Thank You For Me
By Richard L. Provencher
- 431 reads
When I wake up my eyes look for mommy. Then my arms throw off my blanket. It becomes an airplane flying across the room.
SMACK! right against the wall.
My feet feel like icicles after touching the floor. YIPES! They hop, skip and jump to the window. Now I can see lots of green grass.
Soon, daddy will have to cut it short. So it can grow up all over again.
A whole stack of birds are playing chase each other. Some are singing, "Want to come out and play?"
Silly me, birds can't talk. But, it’s fun to pretend. "Melanie!" Mommy is calling. "Breakfast!"
I'm so hungry. "COMMMING!!" Sometimes I scream really loud. Then I crash into daddy. He's trying to race me down the stairs. Sometimes he even lets me win.
Mommy has brown eyes like mine, with thick eyelashes. When I hold up my arms, she smiles wide like the ocean.
"Hungry dear?" she asks.
I sit down at my own place at the table. Then I pat my dress really smooth. "Yes mommy," I say.
She gives me back her special smile. It's fun making mommy happy. After we eat, I go outside and look at the sky. We need sunshine for our picnic today.
But the sky is dark and cloudy. It makes me sad.
"If we still go, will it thunder and lightning?" I ask.
"Don't worry dear,” mommy says. “Daddy will be beside you all the time. He won't let anything happen to you."
When I’m afraid, daddy almost cries. Today I want to be brave. We take egg sandwiches. And drinks.
My favorite is lemonade.
We walk really far until my legs get tired. I don't want a 'lift up'. I'm a big girl now. I'm a whole five years old.
Suddenly it starts to rain. Then lots of floppy drops fall from the sky.
“Our picnic might have to be canceled," mommy says.
I know she feels sad now.
When lightning comes, I get really afraid. Daddy has to pick me up and we all run home. I'm glad Victoria Park is close to our house.
After we get home, mommy gets us hot chocolate. That makes me very happy. Especially when she puts in two marshmallows.
I get brown whiskers on my face. Is that why JC, our cat is looking at me funny? It must make her neck sore, looking up all the time.
I'm really tall for my age.
Now Daddy has to watch TV. His football game is on.
Mommy brings me my 'rainy day’ kit. I draw two eyes with my pencil. They can see right through the window. They watch water making little rivers in the street.
My own eyes help me count my fingers. TEN! Then I count my toes too. TEN! I make my eyes look really huge. Now they can see everything in the whole world.
Then I draw my nose. So I can smell all the roses in our garden. And the baking my mommy is now making.
YUMMY! Smells come from the kitchen.
Now I draw two great big ears. They can hear flapping wings. Maybe it’s from little ducks in the pond outside.
I even hear “BUZZ-BUZZING” from mosquitoes. Listen…footsteps are coming down the hall.
"Melanie?" Daddy asks.
I pretend I can't hear. I hide under the bed.
I hope daddy doesn't hear my cheeks laughing. I pinch my nose. My face is like a circle, full of pictures. That way everyone will know me.
I’m like a painting on a wall.
Or, I could pretend to be a wave on the lake.
Maybe even a little girl hiding under her bed. And all rolled up, like a kitten fast asleep.
Soon someone is carrying me. When my eyes open a teensy bit, I'm in my bed under the covers. Teddy bear is under my arm.
I look up. Then my mouth opens wide. I give the hugest smile in the whole house. My head turns right, then left. JC is beside me.
Mommy and daddy are here too.
When I reach up with my arms, mommy smiles. Daddy too.
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