Lunio Lake National Park Visitor Guide

By S.J.Windwaker
- 1583 reads
Dear Esteemed Visitors,
Welcome to the distinguished Lunio Lake National Park. Our park accommodates approximately 300 guests daily, encompassing tourists, scientists, journalists, and government officials. We value your presence and strive to ensure a pleasant and safe experience during your visit. Our park boasts a variety of natural wonders, including the famous Lunio Lake, a snow-clad mountain, a dense forest, and a vast swamp. On average, three new animal species and one plant species are discovered daily. To preserve the pristine environment and wildlife of the park, we kindly request all visitors to adhere to the guidelines outlined below. These rules aim to protect the park's rich ecology, diverse fauna, and the overall experience of each guest.
Visiting Hours: The park is open to visitors daily from sunrise to sunset. Kindly plan your visit to ensure departure before the park closes. Owing to the expansive nature of our park, many visitors face challenges in locating the exit before sundown if not planned in advance. If you remain on the park grounds post-sunset, we cannot help you anymore.
Designated Paths: To maintain the ecological balance of the park, we request you to stay on marked trails at all times. Venturing off these pathways may cause harm to the ecosystem and heighten the risk of personal injury. If you observe other visitors or park officials in non-designated areas, please note that these individuals may already have been influenced by the park. We advise against approaching or communicating with them.
Fire Regulations: Fires are allowed only in designated emergency fire pits and should be utilized exclusively in life-threatening situations. Should any park entity threaten your safety, proceed swiftly to the nearest fire pit and ignite a fire. Do not leave the fire unattended until threats have ceased. Once it is safe, evacuate the area immediately without extinguishing the fire.
Deer Encounters: Our park does not and will not house any species of deer. If you encounter a deer during your visit, please remember that it is not a real deer. Avoid making eye contact and cover your ears immediately. Silently remind yourself that actual deers are incapable of speech, and slowly withdraw from the area. Proceed to the nearest emergency shower station and use the shower promptly.
Extreme Weather: In the event of severe weather conditions, such as rain, snow, or thunderstorms, please seek shelter at designated weather stations along the trail. No matter where you are, a weather shelter should be within a 10-minute walk. Once you reach the shelter, examine the room prior to entry. It is safe to enter unless you notice other individuals hanging from the ceiling. Approach these individuals and perform a check. If they possess a valid visitor token, you may stay. If not, they are not humans and are most likely still alive. Kindly exit the shelter, close the door, and proceed to the next shelter for refuge. If you have recently encountered a deer in the park, you might have lost your ability to distinguish corpses from living human beings. You are in progress of losing your cognitive capabilities. Please place your visitor token in your pocket, so that subsequent visitors seeking shelter can easily locate them, and stay put and wait for our rescue.
Encounters with Unidentified Blood Trails: In specific park areas, you may come across blood trails on the ground, beginning with a small splatter and leading into the forest. In this situation, attempt to identify the blood. If it has a normal odor and small pieces of flesh are scattered nearby, it indicates animals being hunted by park-native creatures. There is no cause for concern. If the blood has a sweet or bitter odor and no flesh pieces are visible, it is the result of a park-native creature undergoing a rapid shapeshifting phase, a phenomenon commonly observed in park-native animals. In this case, the threat is likely nearby. Please proceed swiftly to the nearest fire pit and follow the previously mentioned instructions.
Bodies in the Water: Should you observe human remains floating in bodies of water, stay calm. These bodies can originate from three sources. Try to identify the source before taking any action. If you see bodies in a still body of water, they are likely previous visitors who perished in the park, and their remains have surfaced from the underground cave system where they are stored post-mortem. There is no cause for concern and you may continue your visit. If the bodies are flowing downstream in a river, examine them closely. If the bodies appear to be infants, they likely originate from Naglu Snowy Peak. They are Mother Naglu's failed children. Confirm this by using binoculars to observe the Naglu Snowy Peak. If Mother is giving birth, you should see her atop the mountain. She is approximately 131 feet tall and weighs around 120 metric tons, making her easy to observe. Your safety is not compromised. Finally, if the bodies are of various ages and have missing parts, you are in a very dangerous situation. Immediately run in the opposite direction of the stream and do not respond to any calls from behind you.
