Abrakadoobra: 100 Short Poems For Children
By shoebox
- 6764 reads
Index for 100 Short Poems For Children
1 Absolutely Said the Moon
2 Mommy Was A Fiery Dragon
3 Eensy Weensy Spider(2)
4 Recess During Spring
5 Little Bo Peep(2)
6 Hickory Dickory Dock(2)
7 Hey Diddle Diddle(2)
8 Jack and Jill(2)
9 Pretty Princess
10 Frosty(1)
11 Frosty(2)
12 Benny the Blackbird(1)
13 Benny the Blackbird(2)
14 Benny the Blackbird(3)
15 Oh, Mr. Moon(1)
16 Oh Milly Said Molly(1)
17 Oh Milly Said Molly(2)
18 Mindy Monkey(1)
19 Oh Milly Said Molly(3)
20 Frosty(3)
21 Oh, Mr. Moon(2)
22 Oh, Mr. Moon(3)
23 Young Shea(1)
24 Hickory Dickory Dock(3)
25 Rowena
26 Big Ben
27 Little Bo Peep(3)
28 Jumping Rope(1)
29 Baa Baa Black Sheep(2)
30 Patty Pat(1)
31 Minnie
32 Fireman Roger(1)
33 Mindy Monkey(2)
34 Jack and Jill(3)
35 Little Miss Muffet(2)
36 Frankie
37 Carrot and Pear
38 The Bet
39 Lifeguard 6' 2
40 Now That's A Surprise
41 Little Goody Two-Shoes
42 Old Mrs. James Hill(1)
43 Old Mrs. James Hill(2)
44 Butterfly(1)
45 Old Mrs. James Hill(3)
46 Mr. Denver
47 Sandy Smith(1)
48 Papa and Mama Bird
49 Little Tommy Tupper
50 Mary(1)
51 Rhoda and Rhonda(1)
52 Rhoda and Rhonda(2)
53 Rhoda and Rhonda(3)
54 Butterfly(2)
55 Butterfly(3)
56 Soldier, Soldier(1)
57 Soldier, Soldier(2)
58 Traveling Bug(1)
59 Mack and Michael
60 Hershey Treat
61 The Hands of A Clock
62 Fly Fly Fly Your Plane
63 In the Sandbox
64 Mayday Mayday
65 Old Abe Lincoln(1)
66 Okey-Doke
67 Little Meagan's Toe
68 Sewing and Rowing
69 Bonny Shores
70 Mack Loves Popcorn
71 George and Martha
72 Traveling Bug(2)
73 Traveling Bug(3)
74 A Crow Sitting
75 The Author, Mrs. Mitchell
76 Children Take Crying
77 Baa Baa Black Sheep(3)
78 Mushrooms
79 Here We Go(1)
80 Kites
81 Alice Blair
82 A Big Blue Whale
83 The Old Grey Woman
84 Fireman Roger(2)
85 Fireman Roger(3)
86 Young Abe Lincoln(1)
87 Oh, Mr. Moon(4)
88 Oh, Mr. Moon(5)
89 Jack and Jill(4)
90 Jack and Jill(5)
91 After Summer Rains
92 My Bonny
93 The Bike
94 The School Bus
95 School Lunches
96 Ride the Horsey(1)
97 Ride the Horsey(2)
98 A Close Call
99 When Eating My Kellogg's
100 Tiny Tatiana(1)
Absolutely Said the Moon
Said the moon.
"But when?"
Asked the star.
"Very soon,"
The orb replied”
"That is
If you still are."
"Oh, I shall be,"
The star assured,
"You needn't ever
"Then that is that,"
Smiled the moon,
And in a pat
Was out.
Mommy Was a Fiery Dragon
Mommy was a fiery dragon
Daddy was merely a mule
Baby, as was later proved,
could do no more
than drool.
Eensy Weensy Spider
The eensy weensy spider
Ate an eensy weensy meal
After such a banquet
The little creature read
Not a thick book, mind you,
But something rather brief
With lots of pictures,
Lots of hues”
The Great Barrier Reef.
The eensy weensy spider
Decided not to climb
The sun came up, then went down
Ships sailed in the bay
The eensy weensy spider
Decided not to sleep
But ran in circles then in squares
"Oh I'm dizzy but who cares?
Recess During Spring
Looking at the clouds one day
I saw so many faces
some were young,
some were old,
some were hard to tell.
