to the earth with empty hand, At the end with empty hand he has to leave this land. With limited life man runs after unlimited money,


Experience P K Routray Among all arts of learning experience is the best No methods of teaching can replace it to rest.

Take pity on God

Take pity on God P K Routreay All the religions have one Gospel to recall, That the supreme lord is one and that is unequivocal. In some religions there exists a belief,

Melli fluent Musing

Melli fluent Musing P K Routray A man unknown seeking peace and bliss of life as his mission, left the following message to us for deliberation.

HAPPINESS – A challenge

HAPPINESS – A challenge P K Routray Happiness is an emotional feeling of joy and jubilation, It enlivens the spirit and is only to be felt and there is no word for expression

Old Indian marriage

Old Indian marriage P K Routray Marriage is settled in heaven, But on the earth we only make it happen. Marriage function covers from negotiation to honeymoon.

World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day P Gaan P K Routray (1) World AIDS day is observed to-day, Most horrendous immuno – deficiency- syndrome, they say. The victim affected loses the power of body resistance

Telling a “NO”

Telling a “NO” P K Routray No is a bitter answer, To any request you are asked for. Result is wrath and anger, You are likely to suffer.


Facts to muse P K Rputray In life people throw stones at your path a fact not unusual,, With those stones you can build a bridge or a wall.

Mystery Of X-Mas ?

Mystery Of X-Mas ? P.K Routray Question comes why does x-Mas come in the wintery period of the year? No fruits, no leaves and no flower for HIM to offer.


FUN WITH NEWTON CLERIHEW FORM) P.K ROUTRAY Idle Newton saw apple from its tree, not going up but falling down With his then lunatic thoughts, he called it as an effect of force of gravitation.

Discovery and Invention

Discovery and Invention P K Routray Dictionary meaning differentiates both with wide gap of variance, Invention is creating a new and discovery is finding something in existence.

Witty Creativity

Witty Creativity P K Routray Einstein once explained with humility, To a common man his famous theory of relativity. “If you gossip with a beauty as your companion,


STRANGE DEFINITIONS P.K.ROUTRAY If point has no area no volume and no length, How can it exist and be represented by man’s intellectual strength?


WORD GAME P.K.ROUTRAY P.GAAN Arise, Awake, Assert, Behold, Beware, Blurt. Copy, Correct, Create, Differ, Draft, Dictate. Engage, Erase Enemy, Frank, Foolish, Filmy. Greet, Give, Guide,

Pity for Geniuses

Pity for Geniuses P K Routray A man known as novice, foolish and simpleton, Declared “I am greater than your Einstein and Newton,

Erroneous Pricing

Erroneous Pricing P k Routray For everything we fix a price and rate, to estimate and establish the quantity to get. The market and economy of society,


QUOTES Worth QUOTING P Gaan P K Routray (1) United we stand, divided we fall, The age old quote, the wise men have given the clarion call.

Some anonymous quotes

Some anonymous quotes P K Routray “Do not compare yourself with anyone in the world, If you are comparing you are insulting yourself” as has been told.

Rainbow of love

Rainbow of love P Gaan P K Routray (1) Seven color of rainbow has love, Parental love is akin to violet in this globe. Love for prince and princess is indigo you understand,

Worthless Life

Worthless Life P K Routray A flooded river to cross, a saint took a boat to go across. The journey was long, The boat man was rowing, singing a song, To mitigate his pain of labor,

Humors to muse

Humors to muse P K Routray (1) At midnight a husband and a wife were quarrelling on the street, A police man enquired to know the reason of their fight.

LOVE A definition

LOVE. A definition P K Routray Love transcends all definitions, parameters thought and set by all human imaginations. Dictionary meanings have little strength,

Lust blind

Lust blind P Daan P K Rpoutray The owl is blind in the day, The crow is blind at night they say. The owl becomes active in the night, The crow starts its activity in broad day light.

Little Dharmapada

Little Dharmapada P K Routray The Sun temple at Konark is an epitome of art and sculpture, It is located in Odisha’s sea shore. The temple was meant to worship the God sun,

Largest Open Air Theater

Largest Open Air Theater In the World

Sound of silence

Sound of silence PK Routray Silence is also a sound, But impact of silence is more profound. I remember slapping a man fifty years ago, He accepted with silence surrendering his ego.


GODDESS SARASWATI A Jha P K Routray pushpanjali (Offering of flowers at her lotus feet) O saraswati ! O Bhadrakali ! We bow down to you every day !

Pain Psychology

Pain Psychology P K Routray Physical and mental pains are self explanatory as per this author, Intellectual pain results in erratic and unacceptable behavior.


Hindsight. P K Routray Hindsight, insight and foresight, develop and deploy an extra sense and the perception, by recollection, observation anticipation at appropriate time and sight

Unpalatable truths

Unpalatable truths P K Routray A lie breeds many lies, so also an injustice causes many an injustice, How selfish motive ever help in humanitarian service?

Thoughts and Deeds

Thoughts and Deeds P K Routray Many a time dual thoughts crisscross our mind, Some are divine; some are of demonic and vicious kind.

My Present malice

My Present malice P K Routray When I see a baby in mother’s lap, Crying, laughing kicking with a rap, My heart burns out of jealousy, Oh mother! Take me to your lap with mercy.

wood apple (Bael)

wood apple (Bael) (Aegle marmelos Rutaceae) P K Routray In my garden , Twelve years back I planted a sapling, A type of wood apple, Bael its name being.

The Ready-wit poet

The Ready-wit poet P Gaan P K Routray Yadumani was a poet of ready wit, In reciting instant poetry he had shown extraordinary feat. Once while strolling with the king on the village road,

The Valentine's Day

The Valentine's Day P Gaan P K Routray (1) The day Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden ate the fruit forbidden, A feeling called the eternal love sprang up between.

Hypothesis on perfect Valentine’s day

Hypothesis on perfect Valentine’s day P K Routray Love is silent but is eloquent during expression with bliss of perfection. Birds exhibit all these with great passion.

Keys to success

Keys to success P K Routray Commitment, dedication and sacrifice, Sincerity and hard work will be any way with them in grip of their vise.

My infantile gratitude

My infantile gratitude P K Routray In English some call her mummy, some call mom and others call hr mother, Sweets are the names even in language to language it may differ.

Punch of the time.

Punch of the time. P K Routray Time is a treasure but no treasury can hold it, Time is impartial and equal to everybody’s credit. Time is eternal but transitory and ephemeral,

Most Important person in a life

Most Important person in a life P K Routray The question as to who is most important person of life? made me ponder, Over all significant persons, who on our life did wonder?

Some treasures for the day

Some treasures for the day P KRoutray Stay away from anger as it only hurts you, Why should you be anhty when you are true? When you are wrong, do not be angry, gracefully accept,


Poison P K Routray "What is poison?" Asked Swami Vivekananda to his mentor Ramakrishna in person, Prompt was reply by the master,

Happiness and Bliss

Happiness and Bliss P K Routray A man is happy, when he gets any thing he desires. A man is happy with worldly materials which he acquires.

Golden Rule

Golden Rule P K Routray A rule if followed in this life, Has the power to banish the conflict and the strife. We may call it as golden rule of mankind,

Oh God! Can you?

Oh God! Can you give me? P K Routray Oh God Can you give me? Only these four not many, So that you can have sound sleep, I will not disturb, a promise I swear to keep,

Do not just

Do not just P K Routray Do not just look but observe, By that you may get inspired to love and serve. Do not just swallow but taste, so that you do not lose the sweetness of life in haste.


Holi P K Routray In India we celebrate Holi a festival of love and color,, In spring after chilling winter is over. when cuckoo coos, mango breeds ,and above all nature smiles,


Mushi Apa P K Routray To the readers, a unique and peculiar may sound the name,

His or Her beauty

His or her beauty P K Routray Lips are beautiful while they speak kind words to soothe a wound, Eyes are beautiful when they see to detect sufferings to help to mitigate all-around.


Lunacy on beauty P K Routray Beauty speaks to us in bold declarations or soft whisper, She calls on us to gaze in awe at her splendor. We are enticed by beauty and grandeur.


To-Day P K Routray There are two days in every week that we should not worry about, two days that should be kept free from fear, apprehension and doubt.


Love and Duty P K Routray “Hey Son!” heart-rending is the cry of the father’s ghost, “I tore your body for shake of my moral duty or it would have been the worst.

When our tears roll

When our tears roll P K Routray How wonderful it feels to give in and let tears flow, Whether we are happy or sad, our overwhelmed emotions get a show.


For fun sake by P K Routray (The fun is collected and extracted) Languages are great, to express and to communicate. Without language man would have been dumb


NO POINT P K Routray No point using limited life to chase unlimited money with torture and strife. No point earning so much money that you cannot live to spend it in your life’s journey.


VITAMIN “F” P K Routray With one of them I am polite. with another I fight. With one I joke, from another I learnt how to smoke. I sit down and talk about serious matters with

Human Worlds

Numan worlds P K Routray There are two worlds for human races, one internal and the other external which can be perceived by human senses.

Human Flowers

Human flowers P K Routray "Waiting for someone to offer you a flower should not be your goal. You plant and develop your own garden to decorate your soul.”

Spider's web

Spider’s web P K Routray A spider web glistens with rays of morning sun, the morning dew looks on it like diamond beads on a necklace beautifully spun.

Spider's web

Spider’s web P K Routray A spider web glistens with rays of morning sun, the morning dew looks on it like diamond beads on a necklace beautifully spun.

Pity on my humor

Pity on my humor P K Routray Have I ever written a humorous poetry? to give a hilarious smile and joy to somebody. I tried to reflect and recollect but it was in vain,

Don’t react but respond

Don’t react but respond P K Routray At times we react and at times we respond to a situation, In managerial parlance response is the only acceptable proposition. But we generally react,

Within You

Within You P K Routray There is really no need to keep on moving from place to place, in search of something that you wish to find and somebody to grace.


Fear P K Routray Man and woman, rich and poor, old and young, each of us exists in fear, immaterial whether we are weak or strong. From the time we are conscious we are plagued by fears,

I am repenting

I am repenting P K Routray .

Vision and Sight

Vision and sight P K Routray Sight is the ability to see the physical world, In vision even things beyond get unfurled. Sight distracts vision with physical illusions,

Earth hour and self cleaning

Earth hour and self cleaning p k Routray From London to Las Vegas across the world’s famous landmarks all will be plunged into darkness to share the concern on the crisis with oneness.

Holy Company

Holy Company P K Routray One gets result from the action. “Action is driven by the thoughts” is a fact well-known. Thoughts originate from the Conscience.

Essence of manhood

Essence of manhood p K Routray P Gaan There are four principal essence of manhood, Dharma, Artha, Kama, Mokshya, whose meanings in English is thus as interpreted and understood.

Purpose versus need

Purpose versus need P K Routray Deer is chased by lion, one for one’s food and the other for life to live on. In eighty out of hundred such cases, lions fail but deer survive in these races.


Richness PK Routray Richness is not earning more, Neither spending more, nor saving more. Richness is when You need "No More". Thus said Swami Vivekananda the sage and a great mentor

True Knowledge

True knowledge P K Routray Knowledge is not knowledge as acquired by reading, Neither it is as accumulated by listening, Nor it is as stored in memory by memorizing and remembering.

Human sufferings

Human sufferings P K Routray Fear of death and frustration owing to attachment, Ignorance of self and self egoism always present, Resistance to what a man does not want,

Human Sufferings and the Hindu philosophy

Human sufferings and the Hindu philosophy P K Routray The main cause of human suffering, is their worldly desires, which are never ending. Desire results from man’s ignorance,

Who controls us?

Who controls us? p k Routray When we take food in our mouth and chew it, Heart beats nonstop so that we remain alive and fit. Our breath never ceases,

Mango a fruit unique

Mango the fruit unique P K Routray Mango is a tropical fruit, Its mouth watering taste, nobody can refute. Whether green or ripe like our heart and kidney it looks cute.

Patience and endurance

Patience and endurance P K Routray In conjugal life patience and endurance are keys for harmony, Thus taught Thomas cooper a great English writer by example alien to many.

Funny quotes

FUNNY QUOTES P K Routray The difference between in-laws and outlaws? In-laws are intruders but outlaws are invited with applause. Alcohol is a perfect solvent:

Indo-Swiss Ayansh

Indo - Swiss Ayansh P K Routray Welcome Ayansh welcome, May God bless you with uncanny acumen and divine wisdom. You are born as a Swiss national,


My Dear NALCO P K Routray I cherish and I cherish with fond memory, my twenty seven years of life in Nalco and its glorious story. At Bhubneswar, Damanjodi and Angul sectors,

Four Truths of Life

FOUR TRUTHS OF LIFE P K Routray Indian scriptures teach four truths of life, which if accepted with grace will avoid much sufferings and strife.


Please P K Routray At the end of my story for my sake please do not grieve, I presume that there are two things difficult to achieve.

Pensive musings

PENSIVE MUSINGS P K Routray I am thrilled and my dear friend I am thrilled, My first poem book is just published. My dear friend Mr. Gaan edited a part and called it as pensive musings,


SANGRAM, YOU ARE UNIQUE! P K Routray You were a boy of fourteen when first time I met you, as a standard ninth student of B B high school in nineteen sixty two.

Steps to reach Him.

Steps to reach Him. P K Routray There are three steps in the ladder to the abode of God, “ Be at peace” is the first step to be trod. The second step in the ladder is joy and happiness

Physical sufferings

PHYSICAL SUFFERINGS P K Routray As per Hindu scriptures soul only wears the body like a temporary garment, hence the pain to the body is not to the soul which is bliss permanent.

Poem and pride

Poem and pride P K Routray There is a contest for a theme of a poem or many poems, of which I am most proud as I would claim. I have to produce or reproduce a poem, of which I am most proud,

Endure What Cannot Be Cured

Endure What Cannot Be Cured P K Routray Follow “Endure what cannot be cured” as the divine message, This is the best way to turn a disadvantage into an advantage...

Do not be jealous

Do Not Be Jealous P K Routray Jealousy is one of the six deadly sins for human beings, Unlike other five to you it immediately and silently brings all sufferings.

Empty Mind

Empty Mind P K Routray Never leave the mind vacant, An empty mind is the devil's workshop at any instant. All evil actions start in the vacant mind,

Do not poke your nose

Do not poke your nose P K Routray Do not Interfere In others' business unless you are asked for it,

Do Not Procrastinate And Never Regret

Do Not Procrastinate And Never Regret P K Routray Do not waste time in protracted wondering” Should I or shouldn't I?”Stop pondering.

Meditate Regularly

Meditate Regularly P K Routray Meditation calms the mind and gets rid of every disturbing thought. This is the highest state of peace of mind achieved and ever sought.

Two Quotes

Two Quotes P K Routray (1) As far as you think “ Not now” Success will elude you, you must know. As soon as you think “why not now”

Glimpses On Srimad Bhagvad Gita

Glimpses On Srimad Bhagvad Gita P k Routray This is a too high an aspiration, to present you the limitless infinite within this nave’s limitation.

The rules for being human

The rules for being human P K Routray Being a human You will have a body not as per your choice, but with it you have to live either to grieve or to rejoice.

Poor great grand papa

Poor great grand papa P K Routray I have sugar in blood I have crystal in kidney, My great grand papa was poor he had none where ever he is there he has to agree.

Statistics worth a million dollar

Statistics worth a million dollar P K Routray A man breaths normally sixteen times a minute, nonstop from birth to death without respite. In a day a man takes oxygen worth three cylinders,

Missing love

Missing love P K Routray On the earth the most terrible poverty to-day as being observed is loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted and unloved.



Some visions from Swami Vivekanand

Some visions from Swami Vivekanand P K Routray The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body,

know your soul

know your soul P k Routray Listen to Your Soul, You have to grow from the inside out, make it your goal. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual.

Human Brain

Human Brain P K Routray We find poems written on love and romance, on fruits and flowers, on limitless topics from north pole to south pole, from heaven to hell and from tortures to humors.

We pray for all.

We pray for all. P K Routray Health, wealth and happiness, To get all of them together man is ever anxious. Can he get together all the three?


Wisdom defined

Wisdom defined P k Routray It is a fact, not a fiction, nor a sermon but a reflection upon the wisdom’s definition, Peace and harmony comes with love and compassion.


Thoughts P K Routray The less is the frequency of thoughts the more is the man calm and composed. The more is the frequency of thoughts, the more to agitation and turmoil the man is exposed.


FAN MAN P K Routray The name may not be there in Google net or any dictionary, But it is a real name of a trade in past never an imaginary. It may be year of nineteen fifty nine,


Goal P K Routray Swami Vivekananda is a renowned Indian spiritual Master, known for his wisdom and nineteenth century famous Chicago lecture.

Happiness always eludes

Happiness always eludes P K Routray Happiness is a voyage not a destination, Live and enjoy the moment without bothering for your present limitation.

Goat and Gauri

Promise, Freedom and Acting

Promise, Freedom and Acting P K Routray Is marriage an ugliest association? Is it not created by human society for the fair sex- protection?

Three things

Three things P K Routray Three things which are never certain, are Fortune, Success and Dream, these are sought after by every person. Three things which one must never lose,

Who is better off?

