Not enough love in the world
By Shannan
- 817 reads
“Yes sweetheart.”
“Mommy, at school today we had to read newspapers and look at the pictures. There were ones of war and funny drawings of old men. I tried to read some stories, but the words were too big. The people didn’t look happy. Ronnie put up his hand and asked why the people were sad in the pictures.”
“Did he?”
“Yes, he did. He asked because we decided the people looked hungry and scared, and the teacher answered: ‘because there’s not enough love in the world’ Mommy. Why Mommy? Why is there not enough love in the world?”
“Oh little one, you know Mommy doesn’t have the answers to questions like that. The world is a big place and I’m so small, like you. I can’t see everything, I can only guess.”
“Ok Mommy, I understand. Please guess.”
“Are you sure you want me to make up an answer for you?”
“Yes Mommy, I love your answers!”
“Ok, hmmm, let me guess. Maybe it is because people think they are so important that they had to make lots more people, over 7 billion now, and the little love god Cupid never realised that the world would get so big, so he didn’t make enough arrows to shoot love into everyone.”
“Oh Mommy, that’s funny! Did people make people without love then?”
“Well, when a Mommy has a baby in her tummy and she gets angry or sad, then the baby feels that too and the baby remembers the sad and the angry. So if the Mommy was alone and scared when she had her baby in her tummy, then yes, her baby wouldn’t know love while it was growing. Then when that baby grows and has other babies, then those babies won’t know love either.”
“That is sad Mommy, a Mommy on her own, and she can’t work or make money so she is worried too.”
“Yes sweetheart. Where money is in charge there is no room for love.”
“Thanks Mommy, I think your guesses are quite good.”
“Thanks sweetheart. I’m looking forward to what you ask me to guess about next!”
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I thought this was such an
I thought this was such an endearing piece of writing. Children always want to know why? Which made this story so real.
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