Home Read Write Forums Blogs Bug By ralphTue, 18 Apr 2006 1454 reads You have toyed with me, like an insect. Pulled off my arms, and my legs. A sick and ill boy. Has been let down. Crushed! A bug to your ground. How does it feel? To make me want to die. Does it cross your view? Make you wander free. Certificate UPoemUnordered TalesLove Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Bug By ralphTue, 18 Apr 2006 1454 reads You have toyed with me, like an insect. Pulled off my arms, and my legs. A sick and ill boy. Has been let down. Crushed! A bug to your ground. How does it feel? To make me want to die. Does it cross your view? Make you wander free. Certificate UPoemUnordered TalesLove Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments