Vacation Bible School (Book 2)
By Richard L. Provencher
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Book 2 Theme “The Ten Commandments” in a Series of FiveThemes. These ideas are available for any Church group to utilize for their own programs.
Esther and Richard Provencher
© 2016 by Esther and Richard Provencher
Dester Publications. All rights reserved.
These ideas are available for any Church group to utilize for their own programs. There are five themes, one per book, and each one designed to apply to the 3 appropriate age groups which run concurrently, each day.
For all children who attended and graduated from God’s plan for a fun filled, Christian learning experience at Abundant Life Fellowship Church, in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia. Some of these boys and girls are now adults.
One main Bible Theme for each Day Program, Monday to Friday, 9-12 noon.
Day Programs run concurrently for all Levels: (ages 3-5); (ages 6-8; (ages 9-12).
AGE LEVELS: ( Ages 3-5) Tykes; (Ages 6-8) Learners; (Ages 9-12) Teachers
5 LESSONS: (Monday – Friday)
BLESSINGS: (2 Commandments per day)
QUESTIONS: (For everyone to think about)
Living Faith, The Bible Reader’s Companion,
The Jerusalem Bible and The Learning Bible.
I am the Lord your God, who rescued you from slavery in Egypt. Do not worship any other Gods besides me.
(Living Faith Bible)
No other Gods.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
I am Yahweh your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no Gods except me.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
I am the Lord your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt where you were slaves.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds, or animals or fish.
(Living Faith Bible)
You shall not make…an idol.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not make yourself a carved image…you shall not bow down to them…for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God…but I show kindness to those who love me and keep my commandments.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Do not worship any God except me. Do not make idols that look like anything in the sky or on earth or in the ocean under the earth.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
(Living Faith Bible)
You shall not misuse the name of the Lord.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not utter the name of Yahweh your God to misuse it.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Do not misuse my name.
(The Learning Bible)
Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
(Living Faith Bible)
Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Remember that the Sabbath Day belongs to me.
(The Learning Bible)
Honor your father and mother. Then you will live a long, full life in the land the Lord your God will give you.
(Living Faith Bible)
Honor your father and your mother.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
Honour your father and your mother so that you may have a long life in the land that Yahweh your God has given to you.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Respect your father and your mother, and you will live a long time in the land I am giving you.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not murder.
(Living Faith Bible)
You shall not murder.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not kill.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Do not murder.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not commit adultery.
(Living Faith Bible)
You shall not commit adultery.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not commit adultery.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Be faithful in marriage.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not steal.
(Living Faith Bible)
You shall not steal.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not steal.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Do not steal.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not testify falsely against your neighbor.
(Living Faith Bible)
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Do not tell lies about others.
(The Learning Bible)
Do not covet your neighbor’s house. Do not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else your neighbor owns. (Living Faith Bible)
You shall not covet.
(The Bible Reader’s Companion)
You shall not covet your neighbour’s house. You shall not covet your neighbour’s wife, or his servant, man or woman, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is his.
(The Jerusalem Bible)
Do not want anything that belongs to someone else. Don’t want anyone’s house, wife or husband, slaves, oxen, donkeys or anything else.
(The Learning Bible)
Lessons 1-5 (Monday-Friday)
The Ten Commandments are Blessings for Guidance:
I am the Lord your God
Do not worship any God except Me.
Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
Respect your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
Be faithful in marriage.
You shall not steal.
Do not tell lies about others.
Do not want anything that belongs to someone else.
TYKES (ages 3-5)
Lesson 1
I am your God.
Only worship me.
God smiles when
He wakes up in the morning
because He loves you.
Do you know He created
everything you see around you?
That’s why He also
wants you to love Him.
Think about…
Why God thinks you are special.
Is He is watching over you right now?
How do you praise God?
Lesson 2
Do not misuse His name.
Remember His Day.
You might hear a few people
say nasty words, but.
God wants you to use your
mouth to praise Him.
And He wants you to have
a week full of fun.
But visit Him at least one day.
Think about…
Some of the good words you hear.
What do you do to have fun?
What are some kind names we can say?
God likes you to visit Him? Why?
How do we visit God?
Lesson 3
Respect those who look after you.
You shall not hurt people.
God sent special people
to look after you.
He does this for you to grow
up healthy and strong.
In the same way other children
need you to be kind.
To share and to be helpful.
Think about…
Who looks after you each day?
Do most of your friends like you? Why?
How do you share things?
Lesson 4
Be true to your special friend.
You shall not steal.
There are people who really
want to be your friend.
And God’s wish is to be kind
to them, like He is to you.
You should take nothing that is
not yours, without asking
permission to use it.
Think about…
Who is your best friend? Why?
How is God your friend?
Do you ever lend someone your toys?
Should you ask before you
take something? Why?
Lesson 5
It is not nice to tell lies.
Do not be jealous of others.
Telling an untrue story about
a friend is not very nice.
It could make them so sad
they might want to move away.
If other children have toys
you do not have, then
be happy for them.
Think about…
It is good to tell the truth. Why?
Who are your good friends?
Do you have toys friends don’t have?
What could you do if you
want something and don’t have it?
LEARNERS (ages 6-9)
Lesson 1
I am the Lord your God.
Do not worship anyone else.
