Glastonbury UFO's

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Glastonbury made the news recently with the release of MOD UFO files and reported sightings at the festival.
Personally I’ve witnessed three ‘UFO’s’ (so far).
One I take my mother’s word for, one was unexplainable and one led to a serious case of paranoia.
I was four years old for my first ‘encounter’ and living and indeed sleeping at the time in a top floor flat in Crewe’s Bronx district. Apparently I slept very well and was a ‘sod to wake up’ but this particular night when Father was on night shift, I had awoken and had gone to mater’s room to do likewise. I said to her, ‘what’s that outside the window?’
She got up and opened her curtains and hovering above the flats across the road was a classic flying saucer. It continued to hover for some time and then shot away, as they do. Her relaying the story to Dad the next morning was met with derision but surprise when I came in for breakfast and asked, ‘what was that in the sky last night?’
The local paper the following Wednesday had six other sightings from the same night, one from a police officer. I have no recollection at all of this but I’m always a bit disturbed that for somebody who was supposed to sleep like a rock was roused and even went and opened his own curtains before going to mum’s room. Two decades later I went to hypnotic regression in the hopes of unlocking the memory - but all I discovered was that I had once been a cobbler with five kids in the Eighteenth century, but that’s another story.
The second experience was one summer somewhere between 1993 and 95 in Glastonbury.
I was out walking with a visiting friend along Bulwarks Lane. It was one of those barmy nights which was perfectly still, not even an essence of a breeze. It was about midnight, as folklore would have it, when we were sat chatting on the bench half way down the lane. I had spotted a very nativitish light which seemed to be hovering over Chalice Hill. So we both watched it and realised that it was heading our way. I had read in that week’s Gazette an announcement that Hercules planes would be doing low level night time flying so we passed this off as being thus. However, we did entertain the thought, for our own amusement, what if this was it, a craft with Spielbergian aliens ready to touch fingers and take us away to planet pleasure. That thought did have an element of exhilaration about it.
The light drew nearer and nearer and it was indeed a craft, very quiet, very black which cut a triangular shape through the night blanket. I knew about US stealth planes but at that time they were still denied by the authorities. However, that’s what we put it down to.
I then wrote about this in the Glastonbury based cult magazine ‘UFO Reality’ and not long after received a phone call from a Cable TV channel who wanted to do an interview. Being curious and a romantic ego maniac I agreed and so it was that three guys turned up at my home in Bovetown with a big furry mic, a bright light and a proper camera and many cables. They literally took over the lounge and did the interview with me pretty much saying what I’ve just wrote here. They then wanted to go the spot where it all took place and they did some filming there. I asked for a tape of the show as I didn’t have cable or satellite to see it. Suffice to say the tape never came and the phone number I‘d been ringing to keep asking for it eventually become ‘no longer in use’. Of course Occam and his razor would explain this as it simply being a crap channel that went bust. Good old Occam. Maybe.
The third experience was simple, quick yet one that I would use as the ‘I’ve seen a UFO’ example. I was footing a ladder as a favour for a friend working on guttering and whilst staring up the ladder beyond his ample bottom and into the clear blue midday sky I noticed a very bright light moving at airplane speed over my head and from north to south over Glastonbury.
It was unusual and my mind said it must be a reflection of the sun on a plane but I’d never seen anything like this before so I just watched and the light stayed at the same brightness and headed onwards but then - you knew a ‘but then’ was coming - it suddenly, and I bet you knew a ‘suddenly’ was coming as well, it abruptly turned west and shot off like a shooting star at, (you know it), incredible speed.
It was a wow moment and I nearly took my foot of the ladder.
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Hi REGGIEPEACH, Just wanted
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