Timelines Chs. 15 &16 (final) Rescue-Applied, and Completion
By Rhiannonw
- 1313 reads
RECAP [but – genuinely, from the grave
raised again, equipped to save …]
And so, the death that had so disappointed
was overcome!
Though some degree of difference, for immortality begun
had changed his visage,
his supernatural abilities weren’t now so veiled.
Friends and followers,
astonished viewers,
see him with them once again:
feeding, – real his body, standing with them,
felt, and touched, no ghostly vision,
teaching for a little longer; then
leaving for a time,
to oversee, from spirit’s realm,,
and supervise,
until return to finalise.
Still working by his Spirit, though unseen
reminding hearts and minds of what has been,
what had been done,
accomplished, sure,
and what will be in fulness, all completeness,
He gathers, calls, recalls
the stewards to his side,
to come, be reconciled,
for now propitiation has been made,
for he, the sinless Lamb has died,
sufficient death to pay for all wrong-doing.
He counts as righteous all who will repent,
makes new, a people of his peace.
And he, himself, his Spirit came,
the Spirit of the Saviour-Prince
came to illuminate, convince,
and live with each who took him in, –
the Spirit of the mighty King
to stay, remain to strengthen them within.
They long to reach that happy place,
but now the difficulties face
of living in the tainted sphere
among all those who choose to sneer.
They often fail, and need his frown,
to see their faults, their folly own,
and ask he work on in their living:
so they will be prepared, – to see him.
Their Saviour watches, from his throne,
and intercedes, for he has known
what it is like to live down here,
and he protects and holds them dear.
He knows their longings and their weakness,
and helps them in their sanctifying progress,
and all their failings he forgives.
“I see by faith what he has done.
I see my Teacher, holy One,
now risen to live, the work accomplished,
alive to give, sin’s victory vanquished.
He is my Lord, my All, I own
his rule and care, my heart his throne.”
And now the reconciling word –
that disobedience, debt incurred
can be wiped out by grace –
is spread abroad, so his embrace,
can be received by any who
belong to any clan right through
the surface of the sphere.
But many hate to hear, reject,
and like their chosen life and sect,
and do not want to think or turn:
the messengers revile and spurn.
And so the messengers push on, to find a further clan or place
which has not heard this Word of grace,
nor of the coming judgement.
“Why do the nations rage? why is the King defied?
Why do they plot in vain, and cast his perfect laws aside?
Rebels, accept his law,
tremble, rejoice, adore.
Hurry! there’s refuge in his Son,
eternal rest begun!”
Sad death in their spirits all stewards had known
(since succumbing to sin and lies that were sown
by the prince who had fallen from serving the King).
Now the Saviour had suffered, to quicken and bring
new Life, regenerate, create faith in him,
to clear their perceptions to see truth, desire
his mercy and holiness, the love he’ll inspire.
The ones who believed
and received,
when made new,
drew together, felt union, they gathered to hear
the Words he’d had written to teach and to cheer,
encouraged each other in kindness and faith,
in hope, perseverance through all, ’til their death
would take them away from the bad that still is
to the place that is glorious, as the whole sphere will be
when he finally deals with the evil they see …
… until he returns once again before long,
– until then he will wait so that all may be told
that the way is now open, return to the fold
of the Owner divine, while yet there is time,
for one day he’ll burn up all evil, the sphere
itself will be changed, and the perfect appear,
for ever to be as befits such a One,
Creator of everything, Conquering Son,
– to be as first made, before trouble occurred,
rebellion absurd.
Quarrels, and disasters, war:
still the hope of most no more
than this damaged, finite life;
and despite frustrations, strife,
they dejection drown, pretending,
thoughts suppress about th’unending
Lord, and judgement (no absenting).
Do not realise they’re rejecting
love, support fully sustaining.
Some try the life ascetic,
their bodies some afflict.
Some trust in scientific,
or moral systems strict.
Some lean upon some leader,
or even on themselves;
some cast restraint asunder, –
and misery ensues.
Mirage – for this confusion,
can’t lasting help afford;
a full and free solution
is from the only Lord.
So, – neither legalistic
philosophy can save,
nor licence fatalistic:
but sovereign, unearned love.
The snake-prince and his followers bad,
though facing future fire, are glad
to trouble, hurt, – they can’t destroy
but make things very hard, annoy,
those in the Rescuer’s mighty care,
but all the hardships that they bear
are used to mould them, and prepare
them for the holy place,
by liberating love.
And like a snake so sly he lies,
or like a lion roars to scare.
He loves to harm all that is good:
his days are numbered, don’t despair,
– resist him, for this Spirit come
to help, is infinitely strong.
Prince-opposer, like a dragon,
still inspiring evil passion,
– there’ll be no mistake, –
failure for the fallen-snake,
evil will not win – it’s certain,
Holy Lord will conquer Satan!
Triumph, joyful jubilation
– inexpressible salvation!
For schemes of evil’s hour
evaporate when power
of purity directed
to conquer as elected, –
usurping prince ejected,
and sent to endless flame
by One of fearful Name
who burns the old away,
and new creation’s day
dawns full of health and interest –
no fear, no tear, no conquest
now possible for ever;
unending good, and never
repeat of such a sadness,
this sorry tale of madness.
His coming may seem long-delayed,
we may not think it near;
but soon his power will be displayed,
his enemies will fear.
Though they scoff and say things still go on, the same –
many scoffed while those few waited long, but flooding came.
By his Word this sphere will disappear,
made new, – the Day is drawing near;
we will see the home of righteousness.
All evil, and all who remained in it, gone:
for ever to be where they chose to belong,
to bear their own punishment just, for their wrong;
but those who have turned to him, sorry for failure,
receiving the mercy he’d purchased, so dear,
delight to be free of the evil that clung,
defiling their purity: glory has come.
Full Renewal and Always
And so, A wonderful place for eternity:
no problems, no pain, nor futility;
no frustration in nature,
where tooth and claw
attempt to catch a morsel more
in the struggle to live that before existed.
But now all that strife and curse that persisted
since first they revolted, is past, for the sphere is burned.
He has made it anew,
like in the beginning, – it’s perfect right through;
and all there are happy, in work and in worship,
with him their good Ruler, in honour and friendship,
contentment, good freedom,
no exhaustion, no boredom.
O, the riches of his wisdom,
– deep and infinitely wise;
perfect knowledge, rich and splendid:
who can fully realise
how profound, complete his judgements,
how unsearchable, how wise? –
ways that we can never fathom,
bringing glorious surprise!
Source, Sustainer of the skies;
giving breath, and life and mercy:
glory be to God so wise!
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A powerful end to this
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