God in Heaven watches over us
and is pleased at the good things we do.
When we need help, He is the
one we should go to.
Many years ago people worshipped
idols such as cats and the sun.
Today it may be money, music or
fancy cars, toys and sports.
Think about…
Why does God love us so much?
When should you go to God for help?
What is meant by an idol today?
Lesson 2
Do not misuse the name of the Lord.
Remember the Sabbath Day.
God wants you to use His name
when you pray, or when you want to
have a special talk with Him.
And he is really pleased when you visit
Him at church along with your
family or friends because
we are all part of one family.
Think about…
Why it sounds terrible to misuse God’s name.
What do you say and do when you are angry?
What is good about going to God’s house?
Lesson 3
Respect your parents.
You shall not take someone’s life.
Adults who take care of you on earth are
placed there by God to look after
you and to help you grow up properly.
And prepare you for when you are a parent.
Each person on this earth is
precious in the eyes of God and do not
take the law into your own hands.
Think about…
Why parents are so patient with you?
Why parents want to know your friends?
Is it important to get along with others? Why?
Lesson 4
Be faithful in marriage.
You shall not steal.
If you get married, God wants you to love
and respect your wife & husband, protect
and care for each other with your whole heart.
then you will have a good family.
You might see your friends take things
that do not belong to them.
God wants you NOT to copy them.
Think about…
Do you know what a best friend is?
Lesson 5
Do not tell lies about others.
Do not want what belongs to someone else.
It is important not to tell untrue stories
about others. It could get you into trouble
and cause much harm.
And it would make God unhappy.
No matter what you have, someone has
something else you don’t own.
Maybe you can share what you have.
Think about…
How an untruth can really hurt someone.
Did that ever happen to you?
Should you be satisfied with what you have?
TEACHERS (ages 9-12)
Lesson 1
I am the Lord your God
Do not worship any God except me.
Many people, young and older seek
help from friends, books and Social Workers.
God is always there to love and guide you.
In this modern world it is also easy to
desire the latest high tech toys or gadgets.
Be careful they do not become idols
keeping you from God’s instructions for your life.
Think about…
That magnificent brain God gave you. Why?
When was the last time you received help from God?
Are idols in the past different from those now?
Lesson 2
Do not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy.
As Christians we have the privilege of
serving a mighty God, who wants us to share
the good news of His Kingdom and
to use His name in reverence.
For six days God worked to make heaven,
sea and land, animals and all things.
And He rested on the seventh. Why don’t we?
Think about…
It sounds awful to hear God’s name in vain. Why?
Are you able to lead friends to Jesus?
Must some people always work on Sunday?
Lesson 3
Respect your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
Your parents brought you into the world
through love and they hope for you
to grow up to have a happy life.
Love them back, do your best in school.
God gave each of us life, to fulfill a
plan for us in this world so we may use those
special gifts to help ourselves and others.
Think about…
What memory you carry about your parents.
Do you have a vision for your life?
Is it important to think about others? Why?
Lesson 4
Be faithful in marriage.
You shall not steal.
When you marry you should love
your spouse and not another
who might break up the happy marriage.
Your spouse is same as a best friend.
Taking something from someone else without
their permission is not only stealing,
but mean and selfish.
Think about…
Spouse means the same as husband or wife.
Did you ever lose a best friend? How?
How would you feel if someone stole from you?
Lesson 5
Do not tell lies about others.
Do not want anything that belongs to someone else.
Lying not only destroys someone’s
reputation, but their work and friends too.
God did not create us to bring sadness to others.
Sometimes it is hard to understand why
some people have so much, fancy car, nice house
and other things. But God does not want us to
place our eyes only on things of this earth.
Think about…
What do people mean about a little white lie?
Does anyone tell lies about you? Why?
Will it upset you not to get everything you want?
This Summer program opened up with prayer, words of welcome and a brief introduction of 3 Program leaders for each of the age groups. They were responsible to stay with their age group and to participate with them as they went to each of the four locations below where other volunteers waited:
Bible Study based on Biblical Theme;
Art & Table Fun;
Outdoor Games; and
Treat Time.
Prizes and certificates of accomplishment were handed out at the end of the week. Sing-songs and gifts for special achievement were given, and all received a small bag of treats. Many volunteers donated holidays and spare time for this exciting program of activities. We averaged around 50 children each of the five mornings.
Esther and Richard Provencher are a husband-wife team, married March 27, 1975 and presently live in Truro, Nova Scotia.
They have four grown children, were foster and adopting parents and helped establish, along with four other families, Abundant Life Victory Church in 1987, in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia. They have been very involved in community youth work, and church outreach, including visiting nursing home residents, and providing meals to those less fortunate, along with another church.
Esther and Richard co-authored books and short stories for all ages, especially to help Richard focus on something challenging after his aneurysm-stroke. He continues to progress very well. Esther has been a volunteer Bookkeeper, the past 20 years at Abundant Life, an inter-denominational church, and Richard was the Bulletin Editor for two years. Both authors are “born-again” Christians.
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Some thoughtful leading to
Some thoughtful leading to thinking about the blessing of the commandments, so important as a foundation in life, and to realising our need of his forgiveness for our failings, through Jesus's death and resurrection. Rhiannon
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