What A day
By prettyrose
- 459 reads
I try to scramble money out
Of my newly deep black
Leather handbag,I hate
At best but I needed it to look
The part and that was the start.
I couldn't sleep, all sorts of thoughts
Running through my old tired head.
9am the alarm wakes my weary body
Just has I managed a little sleep.
But slowly and reluctantly I step
Out of my warm, safe bed, only
To open the curtains to another
Miserable day ahead.
Then it was dodge my dear
Mothers smoke, so I didn't
Catch a mouthful toxins that
Like my sensitive throat.
So the taxi came, a made me
Wait, while he cleaned his silver
Nissan car.I said 'can you do
That later, only I'm in an hurry
And may be late.
He begrudgingly went to his side
And went slower than a snail on
Skates.I panicked inside for this
Very important date and after 15
Minutes of going in circle for less
Than a mile,we finally arrived.
When, the detached unfriendly
Taxi driver told me the fare,
I nearly choked on my chocolate
So the big moment had arrived albeit
I was late. But carried on with my
Big happy smile, only to be greeted
By a stern looking lady who looked
Like she wanted to tan my behind.
She shows me to a room,with
Friendly faces, which made
Me feel so relieved in side.
So questions where asked and
Answered the usually thing at one
Of these, then asked me to perform
Some tests, which did make me worry,
It had been while,so I were rusty.to
Say the least,but no time for nerves
If I wanted this done.
So a long 35 minutes had gone
And out of the interview I came,
Hoping they choose my name. I
Start to walk in torrential rain.
New to the area I were lost,but
I saw a nice couple out looking for
Their dog who ran off. So I helped
Them Look until we found young Harold
Rolling in the rain.
They pointed me to where I could catch
A bus miles down a country lane.
Only to reach the end and miss it,
Then a driver in a white van
Wasn't so kind when he thought it
Would be fun to splash all
Down my left side.
Only to be topped off by my new black
And white wrap over dress which I brought
For my job interview, and ripped before
I lost my last twenty pounds. That wont be
Found.So when I finally got
Home soaked through my old bones,
I answered a call to say 'sorry you wont
Be joining Senior care Home'. While
She was very nice and said I were
A lovely lady, and let me down
I cant dismiss how disappointing this was
And I felt like sinking in to an abyss.
But for all the bad that happened on this cold,
Wet, windy, miserable day, I think my self
Lucky for what I have, and turned my thoughts
To those worse off than than me. And hope
Soon they feel a little some what like smiling
Like me.
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