Who is better off? P K Routray

The Sun and We

First rain

First rain P K Routray It was humid, it was hot, Hey rain! You came giving us relief a lot. The animals, birds were crying for water, Hey rain! To all, your drops were drops of nectar.

From a psychologist's desk

From a Psychologist’s desk P K Routray when someone laughs on stupid things, be sure that the person is sad deep inside, this is the psychologist’s feelings. When someone sleeps a lot,


POWER FAILURE P K Routray The topic may look strange to the readers from countries of opulence, The people there will have novel experience if they get one such occurrence.

Is man a rat?

Is man a rat? P K Routray The study in life science establishes a wonder, the analysis of DNA, gene and chromosome makes us to ponder, Man and rat are of same physiological feature,

Leave a little

Leave a little P K Routray Daily I pray you to take away my lust, greed and anger, along with attachment vanity jealousy and fear.

Finite not infinite

Finite not infinite P K Routray Daily I ask you to give me divine qualities in immense and immeasurable quantity of love, power, wisdom, happiness, peace, bliss and purity.


NO CHANCE TO PAY BACK P.K.ROUTRAY A grandmother from mother’s side or father’s side, I remember them with love and fond memory of a child.

Our river

Our river P K Routray Can a river belong to a sect or village? but our love for our river has given us such a faith and a courage. This is the longest and perennial river of the region,

Simultaneous stimulation of two souls.

Simultaneous stimulation of two souls. P Gaan P K Routray (1) Three things in life Time, words, opportunity once gone never come back, anger, pride , non-forgiveness

Why so many?

Why so many? P K Routray “Carrying same physiological and anatomical features having similar chromosome and genetic structure, sharing the same planet for their bread and butter,

What is your contribution?

Your Contribution? P K Routray A young man of about thirty, looked at an old man of eighty with pity. “What a wretched life you must have in your younger days,


NOT MY OWN P K Routray CIGARETTE is a pinch of tobacco rolled in paper, with fire at one end and a fool at the other. MARRIAGE is an agreement where in a man loses his degree as bachelor,


Mind, thought and impurity P.K.ROUTRY You may like it or not, At times impurities come in your thought. You know they are the worst,

Silent Poems

Silent Poems... P K Routray It is a known fact that silence gives consent, Unfortunately so far it never could hold good for a legal judgement. Short poem is good, short speech is appreciated,


QUEUE P.K.ROUTRAY Wait in queue, Stand in queue, Jobs will be easy and simple for you From dawn to dusk, days to week,


PURITY P.K.ROUTRAY Purity is a form of divinity, Scriptures tell it as man’s true identity. Purity has two forms physical and mental,


I SALUTE YOU P.K.ROUTRAY Oh eyelash I salute you, I also salute your creator too. Much is spend, thought for eye and eyebrow, For your care not a penny anybody does throw.


I CRUSH YOU P.K.ROUTRAY Oh eyelash! I crush you, I crush your cruel creator too. You are so cruel, I was gazing at lovely beauty so well. You robbed me of it,



OLD MEMORY P.K.ROUTRAY You call me old and retired, You may call me jaded and tired. You only consider my physical appearance, You only consider my historical balance.

Greatest gift

Greatest gift P K Routray The greatest gift you can give to someone, is your time for him from your life, a portion. This time slips from you forever,

The praying hands

The praying hands P K Routray “The praying hands “is Albrecht’s master piece creation, the artist’s feeling and gratitude do exist live in it, touching our heart and emotion.

Don’t run: Face them.

Don’t run: Face them. P K Routray Life is a harmony of hope, zeal and action. One who is deprived of these qualities may be called a zombie or a dead person.


Enough P K Routray Forget it enough to get over its bane there and then. Remember it enough so it does not happen again.

Season of separation

Season of separation P K Routray In the days of yore separation did occur. When monsoon sets in, floods in rivers begin, lands get separated, communication gets disrupted,

“ I” & “want”

“ I” & “want” P K Routray “I want happiness. Oh Lord! Grant me, be gracious.” Thus prayed to lord Budh, a man in distress, With following advice to him Lord Budh did bless.

Life is an echo

Life is an echo P K Routray Life is an echo -its reverberation always it does keep, What you sow- so you reap, What you send out- it comes back, What you give- you do get back,

Sure Success,

Sure Success, P K Routray Talk softly, breathe deeply, work patiently, Dress smartly, save regularly, behave decently, Eat sensibly, sleep sufficiently act fearlessly,

Mind, situation & Suggestion

Mind, situation & Suggestion, P K Routray When mind is weak, situation becomes a problem, Consult your wisdom. When mind is balanced, becomes situation a challenge, take up with courage.

Limiting the Limitless

Limiting the limitless? P K Routray I remember, my grand mother telling me stories to mitigate my mother’s miseries every evening till I sleep, to enable my mother a relief

Workshop - Devil or Divine

Workshop - Devil or Divine P K Routray Mind is a workshop, Thoughts, devil or divine do hop, Many methods do exist, to control the mind as deemed fit In falling apple the Idle mind of Newton

To go through or to grow through

To go through or to grow through P K Routray Following one you face trials and tribulations, with the other from them you learn and grow with the lessons. It is your choice to only go through,


“WALK” P K Routray “ Every walk of life “is a term commonly defined to represent each and every occupation of mankind. Walking through the nature for everyone gives peace and pleasure.

Job, love and monotony

Job, love and monotony P K Routray If you earnestly love your job, it will turn to be your heart throb. If you do not love your job, the peace and happiness of life it will rob.

SMSing Luv

SMSing Luv P K Routray Daniel “My heart, I mis u," Loney "I mis u also 2." "Do u luv me, Daniel?" "U knw I luv u, darlin," "I lov u mr thn tongue cn tel. U r d lite of my lyf,

Special features of the Hindu Philosophy

Special features of the Hindu Philosophy P K Routray The Hindu philosophy has some unique features deviating from other religions,

Love, true love or duty

Love, true love or duty P K Routray A well known story, being told and retold to eulogize lover’s glory. it is being repeated here for a debate,

Secret of Happiness

Secret of Happiness P K Routray The moment you transfer your happiness out of yourself, into something out of your own inner compass, you are dooming yourself to disappointment

Smile and silence

Smile and silence P K Routray Have smile and silence on your lip, the success cannot elude your grip.

Ego and God


Mindset P K Routray An elephant of gigantic size stands glued to a small post as a matter of surprise. With a thin rope or even without any rope tied to it,

Hell with it

Hell with it P K Routray Under the cover of darkness spirits descend from Heaven and Hell as angels or devils over the earth for their assigned tasks. And fearlessly fly in the sky

Man & Tree

Man and tree P K Routray A tree coming out of seed on its birth sends its root first to the mother earth. Then only sends the branches up in the sky

His ways are different.

His ways are different. P K Routray A man was watching keenly a cocoon, to see the birth of a butterfly from a caterpillar very soon,

Inspire a generation

“Inspire a generation” P K Routray The Olympic Motto for the 2012 London Games “Inspire a generation” it aims. Inspire everybody for love and universal brotherhood,

We & the paradox

We & the paradox P K Routray We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. spend more, but have less; buy more, but enjoy it less.


Manifestation P K Routray Diamond manifests in different faces, but remains as diamond in all the cases. Love in action is mercy and compassion, Regards, respect and affection.

If you plant

If you plant P K Routray If you plant honesty, you will reap trust If you plant goodness, you will reap friends If you plant humility, you will reap greatness

If I

If I P K Routray If I happened to show up on your door step crying, would you care? If I called you and asked you to pick me up because something happened, would you come?


Heart P K Routray When we dream, when we cry and scream, when we meditate, when we contemplate, when we kiss, we close our eyes and the scenes eyes do miss. The human hearts can feel things


Horizon P K Routray Where the sun and the moon make their movements at dawn and dusk in between their abode and the earth, where fairies have their ladders connecting Heaven to the Earth,

Flute & Man

Flute & Man P K Routray “Hey flute! How nice is your melody! It captivates every one, man or animal whosoever it may be.” “I had austerity and penance,

Wear my shoes

Wear my shoes P K Routray You accuse me that I am wicked, you accuse me that I am crooked. But please walk in my shoes, cover the path I have traveled with many issues.

The earthly attractions

The earthly attractions P K Routray Man does miracles thanks to his science reaches the Moon, the Mars in a moment crosses around the globe can destroy the earth. can the science remove

Who robbed?

Who robbed? P K Routray A child on the lap of his grandfather, seems to pose these questions as to his future. Who did rob him of these essences of life? making their living full with strife.

Tips to love

Tips to love P K Routray Listen without interrupting, Speak without accusing, Give without sparing, Pray without ceasing, Answer without arguing, Share without pretending,

Love and burden

Love and burden P K Routray Once on a steep hill, on her way up was a jill with her young brother at the back of her. she was singing on her own taking breaks for rests very often.

Ecology and Wisdom

Ecology and Wisdom P K Routray Once a disciple staying in monastery approached Budha saint the holy for a piece of cloth to put on as the earlier cloth was tattered and torn.

Wonderful relationship

Wonderful relationship P K Routray Knowledge and ignorance the wisdom’s essence, are opposite to each other but they love to exist together. Unlike the pleasure and pain

Intellect and will

Intellect and will P K Routray Man is only creation with intellect and will both woven, the power of intellect in brain tells you what to do with caution. And the power of will in heart

Man and senses

Man and Senses P K Routray Man has five sense organs, Each of them serving a sense, if turns as its slave, pushes the men to their coffins. One sense only dominates in case of an animal

Sound sleep in Stormy night

Sound sleep in Stormy night P k Routray In India there lived a rich farmer to help in the farming he used to engage many a menial labor, but he engages one round the clock and on annual basis

Some vices introspected

Some vices introspected P K Routray From wealth accumulated without toil and sweat, the real pleasure and peace one will never get. Pleasure without consent of conscience

Let us add

Let us add. P K Routray Don't argue, discuss. Don't fight, resolve. Don't give up, go on. Don't possess, release. Don't fight, connect. Don't brag, Do. Don't do, do more.

Four Spiritual principle

Four Spiritual principles P K Routray Whoever you encounter is the right one, the person whom you come across even by chance is the right person, meant either to assist you in your mission

The power of life

The power of life P K Routray A soft chick breaks open a hard shell for coming out the power of life does propel. A live embryo comes out of a lifeless seed

Quotes questioned?

Quotes questioned? P K Routray The gift of the past is tradition The symbol of future is transformation. As per the general quotes the man is concerned only with the present,

Inner Voice

Inner Voice P K Routray There is a voice inside, what is right or wrong to decide. As long as one is in sense, and has inner silence intense, it whispers in the ears,

Ssixty years against a wall

Ssixty years against a wall P K Routray Daily to a church an old man goes without fail he prays for an hour a day through out a week nonstop for a month over last sixty years

The Sun and the Rain

The Sun and the Rain P K Routray The rainbow is visible to human sight though water droplets of rain to air when the sun ray refracts its light.

Rainbow and consciousness

Rainbow and consciousness P K Routray A single ray of white light to seven colors it can be split. each color having own wave length and frequency,

Rainbow and enlightenment

Rainbow and enlightenment P K Routray Seven steps are to be crossed over to achieve the enlightenment Each step represents a specific virtue or faculty most potent.

Only option left

Only option left P K Routray For survival and to exist to any adversity to resist a life can rise to phenomenal height to rise and reach its utmost limit. of which it is never aware

Love Him How?

Love Him How? P K Routray Philosophical attitudes differ in magnitude in establishing the divine love between devotees and the God above. The relationships may differ,

The joy of autumn

The joy of autumn P K Routray After the rain with luxuriant growth of plants for food grain, with blue sky overhead and clean blue water tuning on river bed,

His science behind autumn

His science behind autumn P K Routray When the sun takes a south ward turn moving towards the tropic of Capricorn, when the earth takes from the sun its north- half away

Problems of life

Problems of life P K Routray Life is a journey and you are in a train to complete it, Why do you carry the load on your head?, you can jolly well put it on a seat.

Worry why?

Worry why? P K Routray In your life so far spent, can you ponder over it and comment on the problems and tensions, once insurmountable causing many traumatic sessions.

Should you find?

Should you find? P K Routray Should you find that you are fed up of traffic jam while you are in a hurry?

Two Extremes

Two Extremes P K Routray Spirituality and materialism, have to co-exist in tandem even with two opposite extremes belonging to divine and devil’s regimes to sustain a saint or a sinner

Who & Why?

Who and Why? P K Routray “Who am I, and why I am here?” to everybody repeatedly, these questions do appear, The questions being much pertinent to life made me ponder


Motivation P K Routray In tough times, how to stay motivated? to this most of the time we get mauled and our mind get haunted. On this query I contemplated and pondered for a while,

Man and his innate divinity

Man and his innate divinity P K Routray Happiness and peace do not come forth nor increase when one is well clothed or well fed, comfortably housed or well read.

Man’s Inherent Qualities

Man’s Inherent Qualities P K Routray Seven traits are natural in a man across cast, creed and clan Love, purity and true wisdom power, happiness in his kingdom


Power P K Routray Muscle power, money power, power of the brain, man power, power of the chair and power of the pen, power of oratory, power of physical grace and beauty


Tolerance P K Routray At a mango on its tree being ripe swinging free if a stone is hurled at it the mango falls and blesses even the culprit with its sweetness and taste

Mother’s Liver

Mother’s Liver P K Routray It may appear be too fictious and too funny a story, but the concluding part pathetically sings on the motherly love and its glory. It has a metaphor,

The Omnipresent God

The Omnipresent God P K Routray A challenge, once a certain king had thrown open, answering the two quarries posted by the king to the his satisfaction was the condition

Droll Endeavour

Droll Endeavour P K Routray Once I allotted a space to the vast sky measuring a mile, Then I waited in vain glancing at the sky to smile. Once I added a shell full of water to the deep sea,

Illusory Fear

Illusory Fear P K Routray With fear and illusion Success has limitation. Blessings has fear of curses behind in love, fear of hate we find. with every success fear of failure

In Whose Hands

In Whose Hands P K Routray A basketball in my hands is worth about 10 dollar, A basketball in Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's hands estimated as $33 million, which even looks smaller.

Emotion, attitude and altitude

Emotion, attitude and altitude P K Routray Either in positive way or negative way, man is free to use his emotions as psychologists say. In emotion or with emotion a man can stay,


Impartiality P K Routray “Beauty lies in the eyes of the observer not in the object”. so said a great votary of nature. But autumn’s splendor and color belie it

Prayer and Trust

Prayer and trust P K Routray In God do we have any trust? Unflinching, unwavering as is it must? To atheist and to theist both we may ask to reply with oath.

Like Usd

Like us P K Routray God does not listen soon, a complaint we lodge often. We tell God is cruel, He takes needlessly many a trial. Let us compare Him with us,

Technology and poetry

Technology and poetry P K Routray Technological words get poetic touch implying a general feeling to assume and to judge. But the degree and depth of measurement

Dictionaries’ voice

Dictionaries’ voice P K Routray When there is no light, it is dark the ignorance is the state, when the knowledge we lack. The absence of heat is the cold,


Synonym P K Routray Warmth is a measure of heat for glorifying love, affection, poets use it Is it because the mother gives warmth to child on her lap or on her breast which we find.


Poets' Dilema

Poets’ dilemma P K Routray Categories of poems at ABC Site are thirty covering humor, horror and spiritual to fantasy. Only in one the poet has to fit his poem

Deepawali 2012

Deepawali 2012 P K Routray In India, today we are celebrating Deepawali with joy and cheer as a festival of light and cracker with the following prayer

Real versus Unreal

Real versus Unreal, P K Routray It is not Muslim versus Jew, Egypt versus Israel, U S A versus Terrorism, Capitalism versus Islamism, Oil versus wind, Tibet versus China,

Past Deeds?

Past deeds? P K Routray You expected to have more than peers but they got more, to get your enemy cursed but he was immensely blessed, to remain ever happy but remain always unhappy,

His Ways

His ways P k Routray To an ocean asked a man, “Change your water if you can, Your water is salty, make it tasty, you will be great, as your salty water I hate. To a cuckoo asked the man

To-Day's Prayer

To- Day’s Prayer P K Routray I pray to implant in us austerity on time, money, thought and senses in bounty.

I am old and retired

I am old and retired P K Routray As I've aged, I've become kinder to, and less critical of, myself. I've become my own friend. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world,

Final Goal

Final Goal P K Routray With its grandeur and beauty, on its banks trees with fruits and flowers in bounty, on a serpentine path flows a river with swimming fishes and dancing waves of water.

Love and Jealousy

Love and Jealousy P K Routray To each success around, if jealous one is found then he loves none even to self of his own. If one is never jealous to everybody, he loves

Significance of Insignificance

Significance of insignificance P K Routray Set ablaze was a forest, Fire was at its intense best. Away flew each bird in the forest leaving its nest, fled also lions, deer and animals the rest


SILLINESS P K Routray Matters silly to me and you brings for children joy and anguish true illogical, useless, unreal and fantasy to us to children they are truth, real and matter serious.

First Love

First Love P K Routray with magic touch of age floats the cloud of passion with its craze blooming the flower of love in her heart with ravishing smile tearing the rosy lips apart


Memories P K Routray Past incidents are aptly forgotten but some remain in memory Some are cherished, some are not but all tell the past story Some memories are always Intriguing and act funny

Why Now?

