Home Read Write Forums Blogs Trying to Cross By shoeboxMon, 15 Oct 2007 871 reads I'm a Bogota pedestrian A piece of crap to boot Your car or truck can flatten me No one gives a toot. Try to cross a wide Bogota street It's as is said in Scripture You'll find it easier to go through the eye Of any chrome needle, Sweet. Certificate UPoemSmooth Sailing IHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Trying to Cross By shoeboxMon, 15 Oct 2007 871 reads I'm a Bogota pedestrian A piece of crap to boot Your car or truck can flatten me No one gives a toot. Try to cross a wide Bogota street It's as is said in Scripture You'll find it easier to go through the eye Of any chrome needle, Sweet. Certificate UPoemSmooth Sailing IHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments