Misguided Choices, IP.
By prettyrose
- 951 reads
'Tom, why wasn't you at school yesterday? miss Hemmers is cross with you and I think she'll put you in detention again.' ' thanks for letting me know Kyle,it was that cough iv had for ages, our school nurse said the other week I need to see the doctor, but when I told my mom she just said its a cold that will soon go.'
'You still coming to my birthday party about 6, Kyle, but its not really a party as we don't do baby party's now were 14, do we Kyle, but you know what mother's are like, they don't want us to grow up, whats that all about hey.' 'I know Tom, its as if they got nu-thin else to do all day but look afta crying babies and older ones like us. '
'Ye tell me about it you know my mom and nan Griff's never say no to my sister's Emma and Charlotte, they just have to say they have 'stomach problems' and they get days off school, money any-thin they want, well mom's says 'girl problems' as if we dunno wat she on about hey Kyle, we just get told to go out and play some where as if were in the way, while they just go to the shops and then sit at the kitchen table smoking all afternoon, which I hate, but it just goes over my mom and Nan's head when I say sum-thin, nan say's she's tried but bin smoking for over 30 years and it's hard and mom says 'stop moaning Tom I'm standing by the back door so the smoke is going outside.' ' ye I know what you mean Tom, and they say we are the think ones and who shouldn't do it and get told off if we do, but they can by law polite our lungs and slowly kill us and were in the wrong,' ' ye its so messed up hey Kyle.'
I mean I'm not gun-no lie last year in Jimmy Manes bedroom he kept on and on about me having a smoke Kyle and I just wanted to be one of the lads, in the group so was gun-na have one,
You know wat I mean Kyle, Jimmy's 'top-heads' they
nicked named themselves as started to take over
from Kris Conner's group from being the 'sick'
group to hang around with and ya know I'm not one for gangs but I like Jimmy's sis-ta Amy, who just happened to walk in room as Jimmy pushed the smoke in my mouth, making me look the idiot,' so Tom did ya tell Amy it was Jimmy's,' ' no I mean come on Kyle I don't want to be in a gang but not stupid to grass Jimmy up so just avoid him and Amy now.' 'so Kyle, have you ever took a smoke.' 'ye wat teenager doesn't it's so 'sick' to do
still even though they know its kills them'
'Ye my nan said it's the government's fault, years and years ago when the first, no second world war happened they had nu-thin, so smoking was a luxury or sum-thin like that nan said, but then the government encouraged grown ups to smoke and they get money off them when they are sold, but then my aunt Jane said you could walk across the road and get killed out right, but least with smoking you still live ages,I wasn't really listening to any of them be honest Kyle,you know grown ups go on and on sum-times without listening to us and they think silly things like the toilet seat always being up, when it should be down as important but not our health when they smoke around us or in the house while were sitting there,I mean who cares hey Kyle if the loo seat is up or down as long as we can use it.' 'I know Tom my parents were the same before they split up, I wounder if that was the real reason and not dad's new lady friend,' ' dunno Kyle but they strange parents.'
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Nice idea with a couple of
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