Why Now? P K Routray In childhood You failed again and again to stand up and walk alone then. But you did never quit high was your spirit. You tried yourself to express

Prayer Why and How?

Prayer how and why? P K Routray Pray how and why do we? An answer we hardly search to see. For a gain in wealth, health and prosperity,

Fun With Death

Fun with Death P K Routray Creation was on according to the creators conception. He created many, to each, a duty he did assign. When death was created and its jobs were stated,


Mercy P K Routray A beggar on a street corner, no warm cloth in cold winter, taking shelter under the trees in summer sleeping in night on foot path without fear,


Isolation P K Routray Happy can I be all around unhappy if I see? Healthy can I be sickness all-around if I see? Wise can I be fools all-around if I see?

Wishes for 2013

Wishes for 2013 P K Routray Many years have come and gone witnessing ecological depletion and destruction. We wish for our fellow human beings prosperity and happiness devoid of sufferings.

Gratitude of a life

Gratitude of a Life P K Routray Life is full with ups and downs, at times straight and at times rounds, at times with roses, at times with thorns,

Happiness and Mercy

Happiness and Mercy P K Routray Happiness generally invites mortal observers’ jealousy but jealousy does not come when the scene generates mercy.

Selfish Man

Selfish man P K Routray Man with many a unique feature, the best creation of the creator, Intellectually, the most superior social creature, spiritual leader, ethical teacher,

Full or Fool

Full or Fool P K Routray Today famous well-known, tomorrow may be lost and forgotten, today a celebrity tomorrow may be proved as a man of notoriety Everything is transitory and illusory

Freedom- A conception

Freedom- A conception P K Routray We find seldom the real feel of freedom. From one bondage to another we go on jumping , nothing to wonder. If we break the shackles of rules and regulations,

Wisdom and Child

A child Wisdom and Child P K Routray Hypocrisy, insolence, wrath, cruelty and human pride, none of these demoniac traits can be ever found in a child


Liberation P K Routray Being bereft of feeling and movement like a stone is never liberation. Bering one as the drop in ocean is also not liberation. Flame with flame union

Plenty and Poverty

Plenty and Poverty P K Routray Poverty over plenty, plenty over poverty and scanty, illusory creation, human logic are only fun. Prosperity on material wealth, poverty in physical health

River Bath

River Bath P K Routray In Indian river, in rain, summer or winter with running streams of water having changes in size, shape and color, woman folks of the villages located near

Tree & Love

Tree & Love P K Routray With passionate love for the God above the beauty inside a tree serves desire free from birth to death, breath after breath since life after life


Worry P K Routray Poetry is outcome of poetic imagination Art is outcome of artistic imagination Fiction is outcome of fictious imagination Invention is outcome of innovative imagination

Speech and silence

Speech and silence P K Routray Speech needs company; silence needs solitude in self harmony. Speech wants to conquer others; silence helps to conquer self that matters


Misdeed P K Routray We preach, talk and write on love. Pray day in day out to somebody above for peace, bliss and all such divine things

Fun wuth Creativity

Fun with Creativity P K Routray Creativity is fun of imagination. Creativity is madness in expression. Creativity is mad man’s appreciation. Creativity is mad wisdom’s revelation.

Our Love

Our Love P K Routray The fourteenth February with Valentine day’s glory we celebrate world over lauding love’s splendor and grandeur. But day in and day out, we love

Song of Life

Song of life P Gaan P K Routray (1) The meaning of life never you get how much you search, life's arithmetic is never complete work out how much.


Wrinkle P K Routray Wrinkles comes with age for all including actor, doctor or sage With cosmetics or medication or plastic surgery or meditation one may delay it for a while

Lost Virginity

Lost Virginity P K Routray Stories tell, novelists sell, myths prevail, corroborated by historians’ tale that in the days of yore in certain countries on this earth’s floor


Strange P K Routray Strange are our ways We preach truth practice lies. Our gospels are divine and pure, but our paths are demoniac and obscure. Those who matter in countries world over,

My Valentine Day

My valentine day P K Routray Valentine day before decades, a few Youthful passionate relation existed between we two. On valentine day I do not know then her emotion


Inscrutability P K Routray No way out, problems are worst and stout, the situation beyond comprehension Only He can take out of this situation. When pains and pangs are too much to bear


Tear P K Routray Tear one percent water ninety-nine percent emotion peeping to come out open. At times fake to lure at times real and pure ornaments of sex fare an attraction to stare


Intriguing P K Routray On a green pasture a flock of sheep together were grazing on with concentration to their hearts’ content and satisfaction. The shepherd, their master


Soul P K Routray A lady, old, wrinkled and sad seems to be holding a tiny heavenly bird, innocent and tender, away ready to flutter searching a new destination


Smile P K Routray Smile from a girl rustic Poor, ill clad and sick But with her smile captivating, innocent but penetrating casting magic spell with its mystic tale of creating positive aura

Real Teacher

Real teacher P K Routray Happiness, peace and bliss together or either, contentment, joy, glee and pleasure, from birth to death the man hankers after,


Ridiculous P K Routray Be it dog, goose or snake, In board day light love they make. But if it is man such open love who never can? Searches the cover of darkness or a hiding place to address

Want and Need

Want and Need P K Routray Want and need Difference is vivid One grows with greed The other is for survival the seed Need is the legitimate demand of life

I am what I am destined to be

I am what I am destined to be P K Routray In my twilight With a sigh, I travel across my life with the decades flying like amonth a month fleeting in a moment


Smiles P K Routray Singing a lullaby softly for her child the lady rustic is working in the field adding to the nature, the grandeur and splendor


Snow P K Routray (1) Clad in white dazzling with light spotless and bright extra ordinary at sight immaterial whether day or night the nature remains at its sparkling height.


Helplessness P K Routray Cruelty is at its height, helplessness, lying low, cannot incite the mercy from the inhumanity crossing all its demoniac limit.

Mercy Killing

Mercy killing P K Routray Photo I see, shocks to me, wretched I feel frustration I cannot conceal. Divinity we flout Our humanitarian traits I doubt, Inhumanity we squander,

Way Of Life

Way of Life P K Routray With the philosophy of one God, one world and one family, shunning the barrier of caste, creed, color and communality accepting peace as religion


Valor P K Routray When human race is in peril, in the claws of demon and devil, come the noble men with iron will to save the humanity they perform the tasks uphill.

Unique relationship

Unique relationship P K Routray Friends and friendship throughout a life one does cherish. This relationship is a unique creation of one’s own

His love

His Love P K Routray As Mohammad, Krishnan and Jesus incatnated the Almighty with His purpose not to preach the gospels which could have been done by...


Feelings P K Routray With feelings of pain, heart bleeds, stands on it, as if a mountain tears rolls, to sooth the heart toxic gets the mood tearing...

Good, bad and absolute

Good, bad and absolute P K Routray On Heaven, earth and hell my grandmother used to tell many a story with their myth and mystery. All they are...

Dream, Desire and Doctor

Dream, Desire and Doctor P K Routray For the word “Dream” as we generally cite, write and mean in dictionary and Google search, such meanings are...


Irony P K Routray Aid some, the society to smoothly function, they are lawyers, doctors, engineers and so on There also thrive antisocial elements...


Difference P K Routray On the sand, adjacent to the water bed of a sea, in an early morning, while on walk a man could see a lady in dancing posture...


Difference P K Routray On the sand, adjacent to the water bed of a sea, in an early morning, while on walk a man could see a lady in dancing posture...

Again and Again

Again and again P K Routray With future versus past, musings in contrast, old is brooding over her past gone for ever hazed sweet memory childhood,...

Our Treasure

Our treasure P K Routray The Almighty is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent With power and grace infinite. God is though limitless but still Him...

Beauty and Belief

Beauty and Belief P K Routray Beautiful is the Belief with belief in the God. Beautiful are the Creatures with belief in the Creator. Beautiful is...

Why do you cry?

Why do you cry? P K Routray If reasons are hundred to cry, one hundred one reasons are there to smile, no one can deny. Cry you for losing wealth,...

A Dream, I Cherish

As a humor the fantasy in a dream

An Advice

An advice P K Routray Seventy years hence Child life had a difference. With no mobile, no computer no ice cream no burger no face book, no cartoon...

A Boon, I Ask For

A Boon, I Ask For P K Routray My early days’ memory listening to many a story on God and His power, teachings from scripture propitiation and prayer...

Who created evil?

Who created evil? P K Routray Created, the Creator everything, He loves from earth to sky and ants to doves. Truth, faith forgiveness, humanity smile...

Fifty years, back if I go

Fifty years, back if I go P K Routray Fifty years, if the time moves back like a replay of games on field or track with exception that I only...

After fifty years

After fifty years P K Routray After fifty years from today on me, I propose something to say. Out of fantasy, imagination and scriptural study I have...


Unbalance P K Routray Men today think and say, toil and try, run and fly, day in day out, health they flout for materialistic gain under mental and...

Cherish I, Cry I

Cherish I, Cry I P K Routray To fly across and all over the globe to dine and dance for joy as only job in luxury hotels with famous stars drinking...

THe Musk

The Musk P K Routray On formation of musk in a musk deer emits it a mesmerizing and charming odor. For the musk with fragrance divine sweet the musk...

Thin Line

Thin line P K Routray Confidence and overconfidence, in between there lies a thin line, cross it if, pride we call it a lethal vice it is, it we must...

My autumn days

My autumn days P K Routray Cherish I with fond memory my young days’ autumn glory, travelling in open window bus, taking day and night, with many...

We and our sense organs

We and our sense organs P K Routray Extroverts are our sense organs, all five ear, eyes, nose, mouth and skin, when we are alive. in material world,...

A Concern

A Concern P K Routray Starvation, malnutrition, lack of shelter, no cloth to wear break you your head, tears you shed. Contribute you, your best in...

Real Poverty

Real poverty P K Routray Poverty and poor we see disrurbed get we, come tears to our eyes pray for them we with sighs. A ragpicker boy in the morning...

Excuse me, My teenager class mates

Excuse me, My teenager class mates P K Routray To day two of my classmates birth day, wishing them best, we pray, hale, hearty, one hundred years...

A noble profession

A noble profession P K Routray Needs the society a doctor to get cured, if from diseases they suffer. Need the society a pleader to seek justice, if...

Innocent wisdom

Innocent wisdom P K Routray Here is a story of a little girl with her faith in her lesson to illustrate with unflinching faith in Him we can fear...

Shut Down

Shut Down P K Routray Pretty politics at highest level in the advanced country United States of America leading the human race ahead. For seventeenth...

Tom Lancy is no more

Tom Lancy is no more P K Routray Breathed, Tom Lancy, his last on Tuesday, the first October His mortal remains will vanish but him the world will...


SALT P K Routray To conceive and compose either in poetry or prose varied subjects, poets ponder, sparkle some by providence to their wonder...


Monotony P K Routray Monotony causes agony. Needs man a break his zeal, to shake to come back fresh to clear the mesh and to create his best for his...

Seven Woders

Seven Wonders P K Routray Wonders in this planet numerous shows the net. Their rankings and ratings vary as per the organization to jury. Unique and...


Phailin P k Routray A super cyclone, half the size of India gaining momentum just in turbulent sea three hundred kilometer away is proceeding towards...

An ode after the cyclone

An ode after the cyclone P K Routray Human courage was shattered, human confidence was battered, humiliated was human wisdom proved thus, the Phailin...

Dive and Believe

Give and Believe P K Routray Lost in desert, dying of thirst to his surprise a man could find an abandoned house, a hand pump behind. For a glass of...


UNO P K Routray With her breast torn the war worn earth, when pushed to destruction warned “Exist will be none victor and vanquished both with all...

Self Claim

Self Claim P K Routray Life, seven million wonderful is His creation. Vary they in size, shape and structure, in dimension diverge they from mega to...

Rehab I

Rehab I P K Routray Remember I my early days steal, lie and run we with craze for noon, evening or midnight shows to hall near or far with friends or...

All Good

All Good P K Routray Be good, act good, Think good, see good talk good, listen good, beauty is good, virtue is good to love is good, to serve is good...

Happiness In Market

Happiness in market P K Routray Happiness, men always search in temple, mosque and church, in wealth, power and success but till the end they seldom...

Listen, Hey Man!

Listen, Hey Man! P K Routray An allegoric incident to reason out the human ailment, here I beg to bring. In a multistoried building a supervisor...

True Prayer

True prayer P K Routray Pray we in silence. Pray we in loud voice. Pray we alone in isolation. Pray we in mass congregation. Pray we with postures...


Parameters P K Routray Parameters of a man to measure as to whether he will ebb or prosper, are man’s power of discrimination, devotion, discipline,...

Premature Deparature

Premature Departure P K Routray Day I remember, It was a day to cheer when a fruit in it I located after fourteen years since the sapling was planted...

Own Way

Own Way P K Routray Mysterious is creation man is awe struck at the way it is run. From birth to death, with his superior intellect as his wealth,...

Oh My Friend!

Oh my friend! P K Routray You told me, he was no good, a “c” grade student. You were the topper. In later life after college You expected, he would...

On A Vegetables' decor

On A Vegetables’ Decor P K Routray Appealing appetizers, array of vegetables mixtures juiced, raw, cooked and baked dinning table when get dressed...

Unexpressed Love

Unexpressed Love P K Routray My elbow was kissed and kissed till it was burnished till I blushed till I told no further my friend dear. Unintended,...

A Deafeat

A Defeat P K Routray As a teen ager a defeat I accepted never. With pride and ego of youth try and fight I with nail and tooth to win in any...

Gospels, Then and Now

Gospels, Then and Now P K Routray Gospels and preaching of all scriptures remain unaltered since many, many years where as the world around has...

Sane Living

Sane Living P K Routray Being caught between reason and emotion man is rattled with worries and tension as if in between two grinding stones being...

Mandela - a tribute

Mandela - a tribute P K Routray Men is made to differ because of difference in color “No” rebelled Mandela Nelson, faced the worst of time in the...

Need of the day

Need of the day P K Routray Serve the genuine needy, not the need of a greedy, Food for starvation, cloth to cloth less million, for diseased,...

Pray or serve?

Pray or Serve? P K Routray Creator is not visible but visible is His creation. Prayer is not visible but service catches the attention. The Creator...

Chess Supremacy

Chess Supremacy P K Routray Over a sixty four square board battle was fought without sword for winning in chess the world supremacy to reign for a...

His Infinite Form

His Infinite Form P K Routray Astronomy, astrophysics’ tale baffle us to ever dare imagine His formless form the sound, light, heat, mass energy,...

The Super Gardner

The Super Gardner P K Routray The Himalayan mountain terrains picturesque, they are in summers, winters and rains Inaccessible are many of them to...

Rhyme With Time

Rhyme With Time P K Routray Time waits for none be it a man, a tree or a stone. To all, time is always fair and does never alter whether he is...

A New Year Reflection

A New Year Reflection P K Routray More than hunger no man can eat. health will be in peril, if it exceeds a bit. A whole closet of clothes no one can...


Positivity P KRoutray From our earthly experience can we not surmise with confidence, that anything good and beautiful are positive, joyous and...

Emotional Spring

Emotional Spring P K Routray Contentment and positive feelings spirals up the emotion with hope, optimism, enthusiasm and jubilation Fear and...

Possession or Appreciation

Possession or Appreciation P K Routray Love you a flower from your core captivated by its beauty and grandeur, enmoured by its freshness and...

An Invitation

An Inbvitation P K Routray To celebrate the eve of a new year with hope for prosperity and cheer, invite you I for a lunch in Indian way, no chicken...

Infinity Questioned

Infinity Questioned P K Routray Infinite and limitless, all pervading, formless the creator, the sustainer and the dissolver of those, man has...

Unite and Fight

Unite and Fight P K Routray “Unite, you flourish, divide, you perish.” Moral from a childhood grand ma’s story lost and forgotten in modern man’s...

Inside and Outside

Inside and Outside P K Routray Rich gets richer gaining health, wealth and power at a price to poor making him sick, needy and to suffer. Serve and...

Scriptural Conclusions

Scriptural Conclusions P K Routray Universe is His huge creation minutes are atoms and electron. Obey both same configuration “around a nucleus other...

A Tale of Time

(1) A Tale of time P K Routray A bridge to cross a vibrant river across, had been built since ages, its gracious service is hard to asses. From...

Silence and Inaction

Silence and Inaction P K Routray With good deeds under execution an act of opposition is the silence and the inaction. With bad deeds under execution...

A Difference

A difference P K Routray Man and animal both classified as mammal, breastfeed their offspring, have same limbs with similar functioning. Both are...

Pray for All

Pray for all P K Routray Reveals our prayer that selfish to the core, we are. “Hey Lord! Give me this or that, health, wealth and all the best on our...

Silence and Inaction

Silence and Inaction P K Routray With good deeds under execution an act of opposition is the silence and the inaction. With bad deeds under execution...

Real Success

Real Success P K Routray Success you define as achieving power, position, such kind. Transitory these surely are of which everyone is pretty aware...

A Stricture

A Stricture P K Routray Homeless million in snow, rain and hot sun struggle to bear the frowning weather just to exist with us as our sister and...

Dynamics of Time

Dynamics of Time P K Routray Time is a great doctor, heals grievous wounds both outer and inner. Time is a great lawyer, perfects the evidence for...


