Rocking Power, Beaming Power!
By Rhiannonw
- 2062 reads
Rocking and swaying, pounding tree tops –
powerful wind, whose blast nothing stops.
Sometimes its force can make the bough crack
– energy free to try to entrap?
Whirling wind turbine, spin on the pole
giving us fuel that’s cleaner than coal,
when the wind blows, the current can flow
making electric appliances go.
Roof panels fixed so southward they face
harvesting sunshine beaming through space,
when the sun shines, the current can flow
making electric appliances go.
[IP: when the wind blows ] … with apologies for inspiration from ‘Rock-a-bye baby’
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Yes, if the world really put
Yes, if the world really put its mind to renewable energy... Liked the energy and rhythm in this, Rhiannon.
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Nice one Rhiannon, great idea
Nice one Rhiannon, great idea for the I P.
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Hi Rhiannon,
Hi Rhiannon,
I could feel the wind's blast in this poem. I am all for renewables, especially wind. I can see the turbines from my back door. I don't think they are a blot on the landscape. Is that a typo ? - who's for whose ? second line.
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How different from
How different from Rockabybaby, I'd never have guessed it had the same rhythm! Yet both are set in tree tops.
I love the smooth speediness of this! "Whirling wind turbine, spin on the pole"
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