Extended Duration within the Park: Should you survive in the park for a considerable length of time, you may observe the descent of a dense fog. Along with this, you may hear voices whispering your name from within the shroud. This phenomenon only occurs when we deem you ready. At this moment, you are about to enter the realm of Exidium Nexu. Kindly proceed to the next portion of this guide for further details.
Exidium Nexu:
If you've reached this point in the guide, you may have perceived certain changes in your surroundings in real life. The park gate behind you might have sealed itself and your accompanying party might seem to have vanished. This visitor guide that you are currently engaged with only reveals itself to those we select. Your travel partners are unable to perceive this guide and have been informed of your demise due to a sudden health crisis. You are now on the precipice of experiencing the true essence of the park—an opportunity bestowed upon merely one individual per year, should we deem them worthy.
Upon the fog's descent, visibility in your vicinity will diminish significantly. Shortly, your vision will be limited to the delineated visitor trail and nothing beyond it. Proceed in the direction of the voice calling your name, but abstain from responding. Any act of turning around or retreating will result in immediate punishment which will be outlined below—we are always observing you. Do not disobey us.
You will persistently hear the voices beckoning you, yet you will be incapable of reaching them. At some juncture, you will encounter a moss-adorned wooden gate. Positioned behind the gate is a towering statue of an ancient deity, with a willow tree growing through it, causing it to fracture. The trail behind the gate is covered in human hair, stretching into the distance. If you bear witness to this, you have successfully entered Exidium Nexu. Move forward on the trail. Flanking the trail, you will observe people seated on elevated platforms, with tree branches intertwining through their bodies, emerging from their mouths. They will utter agonized pleas and groans, but you must not assist them. Proceed to the end of the passage where you will find an unoccupied platform—the sole vacant platform within the realm. Ascend it, assume a seated position, and wait for the Wepy Tree to grow.
Should you defy our instructions at any point during this procedure, we will impose a penalty by consigning you to Mother Naglu. As the final preparatory step before your park entry, we will now play video recordings of past visitors who opted for a journey to Mother Naglu in lieu of meeting their end in Exidium Nexu. These tapes capture their desperate pleas for a chance to return to Exidium Nexu and to be granted the mercy of death by the Wepy Tree—a mercy they were ultimately denied. We strongly urge you not to repeat their errors.
The video will commence momentarily. We thank you for reading this guide, and anticipate your arrival in Exidium Nexu.
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Would I be tempted to enter
Would I be tempted to enter this park? No I wouldn't. But It was a surreal scenario to imagine when reading.
An imaginative story.
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Well, this is certainly
Well, this is certainly surreal! and like Jenny above, I don't think I'm tempted to visit either
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Uncanny and frightening,
Uncanny and frightening, darkly comic, this is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day. Please share and retweet!
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Ahh ?
Can I be a ticket broker, travel agent, for the park ? Not that I would do this tour my self... No Way*.... But I might be able to make market for it........
Well Done... puts a whole new prospective on the 'magical mystery tour'
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the guidelines seem very
the guidelines seem very clear and logical as Brexit.
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... need to work Script, gameplay, story board, design assets and get initial animation done
RPG a cert, though needs a a few tweaks; made me smile :)
Lena x
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Good dark fun ...
... although I'm sure I saw this place on
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Ya Mark.....
I once booked, online, a holiday flat with a view somewhat similar to the aforementioned.... never did get a good nights sleep there.....
I sent this link to a friend of mine, he said it reads like the neighborhood he grew up in.......
What ever the case, S.J. Wind.... wrote a good a one, provoking, creepy, fresh content & got the comment board here moving.... Compliments SJW......*****
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Yikes! A Twilight Zine and
Yikes! A Twilight Zine and outer Limits all in one. Fun an frightening read.
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