Unpardonable P K Routray To His Ten Commandments wise man today seeks amendments. Violates them he in spirit and letter interpreting it to suit his...

The Tales of Tears

The Tales of Tears P K Routray “Mummy mummy, a candy for me, children there holding them you see. The boy wearing red jean was yesterday there, today...

THe Art to Exist

The Art to Exist P K Routray Every man is an artist his arts and crafts enable him to exist. In his each step and in his each deed creativity and...

Vying with a Bee

Vying with a Bee P K Routray Bees varieties man seea, minute ugly to singing big afraid man is to their bitter sting. Robs man from their hive honey...

For Our Friernds

For Our Friends P K Routray 14 degree below zero in temperature wind chill factor minus 43 in measure. Hard to find from history such climatic...

Irony of Health

Irony of Health P K Routray Irony and ignominy are the effect, as the poor’s health is wrecked by environmental pollution thanks to the lust and...

Realities and Reflection

Realities and Reflection P K Routray Realities today none can deny of Ill health, ill fed million but on warfare we spend trillion. Dwindling is the...

Real Need

Real Need P K Routray From the need to survive to the greed of luxury to live a voyage tempts the man in delusion to embark upon it to reach his...

An Introspection

An Introspection P K Routray Creation is infinite it, finite wisdom cannot limit. To explore the limitless unknown inquisitive man is desperately on...

Anniversary Gift

Anniversary gift P K Routray Thirty nine years back as a groom I came to your village on a Palki in a procession with beatingdrums, cracking crackers...

True Identification

True Identification P K Routray Anger and anxiety alienates man’s innate beauty. From the anger and the anxiety with no effort man regains normalcy...

Love to Coexist

Love to Coexist. P K Routray In thick forest trees, minute to mammoth, new born to decayed and old amidst cobwebs of twisted bushes, twining creepers...


Compliments P K Routray Great men remain great whatever they generate, examples they set


Alcohol P K Routray A man loves to drink to get alcoholic kick. But kicks make him sick. (N . B Haiku style)


Accidents P K Routreay Men cause accidents under alcohol’s influence killing innocents. (N . B Haiku style)

True Forgiveness

True Forgiveness P K Routray Fragrance of flowers illustrates the true forgiveness when they are badly crushed. (N. B - Japanese Haiku type_


Thoughts P K Routray With cool and calm mind, clarity for thoughts you find. Make the thoughts divined. ( N . B This in Japanese Hiku fprmat)

Before We pray

Before we pray P K Routray In Mosque, temple and church to pardon him of his sins, the Lord, a man goes to search. A man must pardon himself of his...

Before you kindle a candke

Before you kindle a candle P K Routray Light you a candle in church or temple for enlightenment of your soul or for some personal boons as your goal...

How, Why and Who?

How, Why and who? P K Routray Find, we a new born child ignorant, innocent and mild smiling, kicking and sucking from its mother crying when it is in...

Wise Man

Wise Man P K Routray To find a wise man far and near we can scan from laboratory to university from men in power to men of prosperity futile and...

Pressures In Life

Pressures In Life P K Routray Unless squeezed no oil comes out of the olive, unless pressed the sweet wine, the grapes do not give. When crushed, the...

Happiness and You

Happiness and You P K Routry If you harmonize your own thoughts, words and actions, you get happiness (N.B It is a Japanese form of poem Haiku)

A Truth

A Truth P K Routray The wealthy gains wealth from poverty of the poor. Man makes man to suffer. (In Haiku form)


Perceptions P K Routray Human perceptions have no limit. To ascertain the truth human senses fight. Legal profession is born to assist because of it...

Beauty and Beast

Beauty and Beast P K Routray To cool or to heat or in cozy comfort to sit for each act and deed energy is the man’s need. Energy in very huge...


Blameless P K Routray While on an evening stroll the events of past in me started to scroll Many ill- lucks and missed opportunities Mused, I over...


Copy P K Routray Charmed by the life of others copy if we their answers to the questions posed to their life, fail we will in our battle to survive...

Bungee Jumping

Bungee Jumping P K Routray Indeed Bungee jumping Is adventure stunning! From a high peak to a deep sea underneath to sink jumps the youth with heroic...

Fun with Time

Fun withTime P K Routray Time is slow when you wait Time is fast when you are late Time is deadly when you are sad Time is short when you are glad...

Chess Complexity

Chess Complexity P K Routray A game of chess where intellect, you stress by maneuvering a king and its entire troop to swing at your discretion and...

A Unique Game

A Unique Game P K Routray A healthy body and a peaceful mind every man of every walk of life quests to find It may be by way of physical exercise and...

Longing For A Smile

Longing for a smile P K Routray A lady, health shattered, strength withered, physically old, was looking forward to go ahead with a stick on her...

An Unanimous Proof

An Unanimous Proof P K Routray Life comes forth from water a liquid without taste, ordure and color. Perfect solvent and neutral it is dissolves...

God says

God says P K Routrayay “Seek me and find me. With your heart when you seek me with you I will be”.. (N.B In Japanese Haiku format)

The Big Bang and Its Creator

The Big Bang and Its Creator. P K Routray With an enormous explosion emanated the space time and the creation. It is the Big Bang, the scientists...

The Big Bang and Its Creator

The Big Bang and Its Creator. P K Routray With an enormous explosion emanated the space time and the creation. It is the Big Bang, the scientists...

Bow We For Whatever We See

Bow we for whatever we see. P K Routray The earth is His unique creation on it only perhaps a life can live on. The earth is having all favorable...

Never Hurt

Never Hurt P K Routray A smile on a human face is a flower with divine grace. It brings calmness and cheers the people around heals, in a heart the...

A Dent At Human Vanity

A Dent At Human Vanity P K Routray A nest by a meek bird swings with air cyclone or tornado it does not care as if making fun at wise man’s shocking...


Man-Lion P K Routray Ferocious He is to prune the earth from the vice as the Hindu sees.

False Vanity

False Vanity P K Routray The selfless service and true love exhibited by plants to animals pales the man, the self proclaimed best among the mammals...

Helpless Man

Helpless Man P K Routray Have two hundred thirty-nine souls from over and around the world innocent duty bound almost all travelling from Kuala...

From Our Heart's Bottom

From Our Heart’s Bottom P K Routray On his artistic creation for esteem and recognition every artist inscribes his name to remain alive for his art...

Poetry In Village Market

Poetry In Village Market P K Routray To day It is world poetry day . Brought up as an Indian village boy my heartfelt feelings I submit to say. In my...

On This World Poetry Day

On this world poetry Day P K Routray ABCtales lives up to its vision, mission and tradition integrates the poets on the earth under the sun from...

Rustic Artistry

Rustic artistry P K Routray Born and brought in a rustic environment in a remote village of Indian subcontinent this author collects some pebbles...

Agony and Atonement

;Agony and Atonement P K Routray Often peep in me with childhood gratitude and glee a deed fulfilling then my fancied desire dreamt, longed,...

Emotion and Compassion

Emotion and compassion P K Routray Without grace with wrinkles on her face, beauty mutilated by pox marks, gaits constrained due to hard works, bent...

A True Teacher

A True Teacher P K Routray True teacher, we find never leaves a heart behind while Training a mind. (N. B in Japanese Haiku format)

Language of Prayer

Language of Prayer P K Routray “So many languages we see Oh Lord! can you not tell me the language, you like the most through which to you my prayer...

This too shall pass

This too shall pass P K Routray Aggrieved are you of present or an imminent catastrophic situation? This too will pass, do not panic, you with...

A Ghost and Me

A Ghost and Me P K Routray To curb my childhood mischief I was made to have a belief of ghosts, ghouls and spirits operating within their defined...

A Frustrated Sigh

A Frustrated Sigh P K Routray When effort and talent have no say, patrimony is the practice of the day, Justice and truth command no respect, devpoid...

Egg Or Chicken

Egg or Chicken P K Routray “Before the egg came the chicken as the protein can only be produced by a hen and the protein then only ca n makes the egg...


Egolessnes P K Routray From among all the human virtues the best virtue if one has to choose to pray the Almighty for a boon to grant in case more...

Perfect Timing

Perfect Timing P K Routray God has perfect timing never early, never late for every being. It takes a little patience and a lot of trust but it's...

One Boon

One Boon P K Routray “A boon from the Almighty” the thought makes everyone crazy. With one boon a man can possibly reach the top from wealth,...

In American Way

In American way P K Routray A story of a dear friend with whom early parts of life I had spent as a school boy from the same village and as students...

Indian Election

Indian Election P K Routray “I am one among you vote for me and make me through.” Woo the candidates in their election gusto with their usual...

Being The God For A Day

Being the God for a day P K Routray The Almighty has His failures lenient is He to his creatures. Human eyes and feelings He does not possess hence...

Dirt With Politics

Dirt with Politics P K Routray Use of word politics conveys a cobweb of nasty tricks. The underlying truth is crystal clear from the politics and...

A Modified Metaphor

A Modified Metaphor P K Routray A well known picture with three monkeys in three postures with its hands one closing its eyes signifying nothing bad...

Wid Horse

Wild Horse P K Routray If you are on a horse controlling it, if it you can force You can reach your destination with ease and earlier to estimation...

Super Metaphors

Super Metaphors P K Routray In the painting above human woes to solve teaches the Super Soul to a man confused on his goal, the essence of human...

Indian Summer Rain

Indian Summer Rain P K Routray Hot and sweltry are days to get relieved man prays for rain to come and give relief so also birds, animal and trees...

The Eart Day

The Earth Day P K Routray Today It is the Earth Day observed all over the earth to coexist with all in creation with mirth getting rid of our greed...

His Unique Creation

His Unique Creation P K Routray A playwright and a poet on earth all time great never again will appear another wizard Shakespeare. He left his...

Short Poem

Short Poem P K Routray To be clear to my reader dear and to leave no ambiguity use I no words with metaphoric beauty. maybe I lack that poetic acumen...

A Test

A Test PK Routray I love my friend I love my pet I love my child, my love for you is best Motherly love, sisterly love and love of a friend conjugal...


Humility P K Routray Grass you cannot mow in a perfect little row standing tall and proud

The Most Beautiful

The Most Beautiful P K Routray Beautiful is a blooming flower. Beautiful is hail stones with summer shower. Beautiful is a roaring lion. Beautiful is...

Fun With Soul

Fun with soul P K Routray Immortal is the soul. To perform a role assigned from the above it puts up a body as a robe till its role from the earth is...

Intensity Of Intent

Intensity of intent P K Routray Intensity of intent intensifies the impetus bringing out better than the best from within us. See a lion running...

A Sight to Cite

A Sight To Cite P K Routray Within my sight, day and night at dusk and dawn, in moon and sun, in rain and winter, in spring and summer dance a bunch...

Please Excuse Me.

Please Excuse Me P K Routray Beg I your pardon. Dare I touch on a subject involving present day icons influencing the social structure of the day...

Slum Fire

Slum Fire P K Routray Mercury touching all time high with it agonizing humidity to vie. Life is awful now in this summer, worse to those who are...


Smoking P K Routray Smoking is injurious to health still many smoke in public, many in stealth. The warning is statutorily written on its pack still...

A True Devotee

A True Devotee P K Routray It is a prevailing notion prioritizing his own self, prays a man with devotion. Ramakrishna was a devoted Hindu saint of...

See The Holy Cross

See the Holy Cross P K Routray Today it is eighth May observed as the world Red Cross day to reflect upon its august ambitions as to alleviate the...

Fingers Say

Fingers Say P K Routray All fingers are not equal in length but when they bend they stand equal. All fingers do not have equal strength honoring one...

On MY Own

On MY Own P K Routray To a swirlingly falling leaf asked a poet with a sigh of grief. “Who caused you to fall when on tree live are your brethren all...

Mutual Respect

Mutual Respect P K Routray Body is full of water Heart is a blood circulator When the body is hurt, the heart oozes out blood. When the heart is hurt...

Oh Mother!

Oh Mother! P K Routray While in your womb I had given you many a kick as you knew that was then my only communicational trick I wanted perhaps to...

Equality and Justice

Equality versus Justice P K Routray Unequal we are at our birth. Unequal is our environs on the earth. Unequal is our fate. Unequal is our intellect...

Man pales

Man pales P K Routray Man takes prides in his acts and intellect in vain as to ascertain and attain the goal of life he is confused and insane. Soars...

A Gist Of Hindu Faith

A Gist Of Hindu Faith P K Routray With aim to self realization the human beings are born. With a life of love, purity, perfection and divinity, he...

Simply Surrender

Simply Surrender P K Routray For things pray never What is good, he knows better, To Him surrender (N.B It in Japanese Haiku format)


Judgment P K Routray Judge someone never as a saint or a sinner, Leave it to the judge super who is all-pervading observer. Nothing can elude His...


Communication P K Routray The world Communication day is being observed with many promises today to bridge the gap of technological differences...

India went to poll

India went to poll P k Routray India with quarter and one thousand million populations with numerous cast, creed, colors languages, and almost all...

India went to poll

India went to poll P k Routray India with quarter and one thousand million populations with numerous cast, creed, colors languages, and almost all...


Together P K Routray Smile and tear instruments they’re to express human emotion of ecstasy and agony of a person, smile epitomizing pleasure tear...


Comparison P K Routray Shun comparison. Out of it desire is born, your joy is stolen. (N B- It in japanese Haiku format.) .

Health Is Wealth

Health Is Wealth P K Routray Our childhood missions were to play and sweat on, to eat wholesome nutritious food and make all attempts to keep our...


Richness P K Routray Real Richness is not earning or saving more, when you need no more. (In Japanese Haiku format)

Will Power

Will Power P K Routray Hats off to Sweden for the guiding beacon to the mankind at such critical hour by their exemplary will power to convert eco...

Policies to Rule

Policies to Rule P K Routray Taking from Peter and giving it to pal forget the politicians human morale over swept by their selfish need and greed...

Never Dissipate

Never Dissipate P K Routray Love and care for your loved one you spare every day and every moment itch in their heart permanent. It may be too small...


Instead P K Routray Shed you tear; which I will not see when I am dead. Attempt to wipe out tears of my misery now instead. Offer you bouquet of...

Ther Supreme Attorney

The Supreme Attorney P K Routray In Australian’s Christmas island millions of red crabs living on land leave their burrows located at its central...

An Attractive Bride

An Attractive Bride P K Routray “Oh beautiful pushy darling of my heart! With scrap and goggles you look pretty smart. I am your next door neighbor...

No Tobacco Day

No Tobacco Day P K Routray Observe we today across the globe as no tobacco day to reiterate that every day should be a no tobacco day and to stop...

An Earthly Knot

An Earthly Knot P K Routray A face lost in thought to a grandma a child has brought, drawing an art or composing a poetry par excellence to speak of...

It Also Hurts

It also hurts P K Routray “Put yourself always in the others' shoe. If you feel it hurts you, probably then it hurts the other person too.” This is...

Beyond Your Perception

Beyond Your Perception P K Routray On the sandy bank of a river after fishing the fishermen gather to distribute their catches and to park their...

Ugly But Beautiful

Ugly but Beautiful P K Routray “Eh Roseplant ! Are you crying for your thorny thorn? when such beautiful flowers often you proudly adorn?” “ No sir,...

Man Longs For

Man longs for P K Routray It is not my fault that I was born amidst scanty and poverty, that I did not know what education is, nor aware of...


Charity P K Routray For exhibiting charity plenty of wealth is not the necessity nor the search of opportunity but every kind word and activity...


Life P K Routray Whatever I wanted, much I never got, whatever I got, much I never wanted, whatever I got, I never thought, whatever I thought, I...


Choices P K Routray Grab everything you like. or like whatever you have The choice is yours. - N . B - A haiku


Compromise P K Routray Often we compromise being flexible, alive, not dead, lifeless, stiff.


Priceless P K Routray Friendship, relationship and time free are they, costing us not even a dime. But their priceless worth are realized never until...


Thoughts P k Routray With thoughts, holy and sacred tranquil the atmosphere is made. A church, a mosque or a temple illustrates example true and...

A Barrow Meter

A Barrow meter P K Routray The purpose of our prayer as we place is to appeal the Almighty us to bless with no sweat of brow to meet our rising need...

FIFA World Cup

FIFA WORLD CUP P K Routray Somersaults and joys of rapture, hands of God and Maradonna’s magic tenure Pele’s semifinal hat-trick and banana kicks...


Arguments P K Routray Win I and lose must he, in all arguments egos we see. I fight to score over my friend, care I fig as to whether him I offend...

Smile Please

Smile please P K Routray if with a smile of five seconds a lifeless camera wonderfully presents a pleasing photo to captivate every onlooker, cannot...

To Complete

To Complete P K Routray The creator created time and space in them He filled particles, waves and consciousness particles consist of fermions and...

As You Give So You Feel

As you give, so you feel P K Routray Hidden, we find a feeling behind every act of giving, positive feeling behind positivity in giving negativity in...

Forms Of Faith

Forms of Faith P K Routray Without doubting its mother a trace Kitten is fearless while moving from place to place held tightly by the jaws and the...


Rhythm P K Routray Rhythm beatifies dance and music, also rhythm controls the chaotic traffic. Rhythm subsists everywhere in His creation from mega...

Mammoth versus Micro

Mammoth versus Micro P K Routray Not the mountains ahead but the sand in shoes instead wear us fast to fade.

