The Composer

By Rhiannonw
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Grand opening bars,
then fingers stop,
thoughts fizzle out,
ideas flop.
He wanders and drifts
with no fixed aim …
until a climax
comes to his brain –
dramatic crescendo
and stirring chords,
exciting finale
that ‘speaks’ without words.
Two ends to the sandwich:
now, how in between
to hold the attention
and interest, seem
to show where it’s going,
to vary, quick turn –
calm moments, and passion,
a change, then return –
the promise develop
of the opening theme?
not constant 'italics'
but pauses to dream,
then puzzle them, spring
surprises, they wait
now knowing he’ll bring
an apt resolution,
fulfilling conclusion;
so, suddenly, slowly,
thoughts guiding his hand,
he grips them and thrills them,
he teases and spills them
down the very last plunge,
arriving as planned
at the end of the journey,
profound ending grand.
[IP: The Grand Opening]
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This is such a great idea for
This is such a great idea for the I P Rhiannon. I could imagine the composer sat at his piano preparing himself, ideas flowing taking him on a journey of his own discovered music that ends in a final crescendo. Job done.
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Excellent interpretation of
Excellent interpretation of the I.P., Rhiannon. Skillfully crafted.
Luigi x
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Great exploration of the
Great exploration of the creative process generally - those first four lines are exactly how I feel most times I sit down to write! Beautifully written.
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can hear the music now.
can hear the music now.
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Hi Rhiannon
Hi Rhiannon
Do you write music of your own to go with your church songs, or always fit the lyrics to tunes that are already familiar? And I do agree, this process also works in writing poems or prose.
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