The Pirate mini-novel (Chap. 7-8)
By Richard L. Provencher
- 434 reads
CHAPTER SEVEN - A Magical Place
It wasn’t long before James heard a rustling from bushes. He jumped up quickly wondering if Nathan had returned. But it was Mr. Lawrence, and at first the boy was disappointed.
"Any more luck?" Mr. Lawrence asked. “I heard you screaming about catching one a while back. That’s great! Hey, did you hear that loud thunder?”
"Nope." Should James tell Mr. Lawrence about the cannon signal for Nathan? At school everybody said James made up stories.
Would Mr. Lawrence believe him if he told about Nathan?
"Guess what...?" James began.
"What?" Mr. Lawrence noticed the boy’s serious expression. Then came over and sat down beside him.
"What's up chum? Something on your mind?"
James decided to tell him everything. The boy was so talkative he didn't even notice the deer flies. Nor even the mosquitoes.
Only that today had been an adventure of a lifetime.
Mom was right. He sure was having fun.
Being one of the smartest kids in grade three, he did see questions in Mr. Lawrence’s face. What was the man thinking?
"I know you’re a brave boy. And I trusted you to be alone by yourself for a little while."
"Thanks, Mr. Lawrence. I'm really glad you wanted me to come fishing."
His mom’s friend placed his hand under James chin and lifted it. The boy’s eyes were blue, like the sky. They were clear like fresh water.
Bug bites were scattered all over his forehead and neck. And his blond hair was scrunched with sweat.
"You like to read a lot, don't you?" Mr. Lawrence asked.
"Yes, a lot." James answered, “especially Chapter books."
"Do you like stories about pirates?" Mr. Lawrence continued.
“My favorite stories," James said.
"I believe your story. Only next time, please call me. I'd like to meet this pirate friend of yours."
“His name is Nathan, Mr. Lawrence. ”And he prefers to be called a Buccaneer.” James’ smile was huge, almost cracking his lips. “He believed me,” the boy whispered. “Somebody finally believes me.”
“Want to try some exploring?” the man asked.
“Sure,” James said eagerly. “Let’s go that way,” hoping they might get a glimpse of Nathan.
Adult and child sloshed through the river’s edge in their sneakers. James couldn’t believe how ‘cool’ this was. It didn’t bother him to get his jeans soaked.
The bug juice Mr. Lawrence gave him actually kept the bugs away. “This is fun,” James said as he took the lead.
Before too long their tired legs gave up. James figured his buccaneer friend must be long gone by now.
As they sat and rested, James listened to tales of camping and fishing. Even hiking adventures, like this one.
He absorbed stories of animals in the forest and why they should be respected and protected. Mr. Lawrence had many experiences to share.
James suddenly gasped. As he turned, a white tail deer leaped over some driftwood. The animal showed off its beauty, as it soared through the air.
The afternoon moved along, leaving James quite relaxed. He did not feel angry anymore.
Maybe this was a magical place as Mr. Lawrence said.
“Ready to go back?” the man asked.
CHAPTER EIGHT - Someone’s Happy
“Okay if I sit for a couple more minutes?” James asked.
He watched Mr. Lawrence walk a short distance away, giving him some privacy. He saw how easily the man cast his fishing line.
James decided he would like to be more like Mr. Lawrence. It was time for him to go places and have fun with friends.
And not worry so much about always getting straight A’s in school. Or being the fastest runner so he could escape the bullies.
He knew he could be brave like Nathan.
One day he’d even learn to cast like Mr. Lawrence. And try to swim too. It would be great not to be afraid anymore.
Maybe Mr. Lawrence might even help him.
“HEEYYY, wait for me!” James surprised himself as words hurtled from his mouth.
It felt good running through the shallow part of the river. Water burst in all directions like a broken fire hydrant. He was laughing and waving his arms.
Just before reaching the waiting man, something made him stop. And turn. Looking back towards the sun, he could sense someone watching.
He knew it was his dad. And he was smiling.
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