An Impression

An Impression P K Routray On any of his failure the man blames God if he finds none other. Always he tries to blame his self the least. because of a...

For Better or Worse?

For Better or Worse? P K Routray Human intelligence and endeavor worsen the life today failing beyond measure. Bigger is house shorter is family,...

Possibility to His Proximity

Possibility to His Proximity P K Routray Save man, no other creature can change on own its nature. Look at beast, birds and trees and so on in this...

Ocean Of Tears

Ocean of Tears P K Routray All the oceans on the earth together will lack the space to accommodate the tears shed so far by the human race. Thus is...

Practice to Perfection

Practice to perfection P K Routray To perform the best in a crucial or a final examination, intermittent tastes are necessary to check the progress...

Vanity In Humility

Vanity In Humility P K Routray Humbleness and pride both are expressions of ego showen off by a man. (N.B - In Japanese haiku format)

The Best Cook

The Best Cook P K Routray To man, for the wholesome nourishment minerals, vitamins and such other constituents are alone not enough to meet the...


Sacrifice P K Routray Donating to church in any measure or feeding the hungry poor or educating the uneducated is not true sacrifice thus said. It is...

Inner Camera

Inner camera P K Routray Hide well a man can from others’ eyes his sinful words and deeds with subtle lies. To hood wink others he may pretend and...

An Introduction

An Introduction P K Routray ॐ is an holy expression in the Hindu, the Jain and the Buddhist religion A U M is the prefered pronunciation of this...

Elasticity Of Time

Elasticity of Time P K Routray Twenty four hours of a day not sufficient for a child to sleep, eat and play study was accommodated when he was a...

Seventy and Thirty

Seventy and Thirty P K Routray Contains, we say a human life thirty percent joy but seventy percent strife. Thirty percent of his time he hardly...

The Experience

(1) The Experience P K Routray My friend Mr Prahlda Gaan a heart by-pass surgery just he has undergone with pre-stenting and post operative...

Mind Control

Mind Control P K Routray To control the mind watch the movements of the mind or divert the mind. (N.B In japanese Haiku format)

Irresptive Of Sizes

Irrespective of Sizes P K Routray Oxygen content if dwindles at any moment life in animal kingdom will vanish but the loss of oxygen the plants...


Quotients P K Routray Quotient is an indicator used generally as a measure so far of human intelligence to map his caliber and competence to search...

“ i” instead of “I“

“ i” instead of “I“ P K Routray The capital “I” stands proudly for “me” as if intoxicated with ego from me, which can never go whether I am in a...

His Presence

His presence P K Routray with naked eye or aided eye to locate Him level best, we try, with all our senses singly or together Him we try to smell,...


Selfishness P K Routray As an early childhood lesson selfishness, we were taught to shun to share with sister and brother our sweet not to fight, as...

Who Is Rich?

Who Is Rich? P K Routray We define a man as a rich person if he has plenty of material wealth in his possession. To add on to his wealth he is always...

True Love

True Love P K Routray May be for the infinite time the subject is repeated on the divine trait since ages whose true interpretations are still under...

Incomplete Assistance

Incomplete Assistance P K Routray An orphan child lying alone with legs multiply broken in a pool of blood amidst dirt and mud noticed by a passerby...

The sun pales

The Sun pales P K Routray With mighty power of the sun its pervading rays, can avoid none. So goes the human thinking hence a lie cannot stay hiding...

Eluding Wisdom

Eluding Wisdom P K Routray Atheists and theists both doubt as to whether the God exists. Atheists surrender when hope is given up by the doctor...


Dust P K Routray With size microscopic, character metamorphic, originated from lofty mountains, dragged down by slim fountains making the sand bed at...

Meditation In Action

Meditation In Action p k routray For health and happiness meditation is a process to control and calm down the fickle mind acts and attentions during...


Intriguing P K Routray If a comparison is drawn over the extent of joy and appreciation on their food stuff served to a rich and a poor at their...

Who is Master?

Who is Master? P K Routray You tell, you are ever ready to serve God the omnipresent, the omniscient and the omnipotent. He needs your service never...


Liberation P K Routray Is liberation something that is being bereft of feeling and movement like a stone? Is liberation something like one drop of...

Between Thoughts

Between Thoughts P K Routray In between thoughts empty spaces fill up the slots. As the thoughts elongate in between spaces we truncate raising our...

Feelings Vary

Feelings Vary P K Routray Hug to mother, hug to father, hug to sister, hug ton brother, hug to wife, hug to console somebody in tear and strife, hug...

Idol Worship

Idol Worship P K Routray Every year during the month of October with the winter at the door and the rain is over off from field after hard labor the...

A retrosp[ection

A retrospection P K Routray Here are two pictures of yester era each in itself speaks in plethora of what we should do or not do or with time and...

Human Birth

Human Birth P K Routray Out of species eight million born to exist in this creation the best species is the human race having calibers which others...

In A Blind Kingdom

In a blind kingdom P K Routray In a kingdom of blind one smart fellow tells the other from behind “Hey Poor, wretched friends! I see the undulations...

Sweetness Of Getting

Sweetness Of Getting P K Routray Something to get one has to steal or sweat with true, deserving effort to fetch one a rewarding result or by efforts...

Unwise Man

Unwise Man P K Routray Man ever hankers after honor, wealth and power throughout his mortal stay despite the agony and dismay. Acquiring them to any...

A Difference

A Difference P K routray Bliss and happiness differ in bliss there exists no happiness or sorrow either, no good or bad, no present or future. Bliss...

Head and Heart

Head and Heart P K Routray The intellect creates division, difference and disparity. The heart brings among men unity, fraternity and amity. Love...

Accept As Such

Accept As Such P K Routray There is no saint or sinner, no virtue nor vice either in the drama of His creation scripted and directed by him to go on...

Wonder I.

Wonder I. P K Routray Wonderful is your creation, strange is its design where everything is for me but nothing is mine.

Wise Words

Wise Words P K Routray As learnt and heard from wise men’s word over last sixty five years or so here I give them a go. Three advice mortal man must...

A Measure

A Measure P K Routray A man’s depth of wisdom, one can easily fathom by measuring the time span spent by the man to come back to his calm composure...

Needle vs. Scissor

Needle vs. Scissor P K Routray Look at a needle and a scissor. one unites, bisects the other. In life be a needle, not a scissor. as unite, the...

Man Of Realization

Man Of Realization P K Routray Of a man of realization thus is the definition. He is a human being without negative thinking.

Feeling Guilty

Feeling Guilty P K Routray To hell the anger is a gate way preaching is always to keep it at bay. An aura of negative energy the anger creates...

Feeling Guilty

Feeling Guilty P K Routray To hell the anger is a gate way preaching is always to keep it at bay. An aura of negative energy the anger creates...


Success PK Routray We deify a man with his professional success with his name and fame as yard stick, we assess. Applaud we successful engineers,...

Normal Man

Normal Man p k routray A divine man, a devilish man a good man, a bad man an egoistic man. an egoless man an angry man, a calm and cool man Then what...


Weakness P K Routray The greatest obstacle in life man has to tackle is his weakness born out of attachment for earthly objects deceptive and...

A Beautiful Life

A Beautiful Life P K Routray Possessions, attachment and pride whose thirst if a man in life can override will not cause him in life any sufferings...

His Need

His Need P K Routray Wealth, wisdom and bliss the Almighty has everything in abyss. Praise you Him needlessly, in your prayer for these never does He...

Questionable Answers

Questionable Answers P K Routray A question to you I pose. Answer you please but do not disclose till the end of this questioning verse to analyze as...

Hold On

Hold On P K Routray Hold on to the feet of a wise person to get the wisdom to achieve your true ambition. Hold on to arms of the wrestler in...

A Mystery

A Mystery P K Routray Who is a teacher and who is taught? reverse will appear the roles, if given a thought Who is a servant and who is a master? one...

Cruel Clock

Cruel Clock P K Routray In these ripe old days my childhood memories often blaze not lost in the mist of memory’s me shy corridor but dazzle by many...

Though art everything

Though art everything P K Routray Ego is the barricade creating in between man and the God a blockade. Out of ego man thinks he is the master doer as...

Settle The Account

settle the account P K Routray Hindu philosophy says “The mortal body decays but the soul within it remains immortal never get destroyed even by...

A Micron

A Micron P K Routray You Doubt Whether God exists? Look at wonders of creation Hatching of eggs. . . . . -those of the canary in 14 days; -those of...

Your umbrella – you create

Your umbrella – you create P K Routray Within His continuous shower of compassion an umbrella of your own cruelty you hold on avoiding the rain of...

Sensual Pleasure and Man

Sensual Pleasure and Man P K Routray A moth is burnt alive rushing ro the fire live being tempted by sensuous sight, the fire offers through its...

Man Living With Man

Man Living With Man P K Routray A man tells another man “Separate you from me, you never can. If you love me I am in your heart I am in your brain,...


Purification P K Routray Purified gets body by WATER and EXERCISE. Purified gets breathe by PRAANAAYAM. Purified gets mind by MEDITATION. Purified...

An Infinite Source

An Infinite Source P K Routray Secular or spiritual all knowledges in general spring forth from mind the infinite source of knowledge of any kind. An...

Better Teacher

Better Teacher P K Routray To mould a man’s character come and teach in his life many a teacher Misery and happiness, poverty and wealth good and...

Determination, Dedication and Devotion

Determination, Dedication and Devotion P K Routray Wwith adversity all-around light of the day these trees have found fighting against all odds with...


Mercy P K Routray On extinction is the rarest breed. To show off, cruel man exhibits his heinous greed. Refer to gospels of any religion and...


Charity P K Routray Every act, every word of benevolence and behavior of kindness which promote happiness are called charity in true sense.


Pregroative? P K Routray Animals, insects and birds can express their love as found in elephant, lizard, squirrel and dove as if to prove love is not...

Definition of True Love

Definition Of true love P K Routray Enjoying the true love from mother’s affection I searched true love elsewhere when I was grown between...

A Proud Creation

A Proud Creation P K Routray To insects, birds, reptile and mammals sweetness of mom or mother is colossal. A child recognizes none except mother. In...

Painful Memory

Painful Memory P K Routray In life many people come and go, some vanish from memory, with memory some flow. At this ripe age when I gaze at my bygone...


Practice P K Routray In pitch darkness with void of visibility hand reaches mouth without difficulty. The cause is the practice behind such wonders...

An Absolute Beauty

An Absolute Beauty P K Routray With freshness and fragrance glittering color and captivating appearance a flower mesmerize a man, it, who looks at...

A Promise

A Promise P K Routray My every thought, my every word and my every deed to His pleasure and to His service they must lead. I should get rid of...


Purification P K Routray Purified gets body by WATER and EXERCISE. Purified gets breathe by PRAANAAYAM. Purified gets mind by MEDITATION. Purified...


Liberation p k routray Is liberation being bereft of feeling and movement like a stone? Is liberation something being a drop in the ocean or flame...

Love or Hate, I am your part

Love or Hate, I am your part P K Routray A man tells another man “Separate you from me, you never can. If you love me I am in your heart if you hate...

My Universe

My Universe P K Routray My universe I alone do build under my happiness and sorrow’s shield Beauty I see in the nature around enjoying its creatures...


Book P K Routray On sand and stone with stick and bone on leaf, wood and paper with a pointer, ink and feather of late on electronic media and...

Sweetness In A Prayer

Sweetness in a prayer P K Routray With deep devotion focused concentration prayers must be prayed, to Him our gratitude must be conveyed to get a...

Natural State

Natural State P K Routray You get angry, you get red, you get disturbed and get tensed but you stay there for an hour or a day, you come back quickly...

I do not know.

I do not know. P K Routray To know everything being a human being since his birth everything on the earth and even beyond the earth ro keep each and...

Philosophy Of Life

Philosophy of life P K Routray Majority of happenings around to our likings, are never found All we face adversities of life some of us lament over...

Show Me Your God

Show Me Your God P K Routray “Hey saint! Show me your God. You only mislead the people and all your preaching are fraud.” Shouted at the pitch of his...

We Look For

We Look for P K Routray To future with hope we look for existence to present we look for realities at every instance, to past we look for experience...


Password P K Routray A user ID and a password to human memory power, are real hazard. Also you have to change those keys often to ensure nothing from...

Prayer to Practice

Prayer to Practice P K Routray Service to the sick and the poor is the best prayer, a man can offer. To sick, with no disgust or no aversion sevice,...

Beyond Scientific Logic

Beyond Scientific Logic P K Routray Exists a general atheistic query which most people carry that there is no God it is a conception absurd...

Singing The Glory For Me

Singing my glory for me P K Routray Adjacent to my study room touching its sliding window frame stands a mango tree eighteen years back planted by me...


Gratitude P K Routray Gratitude to all and gratitude to Him above all we forget and sorrows suffering we get. The intensity of pain somebody...

An Opinion

An Opinion P K Routray Between “Love” and “Like” exist a difference which is hard to strike But here is this author’s metaphoric comparison on a...

Divine Logic

Divine Logic P K Routray Complexity of cosmos is all around visible to us. The earth, the air and the water, the sun, the moon and the ether, the...

Ninety Percent and Ten Percent

Ninety Percent and Ten Percent P K Routray A principle of ten percent and ninety percent if we appreciate the result will be magnificent Anything...

Mind and Knowledge

Mind and Knowledge P K Routray Like fire in a piece of flint, in the mind exists knowledge to sprint. Suggestion is the friction which brings it out...

The End of Knowlefge

The End Of Knowledge P K Routray Looking at a library or at a net out of frustration I always get upset because of ocean of knowledge lying...

Indian Mango

India Mango P K Routray Fruits picked up from best qualities preserved with variety of preservatives in attractive pack while the freshness of ripe...

A Real Feeling

A Real Feeling P K Routay At present the hot humid Indian summer from morning seven it becomes unbearably severe Unless under pressure to meet hard...

Mercy Vrs jealousy

Mercy Vrs Jealousy P K Routray At time I wonder at the opposing character of mercy and jealousy as in my mind’s eye I see. For me they exist on two...

An Impression

An Impression P K Routray A deliberation on human disposition, an impression by the acts of mind and intellect and by family, society and sect is...

True Wisdom

True Wisdom P K Routray Definition of true wisdom is not amassing knowledge awesome but is the sacrifice of one’s ego. To get yhe bliss in life ego...

Morning Walk

Morning Walk P K Routray A morning walk on plain or rock, on a street or a park or on running track is good for health proclaimed as a man’s costly...


Bhai (Elder brother) P K Routray Touching now the age of sixty six, agrieved deeply by an occurrence when I was six I intend to express it to share...

The Eccentricity

The Eccentricity P K Routray Greece is the country of the great Alexander Europe and Asia, who then could conquer. Greece is the land of great...

Are we not thieves?

Are we not thieves? P K Routray On thief and theft questionable is the present concept accepting the legal judgment pronouncing the punishment on the...

Never Lament

Never Lament P K Routray On a stormy, rainy day a man was on his way through a dense forest and hilly track to reach his native village before it is...


Interesting P K Routray Iron is eaten by none except by oxide of its own. Eggs are hardened in boiling water but in the boiling water the potato gets...

His Assistance

His Assistance P K Routray With jewelry worth a million a man got in to a train for his destination. He saw a single co passenger in his compartment...

Divine Game

Divine Game P K Routray At the womb of the mother summersaults the child like a professional player. The mother enjoys the pain with tears of joy...

Isol Worship

Idol worship P K Routray Idol worship in the Hindu religion has been accepted to conceptualize the unknown to whom they need to convey their...

As We See

As We See P K Routray A fruit laden tree bends down, we see. A man with vast wisdom is ostentatious seldom but a dry stick and a fool never bend but...

Five Directions

Five Directions P K Routray Look forward, look backward, look up and down, look sideways around before you step onward weiging pros and cons,...

Purpose Vrs Need

Purpose Vrs Need P K Routray In a race where on a lion’s chase to mitigate its hunger runs for life a weak and meek deer. The lion runs for a need to...

Man's Energy

Man’s Energy P K Routray In food, sleep, breathe and state of mind the sources of energy to live a man finds. With wholesome food and good digestion...

Perfection In Imperfection

Perfection in imperfection P K Routray Perfection in imperfection is seen everywhere in His creation A lovely rose blooms on thorny tree, from mud...

Seed theory

Seed Theory P K Routray In an apple tree many apples we see. Each apple has about five seeds, each seed has potency to breed. But from numerous apple...

Part And Art

Part And Art P K Routray Favorable or unfavorable living conditions is a part of living compulsions. But with smile living across them is the art of...

A Clock talks

A Clock Talks P K Routray Maintain and retain the relationship among we folk like the needles of a clock. It does not matter nor time does alter...

My Alma Mater

My Alma Mater P K Routray NIT, Rourkela my Alma Mater, with love and pride I proclaim, as my second mother. My gratitude to her, superior to my...

A Real Hero

A Real Hero P K Routray Today it is hard struggle to stay with poverty, insecurity, distress and rivalary threatening all around frightfully...

Call Of Conscience

Call Of Conscience P K Routray Free access we possess to our inner values. with freedom them we can use along with our time and good will in society...

Flame Of Knowledge

Flame Of Knowledge P K Routray Man is blessed with knowledge at head, within heart love and affection and two hands for righteous action. if a candle...

