Ethiopian de/re-forestation

By Rhiannonw
- 1453 reads
They cleared the forests
to grow more food
(now many realise
there were ways to improve
productivity without that vast
clearing of trees.)
Arboreal ‘islands’ remain
(leave the dry, hot fields
to enter the beautiful forest
– like moving from hell to heaven?)
– oases for insects to
pollinate the crops,
and for birds,
conserving of water,
reducing soil erosion,
providing natural medicine.
Eucalyptus was imported,
planted – quick growing, good timber,
but detrimental to local
species, and needing much water.
Many of the 'islands' are around
churches who have kept the
forest, believing they are
stewards of God’s creation.
The ecologists encourage the churches
to build walls to protect their forests’
biodiversity, so clearing stones
from the surrounding fields,
and as the ‘islands’ thrive,
some of the walls are moved out:
maybe soon ‘islands’ will expand
to link up once more.
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I hope African nations have
I hope African nations have the strength of mind not to listen to Western countries nagging to make the same mistakes as we have! Pope Francis is great how he links looking after the environment with looking after people's wellfare, physical and spiritual. You do convey a lovely feeling of richness in your poem, also how churches are often the most beutiful builfings and the idea of man made beauty surrounded by natural beauty, churches protecting not just the souls of people but the soul of the land?
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Absolutely fascinating
Absolutely fascinating Rhiannnon. Those pictures from the air are really shocking. We read about how many hectares or whatever of forest is being lost every day, but even when they say it's equivalent to however many football pitches, I don't think we really grasp it in the way we do when we see the pictures. Let's hope these people are given all the support and encouragement necessary to continue their work.
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i'm sorry I missed the photos
i'm sorry I missed the photos, the church looks amazing too. Thankyou for posting Rhiannon, it's brilliant to read something hopeful for a change!
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