Hypothetical Love Letter
By Shannan
- 823 reads
Dear Mr Brossy,
Sorry that I’m using my surname and not yours, but it’s only because I haven’t met you yet. The thing is I’ve had these crazy feelings lately that you are really out there, and that one day I will actually get to meet you. It’s a reassuring and marvelous knowing that you aren’t just a figment of my feelings. I realise I don’t know what you look like yet, how tall you are, or what colour your eyes are or hair is… I think, and I know it may sound weird, but, I think I do know what your voice will sound like. Like the one in my head, I think, but I may be wrong on that, although I hope not. I have no idea on your family life or history, or what your favourite things are, but I hope we have many things in common to share.
Why I’m writing this letter to you, the man I don’t know and have never met, is because maybe you will been drawn to it and read it, who knows? It’s on my heart to tell you that I am praying for you. I am lifting up thanks daily for the knowing that God has created you and is sculpting you for me. I think it is absolutely glorious and that you are truly awesome and incredible and I love you. The thing is, along with extra truth within my soul that you are out there, there has also been a nagging feeling inside me, a feeling like you don’t believe I’m waiting for you…
So, even though this is all in my imagination my love, I need to let you know that I’m hoping with all my being, praying with all my mind and heart that you aren’t ruining our fantastic future as I type. God is calling you, your Spirit is calling you, The Universe is calling you, growing you into the perfect other half for me, but there’s a catch, you have to listen and choose me, choose the best you can be in love, which I know isn’t always easy... I had this ghastly thought that you may not have faith in yourself and may not believe that I exist! PLEASE, please, please, listen to your soul. Don’t go and choose to get HIV, or choose to take those drugs, or become an alcoholic. Please don’t think that my love will be yours automatically either. If you aren’t whole, and well looked after, if you haven’t invested in yourself to make yourself a man worthy of the love I have for you, then our best destiny can’t happen. I can’t marry a man who will give me a deadly disease, or leave me for an addiction, or lie next to me comparing me to all the other shags he wished he’d never had. I need you to take care of you for me. I need you to love yourself and me as much as I love myself and you.
If there’s negativity going on, please clear it up. If you have enemies, then remedy that so I can speak to everyone you know in love and faith that I’m standing next to an amazing man. Please bless me with reasons to be proud to stand next to you. Please lay a foundation where, if we have children, no ghosts will haunt them, none of your closets will ever scare them and none of your friends will ever lead them to addictions either. Please.
I hear love songs on the radio and my being knows that they have been written echoing the love we have. I sing praise and worship songs, and I’m thanking God for you. I’m keeping myself as someone you can be proud of, someone you can rave about, someone who won’t let you down in any way that she can help. For the times when I can’t, when I will hurt you or you me, I’m praying for God’s Grace to manifest itself between us, within us. I’m praying for empathy, mercy and constant truth. I’m praying that you are learning to listen to your Spirit in ways that are training you, as they are me, to build a wonderful marriage. Faithfilled, hopefilled and most importantly ROCKING with ALL the facets of love :-)
Like I said, I don’t know why I felt so compelled to write this letter to you, or even if you will ever read it... but I need to let you know that I’m praying for you, thinking of you and loving you even though we have yet to meet… when we do, I’d love it if all your best prayers met mine. Pray for me too, my love, pray for me to be the woman who will help you be the best you can be, and safely get through this difficult and challengingly lonely time without you. Yeah, I guess I’ve already established I’m the zany one in this pair ;-) but, it is my truth. I’m SO EXCITED for our paths to finally cross, but I need you to choose the path that leads to me, and it is the path of goodness, kindness, humility, faith and all things overwhelmingly beautiful… choose that path, choose my path, please, please, please, choose the best us possible :-)
I Love you, you totally deliciously GORGEOUS creature, all my love, blessings and prayers xxx Mrs Brossy xxx
P.S. Please, please, please take dancing lessons as soon as possible. I’d TOTALLY LOVE that :-)
Thanks to you in every way my love. SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOO EXCITED xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :-) :-) :-)
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What a lovely idea. Writing a
What a lovely idea. Writing a letter for someone you hope to meet in the future.
I liked the bit about taking dancing lessons.....
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