A Quiet World
By shoebox
- 1001 reads
Many of us have this stereotypical image in our minds of the old, cranky senior citizens (and some not so senior) who complain because they see that nothing goes right or nothing goes as they would have things go in their world. So we joke and say they need to ‘get a life’ or that she needs a good ‘screw’ or he a good ‘lay’. If they had sex that was satisfying, they’d smile afterward and all would be well with the world. Is this really true?
Let’s say they do get satisfied in whatever way and stop complaining. What then? Do we want a world in which no one complains? In which no one challenges? In which no one investigates a wrongdoing? Could we tolerate such a world very long? Not only could we tolerate it but how long would such a world last?
It wouldn’t be a realistic situation because we’re never going to have a world (on this planet, at least) or a particular society even in which everything runs smoothly, in which no one thinks an evil thought or no one commits an evil act or deed. Technology has continuously changed us humans and our lifestyles, but only to a degree. Our hearts and certain places in our minds have resisted change. Just as good still abounds in this world but gets little publicity, so does evil abound (and gets much publicity). Despite the technological advances that have occurred, we still harbor inside of us envy, jealousy, hatred, love, kindness, generosity, greed, and so on. These human traits have changed little since the beginning of human life. These traits and others not mentioned can be changed, I think, only when the one who harbors them wishes to effect a change. Much like the proverbial alcoholic. He, along with the Great Spirit, is the only being who can truly bring about a change. Not his mom, brother, sister, cousin, wife or kids. They can beg, plead and/or implore to their hearts’ content, but they cannot make the change happen.
To end, let me say that I want a world with many, many voices that are free from the dangers or threats of being hushed. Of being silenced prematurely. Sadly, just for the hell of it. Or just because this voice or that voice causes someone’s toes to get stepped on. Someone who is more powerful. Someone who can effectuate evil directly or indirectly and doesn’t hesitate to do it.
I don’t want a quiet world, city, state, countryside or nation in which, for whatever mysterious reasons, there are no voices of dissent to be heard. I don’t want a quiet world period! Let quietude reign in the grave. If you’ve read this far, thanks a million and peace and love.
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