Ins and outs of politics

By Rhiannonw
- 757 reads
Flawed voters want flawless leaders
faultless, biddable
no apologies acceptable;
our voting makes you disposable,
expendable, riddable –
you are rejected –
a new hero will be projected –
oh how pleasant
absolutely true and decent,
all ancient misdemeanours
friendly, bendable.
Might a candidate duplicious
more seriously deceive us
win us, charm us, soon to harm us –
blindly led where our misused voice
no longer has the choice to act, impact –
peace by restraint, no complaint
democracy abused befouled
bled dead.
[IP: Exits and Entrances ]
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That's a really good point
That's a really good point Rhiannon! And I love your rhythm and rhymes too . It's like a magic trick , while I would shuffle hopefully, you seem always to have your finger on exactly the right word! Over and Over again. Awestruck
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The second half, particularly
The second half, particularly, "blindly led" with bled dead" is inspired, "misused" with "abused", "voice" with choice" not at line ending? We tried watching Hamilton the other day, and everything I liked about that, you have ten million times more. The second part, it's just amazing, the sounds? And
"democracy abused befouled
bled dead."
is very powerful
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I guess bards werethe rap
I guess bards werethe rap stars of their time :0) I wish Lin-Manuel Miranda could read this poem :0)
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