Lying there on my back
the thick grass made a cushion
then those faces lost their places--
the schoolbell broke my spell.
Little Bo Peep(2)
Little Bo Peep
who lost her sheep
searched and finally
found one
That one told her
"Come with meep,
round this corner
they've gone, hon."
Hickory Dickory Dock(2)
Hickory dickory dock
the mouse got quite a shock
to see no clock
to hear no tock
for nothing he'd put on a frock!
Hey Diddle Diddle(2)
Hey diddle diddle
hotcakes on the griddle
the strawberry milk's
in the fridge
gonna have breakfast
then off to the zoo
it's where we'll play
on the bridge.
Hey diddle diddle
hotcakes on the griddle
the bacon's in
the microwave
nice to have mom
nice to have friends
nice to never have to shave!
Jack and Jill
and Beth and Bill
all climbed slowly
up a hill
once at the top
each had to stop
then Beth said, "Hey,
a raindrop!"
Pretty Princess
A pretty princess
hated peas
she flipped them
left and right
when the queen
discovered this
she said, "My luv,
such appetite!"
One day Frosty woke up early
on his face he wore a smile
for breakfast he had tasty snow
then he went to play a while
At some moment Suzy Snowflake
dropped down friendly from a tree
when they shook each other's hand
they found they could not get them free!
Frosty spied a little dog
shivering in the cold March air
on its back clung ice and snow
its tiny feet were bare
Frosty rang his owner's doorbell
when they answered it they saw
a little cold and hungry mutt
then took it in to feed and thaw.
Benny the Blackbird(1)
Benny the blackbird
broke a toe
hence he could hardly
come and go.
In the phone book
he found a vet
and after treatment
a hefty debt!
Benny the Blackbird(2)
Benny the blackbird
flew round the town
until Miss Hunger
forced him down.
"What shall I eat?"
was Benny's only thought
a sundae and fries
was all Benny bought.
Benny the Blackbird(3)
Benny the blackbird
spied a thief
stealing an older
lady's beef.
In an instant
the fowl swooped down,
a peck on the brow
and the thief yelled, "Ciao!"
Oh, Mr Moon(1)
"Oh, Mr Moon,
Why don't you smile?
Have your nights
been all that bad?"
"No, my dear child,
my nights have been fine.
It's another moon
that's got me sad."
Oh Milly said Molly(1)
"Oh Milly," said Molly
"I've dropped and ruined
a vase."
"Oh Molly," said Milly
"Why can't you take
more care?"
"Oh Milly," said Molly
"The look that's on
your face!"
"Oh Molly," said Milly
"too bad I have
no spare!"
Oh Milly said Molly(2)
"Oh Milly," said Molly
"this was papa's watch."
"Oh Molly," said Milly
"Does it still tell time?"
"Oh Milly," said Molly
"What else could it do?"
"Why Molly," said Milly
"It could wave adieu!"
Mindy Monkey(1)
On Monday Mindy Monkey
felt like having fun
down the tree she slid
in search of a hapless stooge
When she saw a canine
and its resident tick
she flashed her purple panties
then two miens went rouge.
Oh Milly Said Molly(3)
"Oh Milly," said Molly
"I wouldn't mind a toddy."
"Oh Molly," said Milly
"That goes for anybody!"
"Oh Milly," said Molly
"Will Brandy suit you?"
"Oh Molly," said Milly
"Any brand will do."
Frosty never minds the cold
What's more he isn't growing old
He never has to watch his weight
There's only one thing makes him hate:
In Springtime Frosty disappears
An act that always brings forth tears
His icy, rotund body goes
Leaving just his nose and clothes.
Oh, Mr Moon(2)
"Oh, Mr Moon
Look at me
I'm here in Tennessee."
"Yes, little boy,
You live and enjoy
The luck of the land
Of the free."
Oh, Mr Moon(3)
"Oh, Mr Moon
It's way too late
To be there high in the sky."
"My child, I'm sometimes
Here when it's day
But nobody ever tells me why!"
Young Shea(1)
Young Shea left the yard
Against his mother's wishes
When he returned
She played the fool
Till he said, "Caught us
These fishes!"
Hickory Dickory Dock(3)
Hickory dickory dock
The mouse had lost a sock
He searched to no
Avail each dorm
Then only one foot was warm.
