Limited Visibility
By shoebox
- 1155 reads
The night was very foggy so visibility was limited to half that, perhaps, of a regular night. Still, I went out. I was curious and wanted to see who the devil would show up this month at the party thrown by Mary and Jackie. They always invited me because Mary and I used to work together in the same art gallery. We've been good friends since that time. My eyes strained to see and, since the region was mountainous, I had to drive at a prudent speed. I had no death wish in those days.
Jackie opened the door after I had knocked several times. Sax music was playing when I walked in, so, perhaps no one had heard the first and second knocks.
"I'm so glad you could make it," Jackie said, smiling. "We have a nice group tonight, really, so..."
She wandered off toward the kitchen after giving me a kiss on the mouth. Then I began looking round for Mary or someone else I knew. The place looked really nice and fancy. It seemed to improve every party. I hadn't missed one in, what, eight or nine years?
"Fernie!" Mary said, giving me one of her delicate hands. "I've been watching for you. How's everything over at Slater's? Isn't that where you're working now?"
We kissed European style--on both cheeks.
"Everything's fine, Mary. You know, the usual”buy, sell, sell, buy."
"I heard they're paying you a mint!"
I shrugged, a bit embarrassed. "Hardly," I answered, "but I can't complain."
"Wish I could say that! Look, over there is Kenneth. You remember him , don't you?"
"Of course. Couldn't forget him if..."
"Go over and say hi and talk about Degas or someone. I've got to check on one or two things."
"No problem, thanks. I'll just get a drink and, uh, do as you say."
"Ha ha ha. You're funny as usual." She then trailed off.
I got the cocktail but I didn't go over to Kenneth and his little group. I didn't want to talk to Kenneth. We'd been lovers once, but only briefly. So, to avoid discomfort...
And that's when I saw him. He was sitting alone on one of the sofas. Absolutely gorgeous--young, thin and "different". He was quietly studying his nails, completely aloof to the fact that a "sophiscated" party was going on round him. Those eyes. The perfect nose. Every conceivable thing about him was perfectly proportioned. Well, at least every thing that I could see at the moment. What a treasure having him would be, I imagined. I didn't want to get too close without more information from Mary, so, as soon as I saw her free for a moment, I motioned for her to come over.
"See something you like?" Mary asked with a bit of mischief in her eyes and voice.
"Are you kidding? I'm standing here going nuts for more information, so you're gonna loosen that little pink tongue of yours! When did he arrive? What's his name?"
"He arrived three days ago, to be precise, and his name is Adderley. Isn't he a masterpiece?"
"Say I can have him, please. I know I said I didn't want another Siamese after Toby died but, Geez, I can't fight it. You know I'll take good care of him."
"You?" cried Mary. "He'll live like a king!"
"Silly, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist," Mary said, laughing. "That's why he's here. An aunt brought him over."
"Oh, I'm happy. I can't believe this! But what about you?"
"Don't worry, I'm fine," Mary shrugged. "She's got another one for me. He'll be arriving shortly after you've taken dear Adderley here home."
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