Adestes: Little Christmas Poems for Children
By shoebox
- 5662 reads
Christmas in the Tropics
Christmas in the tropics
Comes, indeed, without snow.
But do not think a gloom prevails”
There's dancing every way you go.
Santa Claus
Takes great delight
In urging kiddies
Not to fight.
Up on the housetop
The sled won't fit.
It's okay on the lawn,
Dad says, for a bit.
Santa said to Rudolph
They had to work more nights.
Rudolph eagerly said, "That's fine.
(Santa respected reindeer rights. )
Santa told his wife
He'd return, not to fear.
"I trust you, said the white-haired spouse,
"Since you say it every year.
It wasn't yet December
So Santa sipped his wine.
When the hectic month arrived,
A famous nose would shine.
Santa never tells lies
And tries to do his best
But sometimes things get
Then Santa has to rest.
Our Christmas Stockings
Tacked to the mantelpiece,
Our Christmas stockings
Hang in a row.
At the moment
Each one's flat
But wait until morning”
Each will be fat.
In the Tropics
Christmas trees in the tropics
Are decorated differently.
Maybe you'd think some ornaments odd,
But there's always Mary,
Not far from God.
Father Christmas(1)
Father Christmas
Lean close to listen
My question is
Do reindeer glisten?
Father Christmas(2)
Father Christmas
Please be so kind
Bring me a toy
One doesn't wind.
Father Christmas(2)
Father Christmas
Mind your beard
Do not dip it
In something weird!
All Christmas Mornings
All Christmas mornings
Pass by so fast
With such great activity
How can they last?
Teddy sat
In the room and listened
The Christmas ornaments
Round him glistened.
Ho Ho Ho
"Ho ho ho,"
Said the little boys
Who should have been asleep.
Santa, greatly startled by the noise,
Fled to his sled
With the bag of toys.
Christmas Isn't the Only Time
Christmas isn't the only time
For holding hands or saying "dear."
These go hand-in-hand with love
Whose beads we sprinkle
Throughout the year.
Children Are Dancing
Listen to the little bells
I think they're on a sleigh.
Thirty-two tiny
Hooves are prancing
And children everywhere
Are dancing.
Christmas Cookies
Janie smelled the Christmas cookies
Half with sesame seeds
She will later help to ice them
Sprinkling candy beads.
Winky Worm
Winky Worm
Lit his tree
Christmas Eve was here.
Winky then crawled
Off to pee--
He'd drunk his
Christmas "cheer".
Glistening Bells
Glistening bells ring
Throughout this season
The cold winds blow
We scurry for good reason.
Tiny Town
The town was tiny
As was the inn
But the event so great
We still celebrate.
Hie, Bring Clothes!
Hie, bring clothes
To swaddle Him
And fetch us a wee one's bib
'Tis Love what's born
Our starry night
See here, in this very crib.
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