Vacation Bible School (Book 1)
By Richard L. Provencher
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Book 1 Theme “The Gifts of the Spirit” in a Series of Five Themes. These ideas are available for any Church group to utilize for their own programs.
Esther and Richard Provencher
© 2016 by Esther and Richard Provencher
Dester Publications. All rights reserved.
These ideas are available for any Church group to utilize for their own programs. There are five themes, one per book, and each one designed to apply to the 3 appropriate age groups which run concurrently, each day.
For all children who attended and graduated from God’s plan for a fun filled, Christian learning experience at Abundant Life Fellowship Church, in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia. Some of these boys and girls are now adults.
One main Bible Theme for each Day Program, Monday to Friday, 9-12 noon.
Day Programs run concurrently for all Levels: (ages 3-5); (ages 6-8; (ages 9-12).
FOR AGES 3 - 5
Lesson 1:
A Gift from God -- LOVE
TV programs talk about love. They show off fancy
clothes the actors wear. Sometimes there is a love
for these clothes. There is also a lot of love for a
very fancy home, even toys. And feelings become
a sort of love. They are some of the types of love.
And God’s Word helps us understand the differences.
Memory Verse:
“Love Never Ends” (1 Cor 13:8)
How much does God love you?
Is mercy part of God’s Love?
What is your love for parents and friends?
The Bible talks about patience. And testing our faith.
God has a different kind of watch. His time is the right
one. We live in a world that is like a race. Quick, eat, to
the bus, get to school, homework, hockey, karate, and
swimming lessons. Follow God’s Laws, to live properly.
His way is listening, proper eating, and sharing things.
Memory Verse:
“…the race before us…” Hebrews 12:1
How long does it take God to do something?
Do you get upset if someone gets ahead of you?
Are you nice to others when you are sad?
Be a great example to others. And use what you learn
about God to help them. He loved to be around children.
Why? Because they are without sin. And they ask lots
of neat questions. God gave us words to live by – “Treat
others as you want them to treat you.” Try not to use
any excuses that take away good things in our hearts.
Memory Verse:
“Your gentleness has made me great” (Psalm 8:35)
Do you ever boast about your parents?
Why is it important to forgive your friends?
What do you do if someone is not nice to you?
God is always with us, in everything we do. He is not just
our friend. He gives us hopes and dreams. Why is that?
Some people give up too easily. Do you? Jesus proved he
was no quitter. He carried the cross to the top of the hill.
We know He rose from the dead like He promised. His
Goodness will always be with us, to help us and love us.
Memory Verse:
“…your Goodness and Love will be with me all my life” (Psalm 23:6)
Do you think God keeps His Word?
Why does God keep forgiving us?.
How does God want us to live each day?
A Gift from God – JOY & PEACE
God is like a hockey coach. He teaches us through His
Word and there is joy when the game is won. And each
of us shares in the victory when the team wins. There is a
peace that follows with satisfaction after the training and
the practices. It is the same way to learn about the Bible.
Then we can follow God’s ways like when He lived on earth.
Memory Verse:
“The joy of the Lord will make you strong.” (Neh. 8:10)
When do God’s people shout with joy?
Why does God want to help you overcome any worries?
Jesus died for us so we would have a better life. Why?
Lesson 1:
A Gift from God -- LOVE
TV gives children a wrong idea about love.
It’s more than fancy clothes or how much
they cost. It’s more than love of expensive
toys, computers or a nice house with a
swimming pool. God wants us to live more
than just by our feelings. He gave us the Bible.
Memory Verse:
“Love Never Ends” (1 Cor 13:8)
How does God show His love for you?
Is mercy a part of God’s Love?
How do you show love for parents and friends?
Lesson 2:
The Bible talks a lot about patience through testing our
faith. God’s wrist watch is different than ours. His time
is the correct one. He knows every step we take. We
live in a world, fast as a speeding car. Quick, eat, run, to
hockey, swimming, ballet lessons, karate and more.
Follow God’s laws, live properly, and learn from others.
Memory Verse:
“…the race before us…” Hebrews 12:1 (KJV)
How long should we wait for God to do something?
Do you get jealous when someone gets ahead of you?
Do you help others when you feel forgotten?
Lesson 3:
We can be an example to others if we use what we learn
about God. Some of your friends are not so strong and
need you to be gentler with them. He always loved to be
around children. And He gave words to help everyone live
a good life. He wants each of us to treat others as we want
them to treat us. Excuses take away good things in our hearts.
Memory Verse:
“Your gentleness has made me great” (Psalm 8:35)
Do you like to brag about anything?
Do you forgive your friends or parents for what they have done?
Do you pay back someone who is not nice to you?
