Transition 3
By Pure-zen
- 688 reads
"What is it that we’re here to do?
Why me, and why this time?
It seems our souls have purpose,
which in rhyme is re-aligned."
Our souls have been united,
since the birth of soul in man.
What we have joined in voice to do,
is help others understand.
Understand the purpose
of life upon the Earth,
and appreciate the precious gift
that comes with each ones birth.
Life may be just an instant,
a brief step upon The Way.
But the potential of that moment
is not easy to convey.
When people in their body
consider their own life.
They catalogue achievements,
and recount a list of strife.
Some see their contribution,
are proud of what they’ve done.
Others, oblivious to their impact,
count their usefulness as none.
But few stop to count the blessings
which their life needs to subsist.
Or ask themselves the reason
why the Earth itself exists.
They forget the spark that started
this whole planet on its way.
Believe their new constructions
will bend nature to their sway.
Everything has place and purpose,
its the balance that’s awry.
Its in relationship to spirit
that man will finally rely.
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