Rowena wanted a talking doll
Her mom said "Yes, would that
Be all?"
The child said, "Well, there WAS
This horse."
Her mom said, "My, aren't you
A source!"
Big Ben(1)
Big Ben tells us the time
Won't you give him a dime?
Big Ben always knows the hour
Come sun, snow or rain shower.
Little Bo Peep(3)
Little Bo Peep
And her sheep
All ran down a hill”
At the foot
Bo Peep put
On each sheep a frill.
Jumping rope(1)
Jumping rope, jumping rope
Never take dope
Jumping rope, jumping rope
Never lose hope
Jumping rope, jumping rope
Never take drugs
Jumping rope, jumping rope
Stay away from thugs.
Baa Baa Black Sheep(2)
Baa Baa black sheep
Who had the bags of wool
Delivered them one morning
Riding on a bull
The master had a good laugh
The dame held her nose
Said the girl down the lane,
"And me thought they were foes!"
Patty Pat(1)
Patty Pat
Was getting fat
Her folks said,
"She's a vat!"
Then Patty Pat
Ate only snow
Her folks said,
"Where'd she go?"
Minnie sat and waited
Her anger on the rise
"Where's that tardy rat?
I hope he's told no lies."
When the mouse arrived
He saw that she was miffed
With a quick apology
He handed her a gift.
Fireman Roger
Fireman Roger rescues lives
Husbands, daughters, sons and wives
The big red trucks with flashing lights
Race through town days and nights.
Mindy Monkey(2)
Mindy Monkey built a boat
Dragged it huffing to the lake
In she hopped with her pet goat,
Who then announced a bellyache!
Jack and Jill(3)
Jack and Jill
And Uncle Bill
Stopped for 3 quick meals
When the waiter
Brought his pad,
Jill said, "Please,
Nothing that squeals!"
Little Miss Muffet(2)
Little Miss Muffet
Sat out of doors
Whistling a delightful tune
Along came a hare
Said he lived near there
Asked the Miss if it was June.
Frankie flew to NYC
To see a lot of sites
When she went for
Her return
She learned the sites
Outnumbered the flights!
Carrot and Pear
Dressed up carrot to pear
"I hope we'll soon be there."
"Where?" Asked the fruit”
"Wherever one goes in a suit."
The Bet
Patrick lived in a town
Matthew lived on a farm
Every time the two met
Each would place a bet.
The bet involved a cow”
How thick or thin its hide
The problem was
The cow was dead
And its odor mortified!
Lifeguard 6' 2
Both Susan and Sally protested
They didn't wanna go to the park
Instead each wanted to play on the beach
Where they were sure to see Clark.
Clark was clearly not a Kent
But a lifeguard 6 foot 2
He loved the girls and they
Loved him
So why all the to-do?
Now That's A Surprise
One day Mary had
Four little lambs
Someone had lent her three
Mary and the lambs
Skipped to the park
Where each one
Climbed a tree.
After an hour
A cop passed by
And had to rub his eyes
Said, "I had seen
Small girls climb trees
But climbing lambs”
Now that's a surprise!"
Little Goody Two-Shoes
Little Goody Two-Shoes
Got a new dress
Then she wanted shoes
Said shiny ones were best.
Her mom said, "Honey
How about just one?"
Little Goody shrugged,
"It's better than none."
Old Mrs James Hill(1)
Old Mrs James Hill
Wouldn't take her pill
The nurse came by and
Asked her why
The pill, she replied,
Was Paraguay.
Old Mrs James Hill(2)
Old Mrs James Hill
Was sure she heard a trill
She opened the window
Without a word
In the garden sang a
Look at me
Let's try to see
Eye to eye.
Old Mrs James Hill(3)
Old Mrs James Hill
Received her doctor's bill
She read the amount
Then rang up the nurse
"See here, my dear, I'm worse."
Mr Denver
Everyone listened
When Mr Denver sang
His words came straight
From the heart
Everyone clapped
When Mr Denver stopped
His music moved,
Like art.
Sandy Smith(1)
Sandy Smith
Lost her ring
In the grass
At recess
Helped her search
But each believed
It just a myth.
Papa and Mama Bird
Papa Bird said,
"Oh,my word,
Our kids are
Leaving the nest!"
Mama Bird said,
"Let them go”
That's when they'll
Learn what's best!"