Association, You Keep

Association, You Keep P K Routray Water from a rain drop falling on a man’s palm top hygienic it is to drink by a man but the same drop to drink we...

His Ways Are the Best

His Ways Are the Best P K Routray Here is a thought which hunts me a lot being put forth for you to get a critic’s review and finally to get his...

An Option

An option P K Routray For a man of sixty or so back in life if he is asked to go remembering the ills and wells of this life lived in joy and...

To Our Departed Teacher

To Our Departed Teacher (P K Routray Bondage at our Alma-mater knitted over long five years since1965 when we joined together you for your doctoral...

But Each Moment

But Each Moment P K Routray Lest we may forget with pump we celebrate a day in every year to remember our love for father, mother, our preventive...

Beyond Human Comprehension

Beyond Human Comprehension P K Routray Two friends at their early teens on their quest to study rural scenes to get a feel of a rural urban life...

Disuade We Must

Dissuade We Must P K Routray Super market growing at very fast rate traps the man, a slave to sensual pleasure for the materialistic happiness,...


Ethics P K Routray World across worries to focus on environment, on energy ill spent, on prohibitive drug trafficking, on speed of communicating, on...

A Cherished Memory

Thirty Five Years Back (Part-1) A Cherished Memory P K Routray A lovely mongoose moving from bush to bush crossing a muddy unpaved road caring a fig...

Selfish Man

My Cherished Memory (2) Selfish Man P K Routray It was a gloomy day with a dull morning, over cast sky. Feeling an inner turmoil and restlessness...

Please Excuse Me

Please Excuse Me P K Routray “I was twenty-four, you were fourteen each other’s face we had never seen till we were united in nuptial knot by our...


On me P K Routray In the photo, me I see as a child in father’s caring arm with innocent face, enquiring glance and novice charm having socks and...

Will Power

Will Power P K Routray Childhood, youth and old age a man rows through each stage destined if he is to live a full span of human life battling...

A Soul Felt Gratitude

A Soul felt Gratitude P K Routray Discontinuing the discourses on the nectar of divine verses a rare occasion, my brother had ever done, during such...

Sorces Of Love

Sources Of Love P K Routray The eldest of my generation, my elder brother “Prasanna” as a spokes person of our clan with seventy years of analysis...

We Pray For You

We Pray For You P K Routray Tears on every eye, some in silence, some in loud cry, heart breaking was the scene as lay there motionless, a rare gene...

Demonetarization And India

Demonetarization And India P K Routray Over one and a quarter billion, that composes Indian population, Is under strain of demonetization with a hope...

Macro In Micron

Macro In Micron P K Routray Varies a thumb impression from person to person those who have gone and those who will be born and those who now live on...

His Love

His Love P K Routray A near circular space that is a human face havibg a diameter of ten centimeters covered by eyes, nose, mouth and ears can still...

The Beginning of Wisdom

The Beginning of Wisdom P K Routray The beginning of wisdom is fear of the Lord. Hence prayers in humility tune child’s vocal cord at the initiation...

My WAlking Stick

My Walking Stick P K Routray Just before the dawn, with calm, unpolluted environ health conscious people walk and run in mass, group, pairs or alone...

Kindness and Cruelty

Kindness in Cruelty P K Routray Two pairs of eyes, one pair experienced and wise, the other is too young and novice. In between lies a human lifetime...

My Morning Prayer

My morning prayer P K Routray The origin and evolution of human race have the rock and the mountain as its base that aided the man to survive and to...

For My Bereaved Friend.

For My Bereaved Friend P K Routry After living for five decades together inhaling the air exhaled by the other sharing the burden on the earth on the...

To my friends’ Spouses with a friend’s love

To my friends’ Spouses with a friend’s love P K Routray To my friends’ loving spouses with earnest apologies for excuses on behalf of your hubby and...

We Prayed for your Death

We prayed for your death P K Routray My dear departed friend! Brutes were we who prayed for your early end. Cancer inside spreading beyond limit with...


Friendship P K Routray To a man, his kith and kin his parental webs trap in. Out of family bondage the relationship is born to choose it or to change...

Glimpses from Memory Lane

Glimpses from Memory Lane (With Jnana) P K Routray At the prime of our teens with plethora of desires and dreams we met amidst hundred other...

The Friendship that never waned

The Friendship that never waned (With Jnana) P K Rotray Moments to minutes, hours to days, years to decades pass and memories haze but stands the mid...

Bye - My dear friend

Bye - My dear friend P K Routray Since a year or so your physical presence in our meet was rare But we never felt the void, as from ailing bed you...

Madam, Excuse me.

Madam, Excuse me. P K Routray Hey Gyatri madam! Apology I beg from heart’s bottom from you for this story on your pre-marriage history deliberated in...

I Cherish To Tell

I Cherish To Tell P K Routray Seven decades of observations on social practices and traditions with which I was nurtured and grown as a child, as a...

A Divine Cycle

A Divine Cycle P K Routray Clouds burst with thunder lightening for a moment its arts of wonder on the canvass of the blue sky with dark cloud cover...

Is it not a laws of nature?

Is it not a laws of nature? P K Routray A droplet of water, mammoth or miniature either in countless united or alone isolated pouring in torrent or...

Madam! Any Repentance?

Madam! Any Repentance? P K Routray A snap of life, prized in his heart, my friend Amitav has preserves it free of muck and dirt A black white photo...

From " Yar" to "Sir'

From “ Yar” to “ Sir” P K Routray Crafted at the net four friends met after half a century with fond memory obscured by power and position, wealth,...

A True Teacher

A True Teacher P K Routray With grace, ease, humility and determination from minute water vapor on snow or sky to vast mass in ocean a molecule of...

Head but not the Heart

Head but not the Heart P K Routray By mental faculty and brain on “ What to do” a child, we train. “How to do” him, the modality we must impart by...

True Color

True color P K Routray To earthly people it appears “On the earth good people suffers”. Theists accept it as His puzzling play It is the dame luck...

Success and Satisfaction

Success and Satisfaction P K Routray AS others view success is a measure to gauge you but satisfaction is yardstick of measurement of your own Thus...

How Far

How Far P K Routray Ahead lies the infinity crafted by the divinity in any sphere you foresee at its end point you can never be. Hence look back and...

Blessings versus Missing

Blessings versus Missing P K Routray The water, the air and the sun without them live can none. Thanks to His magnanimous blessings we never find...

Pray for a true Prayer

Pray for a true prayer P K Routray A thought of a deranged brain under unbearable climatic strain forces my pen to convey my woes as beyond limit now...

Acclimatizing Pill

Acclimatizing Pill P K Routray With heat and humidity at peak, power supply playing hide and seek my brain and my frame frowned upon my soul to...

Motivation and Habit

Motivation and Habit P K Routray After a hectic life with tension and strife serving the family and the society a man retires generally at sixty when...

Epoch Making Inventions

Epoch Making Inventions P K Routray From forest and mountain caves and trees saving him from the sun and the rain, fighting against animals to...

An afternoon thought

An afternoon thought P K Routray Bondage at teen age at an alien place with no parents to grace on his own, left to manage in an residential college...

A Friendly Felicitation

A Friendly Felicitation P K Routray AG! Amidst friends and their families you stand with a satisfying smile an award in your hand All awards deserve...

Company and Ambient

Company and Ambient P K Routray A droplet of water on the bed of a river, a lake or an ocean with drops million loses its identity in infinity but...

Power in Man

Power in Man P K Routray Power of intelligence and will at right measure, in man the Lord did instill so that man has power of divinity for...

Pray you, My friends!

Pray you, My friends! P K Routray With fading power to see and hear, no tooth to aid to pronounce clear, me, my weak memory and fancy whim delude as...

Lord! I beg apology

Lord! I beg apology P K Routray Once I got angry with the Lord for doing things on His own accord against my will and ways to happiness instead it...

A Lesson by Illustration

A Lesson by Illustration P K Routray Effect of association has its true illustration by fallen droplets of rain, judging the value they gain If a...

Mysterious Soul

Mysterious Soul P K Routray Created or under creation or yet to be envisaged upon any form of weapon cannot fashion its destruction. Neither the fire...

A Path In Life

A Path In Life P K Routray The younger generation seeks to choose a profession at cross road of their initial education out of many professions, to...

Check Once A While

Check Once A While P K Routry Hey friends! Check once a while before you drift away a mile to make sure that you are not made poor as because a thing...

Discriminating power

Discriminating power P K Routray Shadowing over our discriminating power our mind hankers after hither and thither turning us blind to things of life...


Dependency P K Routray The moon has dark patches and roses have thorns, a deer has bony legs but beautiful are their horns. The spring without the...

A Part of human wisdom

A Part of human wisdom P K Routray Worries and nervousness, parts of wisdom of the human race take the man to higher realm and are found absent in...

A Tale Retold

A Tale Retold P K Routray A story from a master to glorify that truth can harm never even when caught in a tricky situation to protect it, if the man...

The devil And The Lord

The devil And The Lord P K Routry A tale, I must tell as me it appealed most. I could not but for you here I post. Once a poor needy lady over radio...


Relationship P K Routray When man is born him, many relationships adorn as mother, father, brother, sister, many kith and kin and many a family...

Journey is short

Journey is short P K Routray Often incidents happen, each teaching a lesson worthy for implementation to make the life full of fun. An incident I...

Enriched Soul

Enriched Soul P K Routray To men after retirement the society seems to be benevolent declaring them as citizens senior with no work and plenty of...

A Human Life

A Human Life P K Routray “Life is not bed of roses” A saying experienced since ages. But still a man loves his life being a witness to fellow man’s...

Parallel Cooking

Parallel Cooking P K Routray An experience I must share that I have preserved for sixty years with care. That dazzled in comparison to the system now...

Pastoral songs

Pastoral songs P K Routray At this twilight days, sixty years hence when I gaze many things I find missing from sight only reminiscence for you here...

Funny Experiences

Funny Experiences P K Routray Over ages through marriages a girl and a boy are brought under an nuptial knot to be a husband and a wife partners in...

Avoid the threat

Avoid the threat P K Routray When you forgive a person, and him from heart you pardon you forget the incident, relieving yourself from the ailment of...

Law Of Life

Law Of Life P K Routray “Law of life” as spelled by spiritual tales so true, in creation around we see it prevails maintainin the balances in His...

Gopal- A micro from a macro

Gopal- A micro from a macro P K Routray I am fortunate as a friend in you I met since as a half-clad school boy amidst teachers’ threats and class...

My Revered Teacher

My Revered Teacher P K Routray At this twilight days often my past, I gaze to get nutrients for the day to keep my worries at bay. Many incidents as...


(2) Source P K Routray It is a real picture slapping a stricture at the present day human civilization depicting the misery of life within its...

A Metaphor

(3) A Metaphor P K Routray The mother earth is in a wretched condition with disturbed ecology and environmental degradation greedily looted of the...

An Epilogue

(4) An Epilogue P K Routrsay It is high time to introspect at each thought and each act in every aspect as to whether the deed can wipe out their...

The Lord Never Errs

The Lord Never Errs P K Routry A story I remember from the lip of my grandmother though illiterate she was, to read and write but from memories, many...

Invalid argument

Invalid argument P K Routray Things generally people believe if those, their senses perceive as real and true though differ wise men’s view. since...

Prayers and Pledges

Prayers and Pledges P K Routray A prayer honestly prayed throgh the deeds as here displayed fetches a man contentment and satisfaction that the man...

His Symphony

His Symphony P K Routray Gazing at His creation with human sense and vision as well raising its power, times billion by aids blessed by the...

Fun With Memories

Fun with Memory P K Routray Interesting I find introspecting my life behind stretching my memory lane meditating on it again and again. Hazy is my...

Evenings I still cherish

Evenings I still cherish P K Routray Since a kid up to a grown up boy many scenes, most often I recollect this day The evenings during those days...

An Artist and his art

An artist and his art P K Routray An art on its creation to its creator satisfaction is put to public on exhibition for applause and appreciation...

The Village art

The Village Arts P K Routray In cities, to an art museum holiday visitors usually come driven by the urge in their hearts to appreciate and applaud...

Appreciating an Art

Appreciating an Art P K Routray An infant while being held in arms him, the tattoo on the hand charms. An infant while crawling on the floor the art...

Stop It By Any Means

Stop It By Any Means P K Routray Seventy years’ progress on this earth I could assess with my naïve bent of mind awed by the deteriorations around, I...

Beware of Modern fads

Beware of modern Fads P K Routray From infancy to the age of five while nurturing the child for good health to live inculcate in him a sense of...

A Soul sighs

A Soul sighs. P K Routray To achieve a milestone in literary field of my own with my fifteen hundredth poem I searched from my heart’s bottom for a...

Thus the Soul spoke.

T Thus the Soul spoke. P K Routray “Sir the incident is four-decade old, do you remember? I am the spirit of sagun Mahato, still I wander. I was...


Queries P K Routray The revelation by all disciplines of science and humanity the gospels of all religions, sects, creed and societies falter to...

Child Education

Child Education P K Routry Childhood is the foundation stone on which the edifice of human life is grown. Blossoms the tree of life out of the seed...

With Apology

With Apology P K Routray Rose Milligan, Hey poetess par excellence! to you from my heart’s abyss adoration and reverence. Readers are deliberating on...

Travelling in an aeroplane

Travelling in an aeroplane P K Routray Life is similar to a travel in an aeroplane. Birth is its take off; death is its landing on aerodrome plain...

A Friend or a Foe

A Friend or a Foe P K Routray Dissipates man much power of his thought on his enemies and the ploys they may plot. Enemies to a man can be internal...


Retirement P K Routray Erroneous is our understanding of the word “Retirement,” if it is to stop pursuing dream and achievement. if it is to stop...

The Nature Reacts

The Nature Reacts P K Routray Nothing on this earth, you own, Oh mortal Man! Nothing primordial, the sweat of your brow can earn. Whatever you...

Man inherits

Man inherits P K Routray Air, water, fire, earth and ether frame a human body and it also they nurture. Each of them nonstop serves the creation from...

The Lord Is Kind

The Lord Is Kind P K Routray Man’s pain and pleasure, peace and anger, the attitude of his mind shapes from behind. This beautiful creation from...

The Lord will lament

The Lord will lament P K Routray In the Himalayan terrain despite immense physical strain the saints wander to be wise. The nature acts as their...

Weal and Woes of life

Weal and Woes of life P K Routray Everything good we cherish Hate, we to a failure and anguish Happiness, love, confidence and success, living with...

Of Course

Of course P K Routray Unless hale and hearty I stay and keep illness to body and mind at bay how can I be of any help to any other creature? Hence to...

A Mortal Body

A Mortal Body P K Routray The Lord crafted many a creation giving each, two things in common a mortal body and a life force within it. On life forces...

Belief System

Belief System P K Routray A gigantic elephant as a weak infant is kept under control being tethered to a pole where it fights but fails . The...

An Opinion Poll

An Opinion Poll P K Routray If happiness, we measure a hundred unit as infinite bliss and pleasure to grant you a boon on happiness during your...


Eternity P K Routray “Oh my dear river!” asks the sea “Day in day out, over the ages I see you pouring in me your sweet water. In all weathers and...

Him We Bow

Him we bow P K Routray Once with a mission to see the Lord of this creation I approached many a master with hardly any satisfactory answer But in the...


Wisdom P K Routray To be wise on wisdom peeped in an urge from heart’s bottom. Is knowledge, intellect as its companion with their appropriate timely...

An Old Age Thought

An Old Age Thought P K Routry At this twilight hours of my life the events tinged with pleasure and strife fleet often in galore before my mind’s...

My Morning Prayer

My Morning Prayer P K Routry I start the day with determination to strengthen for the Lord my devotion getting rid of lust, greed and anger...

Action On An Attire

Action On An Attire P K Routray From North Pole to South Pole across the periphery of the earth as a whole the climatic map has many a color...


Maturity P K Routray Is maturity a state of puberty or graduation from a university or attainment of a certain age when the color in others one’s...

In the voice of psychotherapists

In the voice of psychotherapists P K Routray Matter, energy and their interaction fill alone the universe as per scientists’ conclusion. As mater can...


Life P K Routray With breathe a man is born having no name him to adorn When the man dies vanish his sighs but exist his name with ill-repute or fame...

My Dear Trilochan

My Dear Trilochan Bhai (Prasant Kumar Routray) Students early in your profession profess service to needy as their ambition. By the time they...

Tales Through Tears (Part 1)

Tales Through Tears (Part 1) Bhai P K Routray “Bhai! Please take care of “Kuhu, nothing now for her I can do.” with a touching tone stunned me, my...

Tales Through Tears (Part 2)

Tales Through Tears (Part 2) P K Routray Remember I the vivid scene of yesteryear Kuhu was crawling out of the arms of my mother’s sister as if...

Tales Through Tears (Part 3)

Tales Through Tears (Part 3) P K Routray My sister’s name was my brainchild from cuckoo’s song coming from backyard mango grove whose sight still I...

Tales Through Tears (Part 4)

Tales Through Tears (Part 4) P K Routray She took care of our father and younger brothers making up her elders’ failure pleased are her in-laws’...

My Big Boss Part 1 (Background)

My Big Boss Part 1 (Background) P K Routray After twelve years of service turning experienced from novice with initiation at Bhilai Steel later at...