Lesson 4:
God is always with us, in all we do, even in our hopes
and dreams. Once in a while he whispers something in
your heart. He does not want you to give up on your
plans. Jesus proved He is no quitter. Think of the trip He
took to the cross, while He was cut and bleeding. And His
goodness is still with us even after all the terrible suffering.
Memory Verse:
“…your goodness and love will be with me all my life” (Psalm 23:6)
Do you trust in God’s word?
Why is God a forgiving God?
How does God want you to live?
Lesson 5:
A Gift from God – JOY & PEACE
With God we have strength especially when things
are tough, like a close hockey game. God teaches us
we can have joy, even if we lose. When we study His
Words in the Bible, God gives us understanding. We
know He will take care of us, since He is always beside
us. If we abide by His ways we can have a good life.
Memory Verse:
“The joy of the Lord will make you strong.” (Neh. 8:10)
What makes God’s people shout with joy?
Why does God want you to have peace in your heart?
Jesus died for us so we could have a good life.
Lesson 1:
A Gift from God -- LOVE
Sometimes we can love clothes too much. Even the
price attracts us and gives a false feeling. We may
brag to friends about what we have. Maybe it’s a love
of our fancy computer and the games we have, or
the beautiful home, with a swimming pool. We have
to be thankful for simple things, like family, and friends.
Memory Verse:
“Love Never Ends” (1 Cor 13:8)
How much does God love you?
Is mercy part of God’s Love?
What is love for our parents and friends?
Lesson 2:
The Bible talks a lot about patience through testing
our faith. God has a different watch. His time is the
right one. We live in a fast world, quick to eat, run,
play hockey, take ballet, swimming lessons and more.
If we follow His Commandments we can live a good
life. Follow His laws, live properly, and help others.
Memory Verse:
“Do all I command and good things will happen” (Jer 7:23)
How long should we wait for God to do something?
Do you get jealous when someone gets ahead of you?
Do you help others when you feel forgotten?
Lesson 3:
Try and be a good example to others. Use what you
know about God and His precious Words. He loved
to be around children because they are so eager to
learn. God wants us to treat others as we want them
to treat us. We don’t want silly excuses to take away
good feelings in our hearts. Also read the Bible often.
Memory Verse:
“Do for others what you want them to do for you.” (Luke 6:31)
Is there anything you like to brag about?
Should you forgive friends who do anything to you?
Is it okay to be nice to people? Why?
Lesson 4:
God is always with us, in all we do, even in our hopes
and dreams. Like an angel He hovers close by. Some
people quit their plans too easily, but Jesus proved
he was no quitter in his mission to the cross. Even though
He was bruised and bleeding He went through with a
plan for our salvation. Now we have a real hero to copy.
Memory Verse:
“Surely goodness and love will follow me all my life” (Psalm 23:6)
Are you trustful of God’s word?
Can you be a forgiving person like God?
How does God want you to live?
Lesson 5:
A Gift from God – JOY & PEACE
Joy is the same as strength when times are tough.
God takes us through hard times through trial and
tribulation. We can endure through good times and
bad times. We know and understand by God’s
word He will take care of us. He is always there for
us. But we must abide by His ways as in the Bible.
Memory Verse:
“God’s peace will keep hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:7)
When do God’s people shout with joy?
Why does God want to help you overcome worry?
How did the death of Jesus help us have a better life?
This Summer program opened up with prayer, words of welcome and a brief introduction of 3 Program leaders for each of the age groups. They were responsible to stay with their age group and to participate with them as they went to each of the four locations below where other volunteers waited:
Bible Study based on Biblical Theme;
Art & Table Fun;
Outdoor Games; and
Treat Time.
Prizes and certificates of accomplishment were handed out at the end of the week. Sing-songs and gifts for special achievement were given, and all received a small bag of treats. Many volunteers donated holidays and spare time for this exciting program of activities. We averaged around 50 children each of the five mornings.
Esther and Richard Provencher are President and Vice-President, respectively, of Dester Publications. They are a husband and wife team, married March 27, 1975 in Sarnia, Ontario, and currently live in Truro, Nova Scotia.
They have four grown children, have been foster and adopting parents and helped establish, along with four other families, Abundant Life Victory Church almost 30 years ago, in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia. They have been very involved in community youth work, and church outreach, including visiting nursing home residents, and providing meals to those less fortunate, with another church.
Esther and Richard co-authored many books for all ages, especially to help Richard focus on something challenging after his aneurysm-stroke. He continues to progress very well. Esther has been a volunteer Bookkeeper, the past 20 years at Abundant Life, an inter-denominational church, and Richard was the Bulletin Editor for three years. Both authors are “born-again” Christians.
This Christian program is one of 5 different themes written by Esther and Richard L. Provencher for five consecutive Vacation Bible School summers at Abundant Life Victory Church in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia, Canada. They are now available at no charge for use by any interested group, and all posted on site. Have fun.
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