By skinner_jennifer
- 1532 reads
"It was so good to be back in Britain, back home at
last. I was starting to get my old life back together, mum and dad let me stay with them until
I could get a place to live, I managed to get my
old job back, working at the garden centre, it
seemed they were glad to have me back, which was a
relief. I thought to myself, Lawrence is 34, he had
made his decision, now there wasn't anything I could do.
Anyway about a week ago, I had a phone call from
him. 'Where the hell have you been Lawrence?' I
asked him, I was so shocked and surprised.
"I need to speak with you Ray, I'm back in England,
can I come and see you?" he wanted to know.
So I asked him where he was staying, he said he was
living in a hostel just across town.
"Look you had better come to me, I'm living at my
parents at the moment. When can you come round?"
I asked him.
"Would it be okay if I came round tonight?" he asked.
I said okay and told him to come round about
7.00 pm.
That evening there was a knock at the door, when I
answered it, there was this guy that I just didn't
recognise standing there, he looked very rough and
very pale, his eyes were bloodshot, almost like he
had been crying and had rubbed them to much.
"Hi Ray," was all he said.
"You had better come in, I think you have alot of
explaining to do."
We went up to my bedroom, then I said,
"well what happened to you, why didn't you come
back to the yacht, why, why, why? so many questions
He looked at me with those sad eyes, then started
to explain everything.
"That evening when you left me with those girls
Ray, we just carried on drinking, then the girls
asked me if I fancied coming to a beach party with
them, well it sounded like fun, so I said yes and
I really did fancy that girl alot.
We carried on drinking into the night, there were
alot of other people down on the beach that night,
fires were burning, people were dancing, I was so
captivated by her, but the funny thing was, that
when I asked her name, all she said was, 'you can
call me Blue Bird, yes that's a good name.'
We had such a great night, I didn't want it to end.
Anyway all I remember was waking up on the beach,
wondering where in the hell I was, then I turned
and she was asleep next to me. I was so cold, the
sun hadn't come up, I shivered and sat up, Blue
Bird opened her eyes.
"Hi! how are you?" she asked me.
I said I felt like my head had been put through a
meat grinder and everything was going around, I
couldn't seem to focus straight. Anyway Blue Bird
said she wanted to see me again, she asked if I
would meet her later that day in 'BLUZERS,' so I
said, 'yeah! alright,' I couldn't help thinking that Blue Bird was a strange name.
We helped each other up and struggled back to the
harbour. I never realised how awful I looked till I
awoke in the cabin on the yacht, I vaguely remember
seeing you Ray, but it's like a dream, I'm sure my
drinks were spiked, cause I have never felt like
that before.
"But why didn't you just tell me where you were
going the next day, when you wrote the letter?" I
asked Lawrence.
"Because I didn't really know myself, all I knew
was I was meeting the girls back at the bar, then
we were going on somewhere else."
"So what happened after you met the girls?" I
needed answers.
"Well later on that night," Lawrence said, "We went
onto this strip club, it was a bit sleazy, we went
down some stairs and ended up in a cellar, there
were a lot of rough looking guys down there. I
asked Blue Bird why we had come to this place, she
said it was okay and anyway the drinks were cheap.
She kept kissing me long and hard, as we drank more, she was getting more and more erotic. Then
she said she wanted me, she knew of a place we
could go. Well I was really up for it now, I was
aching for her. She told me she would just let her
friends know she was off, then we could go, I said
okay, I could hardly contain myself.
We left the strip joint and walked off down this
side street, it was very dark. A cat jumped down
off a wall and crossed our path, running off. I
asked Blue Bird where we were going?
"Oh just a room of a friends," was all she said.
As we approached a door to a house, she stopped and
got some keys out of her bag.
"Well this is it." she said, looking at me dreamily.
She opened the door and we walked in, then she
closed the door, it was very dark. "Come with me."
she said taking my hand. I followed her up some
stairs, I couldn't see anything it was so dark, but
Blue Bird seemed to know where she was going.
When we got to the top of the stairs, we made our
way down what seemed to be a hallway, then she
stopped and fumbled with her keys again.
She managed to get the right key and opened another
door, as we walked in there was a musty smell like
someone had been burning incense. Blue Bird switched on the light and told me to make myself
There was a big double bed, but the coverlet and
sheets looked like they had seen better days. Blue
Bird poured a couple of drinks, I saw her slip
something into my drink.
"What's that you just put in my drink?" I asked her.
"Oh! just something to relax you, it will help get
you in the mood," she said.
"I don't need anything to get me in the mood," I
replied, but she was adamant. She took a pill
herself, so I thought, 'Oh well, what the heck.'
She put a bedside lamp on and turned the main light
off. It didn't take long for the pill to start
working, we started ripping each others clothes off
and the next thing I knew, she was going down on me, I thought I was going to explode, 'this was too
quick,' I thought to myself, so I stopped her and
we started playing around, then all of a sudden my
eyes started to feel tired, the room started to
sway, or was it me? I really didn't know, then she
was on top of me, she took me inside her and just
for a moment I was worried, but then I cannot
remember anything until I awoke."
To be continued .........
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