My Big Boss Part 2 (Prelude)

My Big Boss Part 2 (Prelude) P K Routray A little of the big personality of my first Big Boss thanks to their contributions NALCO so far never...

My Big Boss Part 3 Tribute (part 1)

My Big Boss Part 3 Tribute (part 1) P K Routray While freezing the design of Damonjodi’s construction water he instructed the consultant to take care...

My Big Boss (Part 4) Tribute-2

My Big Boss (Part 4) Tribute-2 P K Routray Once to get statutory clearances to charge an installation CEI wanted to visit the yards at Damanjodi for...

My Big Boss (Part 5) Tribute 3

My Big Boss (Part 5) Tribute 3 P K Routray My Big Boss at the club was my badminton partner his game was superb, he played as partner senior To...

The Lord

The Lord P K Routray All religions preach, all scriptures teach, all gospels address all prophets profess that there exists a supreme being who is...

My Lord

My Lord P K Routray The Lord we pray, the gratitude we convey, approach Him for His protection when aggrieved by affliction dishonoring the...

Devotion and Perversion

Devotion and Perversion P K Routray Say we may whatever unwavering faith we have never in the Lord formless or with a form a puzzle that men continue...

Tears for a Teammate

Tears for a Teammate P K Routray Ekadasi! My colleague engineer a true Nalconian to every heart you are dear left us prematurely while on duty,...

Thus Sobs A Senior Citizen

Thus Sobs A Senior Citizen P K Routray After sixty comes a man’s seniority to become a citizen senior prone to commit an error hence the relief from...

Sailing with a Salesman

Sailing with a Salesman P K Routray I recollect the scenes of my village market and the traveling hawkers selling their goods to the village belles...

Pairing with A Pair Of Shoes

Pairing with A Pair Of Shoes P K Routray The tales of footwear, their wounds and woes to tear, their wells and laughter, shocks of being the cause of...

Patience For Priti

Patience For Priti P K Routray (1) Preamble Waited, they till the fourth year with life, dull drab and drear till Priti came all on a sudden as a...

At Their Heavenly Abode

At Their Heavenly Abode P K Routray A couple conceived in the Heaven with the rare flowers of the Eden having unique fragrance and rare beauty was...

Bounden Duty

Bounden Duty P K Routray The tales of my grandmother on ghost ghoul and monster on demigods and divine beings studed my childhood evenings. Her tales...

Loudly We say

Loudly We say P K Routray Today for our batch a special day keep all engagements at bay in drinks dinner, we will sway cutting cake in grand kid’s...

Aches for An Architect

Aches for An Architect P K Routray Dot on time in the chair braving the weather, foul or fair on foot, by lift or by public transport a punctuality...

Mending the Minds

Mending the Minds P K Routray My dear Pani Prafulla, Nanda Manmohan, Mishra Pradipta, Mohanty Guru, Palit Milan Acharya Gopal , Patnaik Jagdish ,...


Gratitude P K Routray (1) Preamble On infinity with humility dare I to verse the gratitude I nurse for my Alma-mater, every being within her that...

Awakened, I am.

Awakened, I am. P K Routray A friend me, did offend with a classmate's right and as an artist and a playwright. Twice he edited my compositions in a...

When we meet

When We meet. P K Routray At this threshold of exit when we meet forget we our age, when each other we greet with naughty smiles and unspellable...

My Dad

My Dad P K Routray (1) (Goodbye) Just before his death an hour or so prior to his last breath in silence, prayers he poured squatting, facing the...

Sidhu, we are with you

Sidhu, we are with you P K Routray In our very first year, all were awestruck as we remember. Our professor Srivasta Nanda acknowledged in the class...

Our Dear Sarada Das

Our Dear Sarada Das P K Routray Feel we proud serving in NALCO. Its name and fame exaggerates our ego It is the last of the public sectors till today...

Sidhu! We are grateful

Sidhu! We are grateful P K Routray On the operation table, us, you remembered with emptions disturbed and visions blurred enduring the pain, nausea,...

At Seventy

At Seventy P K Routray A picnic or a get-together intently is sought after on any part and time of a year adverse weather fail to dampen our cheer...

Divine Health

Divine Health P K Routray On the sick bed to the Lord while I pled to recover from agonizing pain, to mitigate the mental strain and to get rid of...

A tear-fill farewell

A tear-fill farewell P K Routray Squint-eyed bespectacled face, squeezed smile with benign grace, swelling with expertise in overabundance, hallowed...

My Experience and my promise

My Experience and my promise P K Routray Yesterday I promised to say openly and loudly frantically and boldly to my friends and public with language...

A day, I remember

A Day I Remember P K Routray Gone to the vanishing history our forty-four years’ spousal story since the day when on a decorated altar amidst plenty...

A Boss Departed

A Boss Departed P K Routray' In my twilight days at my past, often I gaze with pleasure and gratitude and also in dwindled magnitude my anger, hatred...

Mother Saraswati

Mother Saraswati P K Routray I propitiate lying prostrate, kissing the feet-dust of the deity an epitome of calmness and purity adoring her from the...

An Evening

An evening P K Routray With love platonic, bondage titanic towards their friends dear finally settled at Bhubaneswar, enlightened as students...

Sarat - after half a century

Sarat - after half a century P K Routray Those days we had a craze, somev do respect, some do adulate, some do spite, some do backbite the student,...

On Saroj’s Birth Day

On Saroj’s Birth Day P K Routray ` Hey NITRAN Seventy at Bangalore city Ashok, Murthy Baikuntha, Srinivas, Kulkarni srikant celebrate the birthday...

My Prayer

My Prayer P K Routray As a child, I was taught to pray at every evening every day also at the start of the class in chorus with the rest of the mass...

Another experience and another prayer

Another experience and another prayer P K Routray Prelude Begin I with a humble submission that for me the same is the end of every religion that...

Our Friends’ Duo

Our Friends’ Duo P K Routray Prelude Das Ranjit or Das Ranjan Dash Ashok had a confusion over a WhatsApp communication sharing the Exnalconians’...

Our Friends’ Duo

Our Friends’ Duo P K Routray Prelude Das Ranjit or Das Ranjan Dash Ashok had a confusion over a WhatsApp communication sharing the Exnalconians’...

A Victor never a vanquished

A Victor never a vanquished p K Routray Prelude Since nineteen eighty-two together we both grew with NALCO being as our common love shaping it to...

A Beauty from the infinity

A Beauty from the infinity P K Routray To contain in a frame the picturesque identity of a dame is a task beyond a mortal mine like you, Lala! To...

Thus We cry to pray

Thus We cry to pray P K Routray Arise and awake for your Devi’s sake from your deep slumber a divine’s devilish blunder the gruesome and ghastly...

Love incarnate

Love incarnate (Bada Bou) Part 1 Prelude P K Routray. At these twilight days my past often I gaze stretching my memory lane when I was child insane,...

A Tale in delirium

A Tale in delirium P K Routray Rabi! Indeed you were a jewel rare stocky,short height complexioned fair endowed with strength and stamina in immense...

A Clear Winner

&nbsp A Clear Winner P K Routray The scientists and the science command modern man’s reverence. The students with sharper brain prefer the...

An Ode to a Classmate

An Ode to a Classmate P K Routray A bolt from blue on Kali and me two by a Kedar’s relation in Rabi’s peace prayer session that Kedar, our dear is no...

Eternal Happiness

Eternal Happiness P K Routray When two friends meet reflecting on the memories sweet of friends and friendship at the heart that nothing ever can...

A Fallen Apple

A Fallen Apple P K Routray From under a tree the great Newton could see to a tiny apple the earth’s love preventing its mass to drift above pulling...


Surrender P K Routray With bowed head and bent knee surrenders a vanquished enemy to the king the victor trembling for any frenzied order.. This...

Woes to happiness

Woes to happiness P K Routray Amidst fear, confusion and grief madly, the man searches for relief in his run for materialistic happiness yielding...


Robbery PK Routray Of Course the mirrors we see at times with gloom at times with glee to glance at our reflection to know “How am I.” Ah seventy...


Fani P K Routray Well forecasted was the cyclone but ill crafted was our preparation to stand the Fani’s massacre and murder at the capital and smart...


Anyway P K Routray Many deeds philanthropic within you at times flic that you have done, some, you have forgotten, some, you remember with...

Depleting Wisdom

Depleting Wisdom P K Rotray Script and dialect aid to connect through communications carrying thoughts and emotions exchanging among the men of a...

A thought to introspect

A thought to introspect P K Routray Man’s search does never cease for happiness, bliss, and peace. Senses running wild keep man beguiled from this...

A Scriptural say

A Scriptural say P K Routray The ultimate goal of a man is to stay happy as long as he can and directs he, each of his deeds to a goal, happiness,...

Free Will

Free Will P K Routray From among all His creations limitless cosmos to little electrons free will is given only to some having varying wisdom perhaps...

Senapati, our showman

Senapati, our showman P K Routray A scene since a year “Our show pal in the bier with the pathos of loud cries around deafening the maddening...

Sudhir, I repent

Sudhir, I repent P K Routray Stout personality, standout humility, stainless smiling face, subtle, Scintillating grace. splendid, soundless gait...

On a happy occasion.

On a happy occasion P K Routray On this happy occasion for your health, happiness, and fun the Lord, we intently pray, and to you we humbly say “...

Padmanava –You stayed young

Padmanava –You stayed young P K Routray Fickle smile, Poise I’ll, glance mobile as if guising a wile, ever agile with his own style etched his frame...

Samanta, Our tears never dried

Samanta, Our tears never dried P K Routray Never graduated, the best graduate, never aged a teenager aging with his classmate. never parted the Alma-...


Fair P K Routray “Forgive us for our omission and commission also for our sin knowingly or unknowingly done.” Thus to Lord daily we offer our prayer...

Listen to Him in silence

Listen to Him in silence PK Routray Because of love and affection listens mother to her child with mum attention whatever may be the babblings of her...

Tear fill farewell to Dads

Tear fill farewell to Dads P K Routray Ram! Your grief, we all share with tear from heart, we offer our prayer “Hey Lord! Take his noble soul to Your...

A GJ call

A GJ Call (1970 Rengcolian batch) P K Routray (1) An Exploratory Presentation Our batch at final exit in Nineteen seventy from our Alma-mater let us...

His Accord

His Accord In between self-esteem and self-conceit lies a thin separating line quite indistinct. Man’s conscience and discriminatory power can only...

Your show off and His malice

Your show off and His malice Flaunt you, your feat expecting people to greet to wax your pride to your delight Many, you get but not all genuine in...

Laws Of Creation

Laws Of Creation In anguish Lord, we admonish when death takes its toll claiming our dear’s soul. We then wish “Death should vanish. Man becomes...

My Song

My Song P K Routray A screen is seen at the start and at the finish in between does vanish in a movie show. Hardly it, audiences know in the hustle...

Divinely Blessed Kabita

Divinely Blessed Kabita As a true votary of Hinduism, forever its womenfolk nourish and nurture in heart of their hearts a fervent wish that what...


Fearlessness A thought, you may laugh at but it is from the abyss of my heart. Pleased by myprayer and propitiation if Lord appears in person and...

Infinite dimension and special visions

Infinite dimension and special visions As taught in our school curriculum three dimensions only reign our wisdom. vectors and time never were...

Hey Atheists!

Hey Atheists! Man praises a man propitiates him as his fan for crafting a beautiful sculpture as perfect unparalleled without error and keep in the...

My village

My village Part 1 On the bank of an amazing river and rivers, many adorning her as necklaces with filigree wonder altering their grandeur and color...

My Village Part 2 As you step in

My Village Part 2 As you step in It is must that you will wash your feet dust while wading through water to reach the boat to crossover and then...

My Village Part 3 Village Belles

My Village Part 3 Village Belles After an introduction to Lord’s manifestation in trees, paters, and stone for the villagers’ protection peep in me...

My Village Part 4 Our Rivers

My Village Part 4 Our Rivers Cuddling as a mother holding my village close to her with her branches as limbs to support to give the warmth of love...

My Trumpet, I blow

My Trumpet, I blow My trumpet here I blow, my vanity I dare show brought about by the providence where only my words are evidence. With palms over...

A GJ Wonder

A GJ Wonder Hey Laxmidhar! Do not you remember room number fifty two in hostel four, then built new with Gopal, Pramod as our partner daily fighting...

My Village part 5 Raja Festival

My Village part 5 Raja Festival Only assignments no amusements fetch man many psyche ailments kids may chore it as nursery rhymes as it holds true...

My Village Part 6 Fishing Hobby

My Village Part 6 Fishing Hobby For pleasure and relaxation to break the monotony of one profession man chooses hobby one or more utilizing his...

Please do not miss

Please do not miss A bolt from blue off balance, it threw the zest for the kickoff to our Golden jubilee showoff by Priti’s humble “ No” on poor...

A G J Reflection

A G J Reflection At our alma-mater on entry as a fresher bothered we seldom the background, one came form as a precondition to friendship and that no...

Hey Friends, Prodigal

Hey Friends, Prodigal Hey pals! Why do you shy away from the company of friends to swing and sway to relieve yourself from old age misery that only...

Rangavati Recalled

Rangavati Recalled Spouses will perform on our G J platform repeating their show with sweet sixteen flow blushing Rangavati down that won back their...

Rabi, Our Pal Precious

Rabi, Our Pal Precious Hey Patnaik! Our Pal Precious Do not be heartless to ignore us. You made us profoundly proud so we all loved to be in the...

Be careful

Be careful Hey Madam Shanti! We are sorry on your treasury, for this daylight robbery by us through your hubby, our classmate hoodwinking you for us...

Our Souvenir

Our Souvenir Our Batch souvenir to us, at this age serving as an elixir a parting gift of our Alma-Mater to her 70 batch alumni, her to remember...

A sudden turn of Events

A Sudden turn of events The turn of events from laughter to laments run thus my story from glory to obituary with a crashed heart after the initial...

Worry Me

Worry Me Distinguished Alumnus incredibly prestigious as an unrivaled recognition by our mother institution a lifetime pride possession that our pal...


AG DAUGHTER Hey little cute AG girl to Ag couple a God sent pearl on you the time has its charismatic play a little girl has turned big, they say...

Hey Gudu! Your Mum

Hey Gudu! Your Mum Hey AG daughter! perceive I with tear the thoughts of your mum over your cute phots in album from the cradle to pre-bridal age...


AG DAD Hey dear AG daughter! voices choke, visions blur Being in anguish me, thoughts relinquish surges of urges vanish strengths to pursue perish to...

Unfinished flow

Unfinished flow Hey Ishani! thoughts twine head spins to pen a few lines for you, to draft out of my heart as we move apart to bless you to start...

Tears on the GJ day

Tears on the GJ day Dreamt we sweet, never smelt a defeat together at our Alma-mater to be the world-beater, stay bonded as teenagers upholding it...

Hey AG –in-laws!

Hey AG –in-laws! Vary the customs where you grew Vary the cuisines you cherish to chew Vary the natal tongues, you tell vary the calls as address,...

Hey, my dear Kailash!

Hey, my dear Kailash! Together you and I clad barely below the knee jumped and bumped thumped and trumped in our school corridor resounded by school...

From a village stage

From a village stage Broke the rapt silence roared the village audience listening to a poet of laughter as their recreation, an annual feature. The...

Real Wisdom

Real Wisdom With internet and WhatsApp and plenty of modern gadgets to top to children of this era, I must explain with no electricity and no...

My Dear Babu

My Dear Babu Not your uterine sibling, a relationship providence did fling but rooted me, you in your heart with time and age never caught rubbish...

Through Eyes of Radha

Through Eyes of Radha Lord Krishna was Kanha at Gopapur a naughty child skillful in stealing butter rustic but mystic and heartthrob of all where, as...

A Wonderful Mystery

A Wonderful Mystery Woman as a mother or as a sister or a daughter or as a colleague or a consort or any role men may entrust remains as love...

Thorny Brinjals

Thorny Brinjals The frenzied fancy of a classmate for some thorny brinjals to taste expressed once during a chat over the pomp of Krishna’s Barat...

A Philosophical Model

A Philosophical Mod el Body and intellect none ever dare neglect Them, keenly men nourish to survive sustain and flourish body by exercise and...

From The Inner Garden

From The Inner Garden At the grandeur of my garden sight roses, jasmines and queen of the night and many flowers of myriad colors captivating shapes...

To The Gallows, Thus The Man Goes

To The Gallows, Thus The Man Goes To the gallows goes human arrogance of their inheritance of human conscience as divinity’s presence when four...

A humble gift

A humble gift Gratitude in any magnitude can never touch the altitude of a mother’s love, priceless, her care and sacrifices, her penance and pain...

An Erroneous Impression

An Erroneous Impression A palatial mansion a century-old construction wooden logs supporting the ceilings molasses, lime, earth being materials,...


GOPI Your mother’s pain on her heart, a load of a mountain two younger brothers vying to suck her breast dry, on a skeleton just a divine crest, much...

To Bokaro In One Go

To Bokaro In One Go On my entry to the steel sector at the bottom rung of a managerial cadre designated then as Graduate Engineer as mandatory to be...


REAL POWER In thoughts words and deeds seek, power, the human breeds by tact, talisman, tenacity, and talent arousing everything in men lying latent...

Now and Then

Now and Then Counting the lines on her fingers, consulting her dears and neighbors connecting with their cherished celebrations characterized by its...