Little Tommy Tupper
Little Tommy Tupper
Lived on the upper
Floor of the grandest ship
When he got bored
He'd borrow a sword
Then jump overboard
In a flip.
Mary, the girl
Who had the lamb,
Ran into Jack and Jill.
"Oh my dears, I'll have
You know,
This blow had no ill will!"
Rhoda and Rhonda(1)
Rhoda likes music
Rhonda likes math
Each and every summer
Both take a bath
Rhoda's fond
Of sewing
Rhonda's fond
Of chess
But when either
Tries to cook
Gosh, what a mess!
Rhoda and Rhonda(2)
Rhoda has the freckles
Rhonda has the face
In their big red wagon
They'll take you any place
Once we went to a
And studied an
Ancient grave
Then a sudden
Made us pledge
To behave.
Rhoda and Rhonda(3)
One little girl was Rhoda
The other little girl was Rhonda
Both girls were my neighbors
I was lucky then
We 3 had lots of adventures
Though warned to watch
Our steps
Once the little girls'
Kindly mom
Even treated us to crepes.
Tie your tie
Don't be careless
In your dress.
Wear your shoes
Don't catch cold
From morning dews.
Don't go east
Or you'll run
Into a beast.
Don't go west
A spider there
Is not yet dressed.
Soldier, Soldier(2)
Soldier, soldier
Come to me
Soldier, soldier
Left then right
Swing those arms,
Lift those knees
We can play till night.
Soldier, Soldier(3)
Soldier, soldier
Lift your chin
Puff your chest,
Tummy in
All my squadron
Must look smart
Marching well
I think's an art.
Traveling Bug(1)
Traveling Bug
Sailed to France
There she learned a
Brand-new dance
Traveling Bug
Then flew to Rome
Some folks there said,
"Bug, go home!"
Mack and Michael
Mack and Michael
Sitting in a tree
Pelting every girl they see.
First comes Gwen
Second comes Bronwyn
Then comes a cop
With an arresting grin.
Hershey Treat
Hershey kisses
Hershey bar
What we eat is
What we are
When kids get a
Hershey treat
Then they know
That they are sweet.
The Hands of A Clock
The hands of a clock
Sometimes move slow
The hands of a clock
Sometimes move fast
It all depends on
What we wish
Right now I wish
Doc would remove
This cast!
Fly Fly Fly Your Plane
Fly fly fly your plane
Dart from cloud to cloud
Happily shouting, making signs
This engine is so loud!
Fly fly fly your plane
Dart from cloud to cloud
Busy with the knobs and gears
Wave to all your dears.
In The Sandbox(2 verses)
I play in the sandbox
With cars, trucks and men,
Red pails and blue shovels
Playtime, please don't end
Long bridges I have built
Dark tunnels I have made
Some roads, they run east
The others run due west
Oh, play in the sandbox
My cars, trucks, my good men.
I play in the sandbox
Feel the summer breeze
The cat is sitting near me
The dog is on the leash
I play with all my heart
As if play were an art
Forgetting every chore
Wanting more and more”
More play in the sandbox
More feeling the summer breeze.
Mayday Mayday
"Mayday mayday,"
Shouted Chucky
"A ship is in distress."
An SOS, shouted
From shore,
Said, "Just what we
had hoped for."
Old Abe Lincoln
Old Abe Lincoln
Late in life
Up and grew a beard
His Frenchy wife,
Mary Todd,
Then exclaimed,
"Good façade!"
"Okey-doke said the lamb,
A nice long leg for your stew."
"Okey-doke said the customer,
Here's a nice short I.O.U."
Little Meagan's Toe
Little Meagan's toe was hurt
Must see a doctor fast
Said her mom who examined it,
"I see nothing vast."
Sewing and Rowing
Claire was inside sewing
Clark was outside rowing
Suddenly each one
Grabbed their phone
And rang the other
Bonny Shores
The bonny shores of Lake Eileen
Always attract a good-size crowd
As for the shores of little Lake Ray,
A tractor appeared one day
And plowed!
Mack Loves Popcorn
Mack loves popcorn
He thinks you do too
Fido loves leather
He smells every shoe.
George and Martha
George and Martha
Don't like washing clothes
So they wear them
Slightly smelly
Their friends must hold
Their nose.
Traveling Bug(2)
Traveling Bug
Trekked to town
To visit her mom's
Little sis.
