The Surprise - 1 - a mini story
By Richard L. Provencher
- 978 reads
Friday evening is always special for the Simms family. Zack, Tibbie, and Tot with mom; their weekly time to window-shop together. That’s about all they can afford to do, these days.
--This is quality time, mom says.
--But, it’s not the same without dad, offers up Zack. The boy is twelve today.
Dad passed on with pneumonia last year. That left four in the family. Tibbie is now Ten. Her school friends call her that. Tabithia is too complicated. Tot is eight year-old Trudy; the same reason she was told about her name. Both girls do not mind. Zack is happy with his real name.
As the four walk through the crowded mall, Zack causes a commotion by stopping in his tracks. He bends down quickly, snatching what looks like a piece of paper. His gotcha reminds mom of their backyard chickadees so quick to clutch their black seed then scoot away.
--Look, Zack whispers. A $20 bill, and holds it out for all to see. But he does not scoot. He stands, elated, waving the coveted bill.
--Maybe we can have something to eat, says Tibbie, doing a twirl.
--I want an ice cream, pleads Tot.
--Yes, we should have a treat, mom says---to celebrate Zack’s birthday.
And so they enter a restaurant. 'Iron Kettle' blazes across the front window.
© Richard L. Provencher
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