Early Blessings

Early Blessings The Mother Nature hides His treasure evolved out of the evolutions to sustain the creations since long before the human birth beneath...

A Heartfelt Farewell

A Heartfelt Farewell Hey Parija Babu! Your pardon beg each Nalconian in person failing to be present by your side when your health started to slide...

Fame on the Plaque

Fame on the Plaque A man is surely taken aback when he cannot track the names of the authors of numerous epical scriptures. Exist on the earth...

Hey My BSL Bach Mates!

Hey My BSL Bach Mates! In 1971 May on its last day bunched we together right from Alma-mater energetic at the twenties never dreamt “woes of old age...

Behind every show

Behind every show Since infancy, my heart has borne as being a child who is rural- born the amusements on the cultivation by the laborers under the...


Attachment Attachment at its crest is exhibited as the best by a mother to her child. No other attachment on the earth can ever be compatible to its...

Cacophony to Harmony

Cacophony to Harmony LO! Behold the flute holder, His somatic curved posture as if under pressure to tune the divinity of egoless to croon while...

Black Beauty

Black Beauty Cherish I still my childhood thrill when a tale I tell when a poem I spell then the applause despite the flaws. much of it I owe to the...

The difference

The difference Us, often storm love in true form versus attachment an emotional element in our perception as one has to shun the attachment as...

Through the tears of a boss

Through the tears of a boss Hey Sadangi! To you a tearful adieu on your journey to eternity by the Nalco fraternity Stunned saddened on the sudden...

Love and Logic

Love and logic Love and logic traits in the human fabric do not see eye to eye to each other they defy. Love forced on logic is fragile and tragic. A...


Shocks In life shocks numerous come with theit own fuss that man endures and also time obscures. Gradually they wane in the memory lane. Four out of...

Head I lose, tail I lose

Head I lose, tail I lose “Head I lose, tail I lose” Me, the recalls oft amuse the recalls of all my losses to my elder brother over tosses. The craft...

My Greed in my deed

My Greed in my deed “Greed you must shun so as to ascertain a place in heaven” parted to me as a sermon since my very early age through curricula’s...

Hey Boss! You, I miss.

Hey Boss! You, I miss. Immortalize a mortal man his deeds in his life span Deeds done or undone flaunts man in common but a rare few stay unsung...

Bliss in Service

Bliss in Service Differ, may Gospels but evidence prevails as recollect some with accuracy, awesome their lives, previous supporting thus some belief...

Opening Page

Opening Page Memory I stretch to make a sketch “ How had I begun my marathon run to be a man, wise and life, I glamourize cramming at heart subjects...

At Salasar, with Lord

At Salasar, with Lord Hey! Lord Hanuman to you, all, we run with your chalisha in lip when, us, miseries grip as done in faith, over ages by mundane...

“He also” to “He alone”

“He also” to “He alone” Stunned, the Kuru court, shocked the nobles in its fort the Duryodhan order thumping as the winner gambling against Yudhister...

My Dear Rabi

My Dear Rabi Rabi your joy us to share and say tear you, your heart open as you felt we, all are one no distinction of entities two a point , all...

Mystic Money

Mystic Money Born and brought up with a rural back drop that a village could offer seven decades earlier in Indian sub-continent just initiating her...

Poona ma

Poona ma Indeed a rare breed whom we need to be freed from mother as being another ensuring safety to mother and baby with no aids as of now using...

My Mother is no more

My Mother is no more Laugh one may at my childhood way crying for my mother when for a moment I missed her as per me she was my protector all...

Me, still amaze

Me, still amaze Thus came a day, abandoning my play with pals since crawling days on the dusty village pathways and painfully bidding adieu to the...

A satirical laugh

A satirical laugh On an early morning walk for free air, without mask while none on the road with thoughts overload on the pandemic display to...

Pray we

Pray we Oh Lord Laxminursingham your “Maya” none can fathom.. Your Maya only cast its spell to shape the Choudhury clan’s tale. As its history speaks...

Bou! Punish me.

Bou! Punish me. Bou! All your kith and kin feel grievously guilty within not being able to be with you when the last sigh you drew to bid you a...

The surname and the nickname

The surname and the nickname With growth and exposure experiences blessed and bitter bring man’s personality to fore and he shapes it to score as its...

My Guru is no more

My Guru is no more Shocks two within days, a few when I had to bid adieu to my well-wishers true, shook me to mentally rebel with its cruel traumatic...

A dream to cherish

A dream to cherish “73 yrs with Mom” as luck comes to some blest with boons the best what many intently quest but left, it is only to lord to whom,...

A Promise

A Promise Hey Bou! Our wisdom tell it as true so also Scriptures say you are on your way to a destination new for another role to ensue. Enduring a...

My Recalls

My Recalls Hey Bou! I owe to you, dues immeasurable for agonies terrible that you have borne for me. “Hey Lord! Listen to my plea before with mom my...

My Dad and Mom

My Dad and Mom Forty years along with father forty years after he left her their burden Mom took care with willpower, seen rare. Father was an all-...

At my mom, Her grandkids

At my mom, Her grandkids Hey Bou! At you your grandkids laugh and say with you, on their Ludu play the world you used to forget when dots were set...

Mom with her in-laws

Mom with her in-laws Hey Bou! We feel for you as at an early age,, ending your playing days your age being twelve or so arranged you to go your...

To Kate and her Deben

To Kate and her Deben Salute I at the start to the duo from heart for their love, honest a gift from Lord’s closet that leapt across without toss...

A Beast Divine

A Beast Divine A beast divine thus I define a four-footed animal to it my early school call and on my first composition thus went my description...

Last scene

Last scene Our trailblazer as adorned her my poetess friend when on Priti, I penned despite doctor’s say came all the way knocked at my gate to meet...

Hey Raj Pramod!

Hey Raj Pramod! My very first vision on Lord’s incarnation through seven deities with varying identities but all finally uniting as two as scriptural...

Jackal, dear

Jackal, dear Born and grown-up in an Indian rural setup cuddled by rivers around hugged by foliage aground with scenic beauty in plenty thanks to...

When I die.

When I die. A wish, intent swells in me to vent painful to listeners unwise with blurs as It is certain I have to shun this mortal outfit a five...

A satiric reverberation

A satiric reverberation Twining like creepers the crisscross of rivers offspring of a titanic river flow garlanding their mother, each with a wreath...

The Quiet Queen

The Quiet Queen From His abode views the Lord as an audience the performance of each and every soul it,to judge to dole its next destination on a...

A Missed Talent ?

A Missed Talent ? No tear was left to fall. She had robbed them all as practiced by her, lifelong here also she did no wrong absorbing others’ sorrow...

Attempting at a Tribute

Attempting at a Tribute “Honesty incarnate Sincerity, great dedications at spate knowledge, beyond debate skill , none dare bet discipline as his...

Our Greats

Our Greats Scriptures sound in spaces around float to yield the wisdom of every field at times man intercepts it and takes for him the credit Newton’...

To a Donkey

To a Donkey On my initiation to English lesson a language, alien as an addition to mother tongue to climb the rung up on the ladder to classes higher...

Three circular curves

Three circular curves Stretch I often to bury the burden that age has thrust upon on my brain and brawn, gazing at memory lane over its many a...

A Boss, rare

A Boss, rare With obeisance, with reverence, with gratitude assuredly accrued over past half a century teeming over the memory, with pains at the...


Hypocrisy Lord, we search in temple and church mosque and monastery for a boon seeking spree But hardly as such ever we search our core, inner where...

A man with no peer

A man with no peer At my fontanel reverberates a yell that Kali is an angel not a man, mortal sent with a mission as a man common to demonstrate for...

His Show

His Show The agile mind stay confined with bliss from abyss gazing in disbelief at a banyan leaf carrying a baby, sweet raising blissfully its feet...

A lesson?

A lesson? When we are hurt, lose our comfort to ventilate we retaliate or we complain in some domain to soothe our pain at times being insane. But to...

Stop Grieving

Stop Grieving Unequivocally sees all religious philosophies “A thing of good and beauty loves it to heart, the Almighty. May it be deeds and words,...

Nothing true?

Nothing true? Hey Sudhamayee ! Fervently pray we. “Your soul to be blest with peace and rest Stayed it, distressed at your lifelong quest of the...

A Recollection

A Recollection No beauty parlor no jeweler nor tailor no cosmetic surgery either nether mammoth power nor intent prayer stop, can ever time from...

A Regret

A Regret A visit to exhibit our goodwill to instill confidence the essence to rejuvenate an ailing classmate with battered emotion is a courtesy...


MAUSI not AUNTIE Awesome, the system, and unique, the social fabric bound strong since age long Indian society despite man6y a disparity in cuisine...

Bilasini MaAUSI

Bilasini MaAUSI A call - ever sweet when you greet a lady when you meet kin or a lady on the street as sister to your mother nurturing you as a...

A few pebbles

A few pebbles An Indian epic voluminous and thick with eighteen thousand verses laden with divine discourses accompanying many an illustration to...

A Provoked thought

A Provoked thought Often I wander with wonder my past six decades together my village where I was born the scenic beauties that, it, adorn the mini...

Gaze, I

Gaze, I As I recollect, past I resurrect to my very best the days, happiest in 75 years of my life of struggle and strife besides pains of pleasure...

Dad, me and a kite

Dad, me and a kite With gratitude to my father all love, my heart ever harbor I saw him as a dad most loving enjoyed he, the time, me, holding by his...

Too many coocks...

Too many Cooks ... Out of breath, came racing and in one breathe told facing my dad on my home-work lesson teaching with force, his unwilling son “...

A seed- fear syndrome

A seed- fear syndrome Smile. I often with thrill and fun at this age then in my village my childhood time, that has stood engraved in my memory in it...

Then and Now

Then and Now Then and now each has its own show in my life as well as in the life of all one being an ignorant child small the other being grown up...

By a kid

By a kid Its intention within its limitation conveys an infant at that very instant crying at a pitch eloquently rich for its mother the best to...

Only a dash

Only a dash A tombstone in silent tone defines the man the best it can underneath its grave a coward or a brave a king or a prisoner a philanthropist...

“ Our river” - a kid’s tale

“ Our river” - a kid’s tale A feeling of a kid when I was around ten as my gratitude to our river, now I pen. Each feeling with the passing of time...

To Siba,, Much we owe

To Siba,, Much we owe A citizen, senior a towering figure retired adored, admired by all his students and by their parents by his peers and juniors...

Bosses, rue

Bosses, rue From pre- seventies to post- nineties of the twentieth century one’s monthly salary was hundreds, a few that per month one drew...

Ambition, At school days

Ambition, At school days During my days at school essay- writing was a tool to enrich the skill of expression then to aid the art of contemplation...

A tree -,the Wonder

A tree - the Wonder With round stem stands a tree till its top, branches free seen in a common, erect strait unless compulsions create zigzag or bent...

Human life

Human life Life is a never a highway without humps on the way with prior indications to caution not to deviate from the mission. it has curves and...

A Divine Knot

A Divine Knot On your 50 th joyous wedding day we, all your friends in unison pray lying prostrate before the Almighty with utmost sincerity and...

A Knot, Golden

A Knot, Golden Eh, Sucheta madam! you must tell unraveling three webs of your magic spell casting on Pratap a boy of your choice the best on the land...

Owe I

Owe I Search you. I, up in the sky being aware, heaven is there nearby and you are there now in Lord's abode, salute,I with bent knee head bowed...

Adhrit with threads, sacred

Adhrit with threads, sacred Adihrit! Your ceremonial tale merits your enlightenment to sail across oceans and continents many to reach your USA pals...

Diamond at doorstep

Diamond at doorstep “Hey Madam Manorama, Pal Laxmidhar! Pray, we for your diamond jubilee only, a step further while congratulating you on your GJ...

Ahead to Platinum

Ahead to Platinum Hey Dear Jyohsna and Kailash! Pray we, for you the Lord gracious to bless you with His divine thread to keep you knitted for your...

A Unique Union

A Unique Union Hey mam Kalpana and pal Santosh your GJ day is special to us. On your Golden Jubilee wedding day Lord came out to bless your stay not...

Magu Mallik

Magu Mallik On my scan over my lifespan in humility, I conclude none I can exclude from among those to me, who came close and propelled me to perform...

Flood, then and now

Flood, then and now The providence, I must thank having been born on a riverbank the mighty is the river, miles wide then overall seasons she never...

A Tragedy- too tragic

A Tragedy- too tragic Ma’s temple being at the fore with devotion at our hearts’ core daily evening after a prayer short to thwart parental...

Grandma’s way

Grandma’s way Counting only up to twenty my grandma never lived in Scanty. The aids who served her never knowing the number got their wages without a...

My Village School

My Village School Often I look at my infancy seeking out the treasures of fancy the way I had begun to be one to learn a lesson and the prior period...

Then, My Village

Then, My Village The pathos of a passerby in his call at a pitch high scared by his loneliness, and beasts howling in the darkness in the late hour...

Love and art behind cooking

Love and art behind cooking With nourishing nutrients in hygienic environments when the food is cooked and fed sound health is bound to be bred, what...

Vanishing Bushes

Vanishing Bushes From bush to bush, mongooses run with their breed for food and fun. From bush to bush, rabbits hop to enjoy these sights, passersby...

An evening in my village

An evening in my village Comes an evening with its crimson-colored painting over the horizon and the sky picturesquely captivating to the eye...

An Infancy, I fancy

An Infancy, I fancy From a ten-inch womb with a little elbowroom for a fetus to move about an infant bouts to come out to a limitless open space...

Rustic entertainers

Rustic Entertainers Entertainment of modern day with casinos, multiplexes’ play a man can relax and enjoy at his will sweet opting from options...

An Initiation to Wisdom

An Initiation to Wisdom Wish all parents the best of their infants to be the world beater with health and wealth to prosper. Dreamt, my parent the...

Travel for the love and love for the travel

Travel for the love and love for the travel Be it a need or a passion a man travels very often from one location to another around his locality or...

A child, then and now

A child, then and now Today to my dismay a child’s picture that I in my heart, nurture a kid under, a teen with mobile on-scene running to a car of a...

River Bath

River Bath A coat of dirt or filth of sweat to human health is a threat. Covers it the body of human beings arresting hair follicles’ openings...

A Knot Divine

A Knot Divine Golden Diamond and then platinum Jubilee after jubilee will glitteringly come on the floral path of the couple, benign our pal Chitta...

Samarth, Illuminated

Samarth, Illuminated Hey Samarth our blessed grandson you are our treasury for future generation as we crown you with our blessings and good wishes...

Knot Heavenly

Knotted at Heaven Shivaprasad and Soubhagini the couple benign your ceremony had been solemnized in heaven long before on the earth, It could happen...

Our dear Patra Pravas

Our dear Patra Pravas To felicitate a classmate in the heart of heart, await our gratitude unuttered in public what we must record its acknowledgment...

A tale of two friends

A tale of two friends A boy under nine mind fickle, brain benign running for life through zigzag lanes passing through unknown domains with spleen-...

A pair unique

A pair unique Never fading grace ever smiling face, suave and sweet lip as if pitfalls never them, grip, honeyed voice pitch to all that bewitch,...

A sight, joyous

A sight, joyous In gay abandon on their jubilee golden We, REC 70 batch mates met with plans and programmers, preset together to celebrate the...

​A Diamond jubilee to cherish

A Diamond jubilee to cherish To wish and pray on their wedding day for the couple we adore from our hearts’ core we celebrate the day with pomp and...

Alumni Outstanding

Alumni Outstanding Spouting basil with leaves little casts its captivating spell by its sacredly scented smell foretells its future, sacred and pious...

Beg, I, your pardon

Beg, I, your pardon Time did grant on Leigh hunt poet the great with adorations in spate for his appeal, emotional to make his youth eternal despite...

Wisdom in foolishness

Wisdom in foolishness At my Alma-mater as her hostel boarder over five years collected I illuminating souvenirs imparting in life teachings, awesome...

Metaphoric wisdom

Metaphoric wisdom Words of my grandfather uttered to make me better in me often flicker. Some appear to be funnier but most to me are gifts precious...

In a divine chain

In a divine chain A jubilee golden on a wedding celebration is a couple’s proud display of harmonious conjugal stay braving conjugal tussles in life...

I long for

I long for I long for from my heart’s core my days, seven decades past when its spell, the modernity had not cast the dawn, dusk day, and night now...

My Grandma

My Grandma My age and chair now least I care as I do not shy while coveting I my grandma’s armpit and to leap on her lap to sit and to sleep on her...

Perverted Wisdom

Perverted Wisdom Born and brought up in a remote rural setup in a village curdled by rivers inhabited by mostly farmers other professionals were a...

Chhota – A cattle herd boy

Chhota – A cattle herd boy Decades back in my village, native the caste system was active. There existed a caste milkman, they are classed. Deal they...

A Pledge

A Pledge Hey, eight billion on earth the population! Let us take a pledge in unison that each of us will plant saplings, two and nurture them to grow...

Khira Bhai - A man unique

Khira Bhai - A man unique An ever agile dynamic man lies motionless He is a unique man of values and success. Alas! He is none other but our Khira...

Love, true

Love, true A Golden Jubilee wedding celebration in it, true love gets its definition. Half a century of togetherness with conjugal harmony and...