When she returned
She said in a pant,
"I learned mom's sis
Is my aunt."
Traveling Bug(3)
Traveling Bug
Jumped under a rug
She hoped no foot
Would smash her.
A foot did step
But not so near;
Hence, there was no
Bug smear.
A Crow Sitting
A crow sitting
On a fence
Always said hence.
Hence this, hence that,
And sometimes
Even whence.
Passersby who heard
The bird
Thought it rather neat.
They told their friends
That hence and whence
Surely was
The crow's tweet tweet.
The Author, Mrs Mitchell
The author, Mrs Mitchell,
Got hit by a car
The driver proved to be
Very careless.
It was shortly after
That Mrs Mitchell died.
Many of her fans
Children Take Crying
Children take crying
Very serious
If I myself may say.
Parents take homework
Very serious
Though luckily
Not every day!
Baa Black Sheep(3)
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Who had the bags of wool,
Lunched at Wal-Mart's
Until she felt too full.
On her way out, she
Passed a handsome trout.
"If you weren't stout,"
He said,
"I'd likely take you out."
Mushrooms here and
Mushrooms there
Good in a beef pie,
Not in your hair!
Mushrooms large and
Mushrooms small
Little Tommy Tucker
Can't count them all.
Here We Go
Here we go
Through the night
Under a starry sky
Dolly's asleep
Not a peep
Let's not wake her
Lest she cry.
Kites all colors
Kites all shapes
Flying high among the clouds
Longish strings
Shortish strings
Far below them
Mill the crowds.
Alice Blair
Alice Blair gasped for air
In water way over her head.
The lifeguard, Lee,
Jumped like a trout.
"So sweet," grinned Alice,
"To rescue me!"
A Big Blue Whale
A big blue whale
Once caught a snail
Then she said quite pale:
"It won't make a difference
If I eat this squirt;
Besides, it's cute and pert."
The Old Grey Woman
The old grey woman
Who lived in a shoe
Raised all her kids
Who then left home”
One day she pondered
And decided she'd wed
But first she had
To buy another bed!
Fireman Roger(2)
Fireman Roger's days are long
His only way to rest is song
Hence, he sings on his way home
Tunes that would marvel choirs in Rome.
Fireman Roger(3)
Fireman Roger went to court
To describe a recent fire
When the judge said,
"Thank you, Sport,"
Someone yelled, "He's a liar!"
Young Abe Lincoln(1)
Young Abe Lincoln
Learned to mend
His shirts, socks, and pants.
When Mary Todd
And he had wed,
He learned that mending
Was her dread!
Oh, Mr Moon(4)
"Oh, Mr Moon
When one day I wed,
I have chosen you”
To be my full,
Special guest
The night I say, I do."
Oh, Mr Moon(5)
"Oh, Mr Moon
You're so high
And here I am on the ground.
You never fall,
But stay in space
All year round."
Jack and Jill(5)
Jack and Jill
Need no pill
To get a good night's sleep
What they dread
When it's time for bed
Is the maid coming in to sweep.
Jack and Jill(4)
Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To see the spectacular view.
Jack fell down
But broke no crown
"Those shoes," said Jill,
"Won't do!"
After Summer Rains
The days get cooler
After summer rains
Old folks are amused
When they hear the
Summer trains.
My Bonny
My Bonny lies over the ocean
I try not to lie at all
Bring back my Bonny
But not her lies
And we'll marry right
Here in this hall.
The Bike
Danny wanted to ride his bike
His mom said, "Not today."
Danny then started to play his drums
His mom said, "The bike! Today's okay!"
The School Bus
I don't like the school bus
To hurry on its route
We get to school too soon
Where our work is all laid out.
School Lunches
Some school lunches are tasty
Others are simply pasty. Yuk!
Ride the Horsey(1)
Ride the horsey round and round
4 deft feet on the ground.
Ride the Horsey(2)
Ride the horsey
Hold the rein
Clop clop clop
Stay in the lane.
A Close Call
A close call was had by all
When the tiny ship capsized
To the rescue, 2 sister ships”
When all was safe,
Fish and chips!
When Eating My Kellogg's
When eating my Kellogg's
Or eating my Nestle
Who's going to count the flakes
Day after day?
Tiny Tatiana(1)
Tiny Tatiana
Broke into tears
Daddy then came home
And allayed all her fears.
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