The Jacket

By Rhiannonw
- 1926 reads
About 1983,
my mother bought me a jacket
– bargain of the sale!
– here it is now (– hole in the pocket –
who’s to know? doesn’t show!
dilatory and slow to sew)
thirty-five years on,
still smart and comfy when I want to be tidy
(and it isn’t raining –
maybe that’s what restricted
its use, its condition protected
so long?!)
There were slacks to match,
but the mud in my patch,
where we lived at the time,
or wet wool and sweat
caused their death
quite soon
– dry-cleaning cost the earth
(I thought)
and they didn’t recover
from a wet wash-over!
[IP: Have a rummage in your wardrobe and select an item of clothing as a starting point for writing]
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Amazing how long some clothes
Amazing how long some clothes last, Rhiannon. Like you I have old jackets and trousers that I am loath to throw away as they might be useful for decorating or gardening; that's what I tellmyself, anyway.
Your response to the I.P. reflects perfectly the situation in which many of us find ourselves.
Incidentally the jacket was the first garment that came to mind.
Luigi x
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Nice IP response Rhiannon.
Nice IP response Rhiannon. There's something so comforting about putting on a (sometimes very old) favourite piece of clothing isn't there! I have a dress my grandmother had made in the 1930s which I cadged off her at sixteen, and I still wear it today
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I like that it makes you
I like that it makes you think of your Mum when you wear it. And that she knew you so well that you liked it and still do
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
being a hoarder myself, I can understand your reluctance to part with the jacket. I only wish I'd held onto my afgan coat which I sadly had to sell for money.
I did hold onto my mum's cardigan which she knitted herself and never washed it as it held her scent. It now sits in a box where it will stay.
Thanks for sharing your piece.
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