Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eight ( Pt 4 ) Presumptive Plans
By skinner_jennifer
- 3504 reads
Cinnamon arrived at the barracks early. Pulling her cape further in around her, she shivered in the early morning air, as she waited in the fog for Will to show up. She didn't have to wait long, before the huge door opened and Will appeared. As the door closed, she waited to see if anyone else would emerge, but no one did.
Will started to walk along the path whistling to himself, when suddenly he heard a noise.
“Psst!” Cinnamon called. Will looked around, then from out of the fog he saw the girl.
“You made it then,” he said happy to see her. “So what's all this secretive stuff you have to tell me?” he was intrigued as to know what all the fuss was about.
Cinnamon took his hand whispering to him, “come down to the river with me, it's more private down there.”
Will was happy to oblige, feeling pleased to spend some time with this girl he found so alluring.As they approached the river, the sound of childrens laughter and splashing, could be heard coming from the water.
“Oh dear!” said Cinnamon, “it looks like we'll have to find somewhere else to speak, the young ones are swimming.” So then she decided they should go to the edge of the forest, the men wouldn't be at work yet, so it should be quiet.
Reaching the fringes of trees, Will put his arm around Cinnamon's shoulder, she felt the warmth of his touch quite stirring, and did not resist. “So...what's all this about?” he asked, turning her face towards his own.
Cinnamon started to explained about Dawson and how she needed Will's help to free the man, but she never told him about Varden, not wanting to expose the boy, before she knew if he could help.
Before she had a chance to go any further, Will put his finger to her lips and then kissed her telling her not to speak any further.
She quickly took his finger away. “Why did you do that Will? I thought you wanted to help me.”
Will became agitated. “You're not going to like what I have to say girl.”
“What do you mean?” replied Cinnamon, feeling confused.
Will looked her straight in the eyes. “There's a problem...you see Dawson is no longer in the prison cave. The master had him removed and taken down to the ships, with the children that came in last night.”
Cinnamon went to speak, but Will stopped her, continuing to explain.
“They went straight there, instead of sleeping the night at the Barracks. There's this ship that set sail late last night, Gregor wanted Dawson on the ship, as far away from here as possible, so you see I really can't help you.”
Cinnamon went quiet, not knowing what to say, this had completely thrown her off track.
“My guess is, that your generosity towards this man goes deeper than just wanting to help a friend,” Will queried.
The girl began to blush, feeling her cheeks burning, Cinnamon tried to look away, but Will stopped her.
“It's okay...I understand, but you realise that a relationship with this man is impossible, he is a prisoner and even if he were free, Gregor would have him hunted down. You also could get in serious trouble, if the master found out you were helping him. As much as I would like to assist, I cannot risk it...you understand, don't you?”
Cinnamon felt tears start to well up in her eyes, her mind wandering as to what she would tell Varden. She shook her head confusingly, wishing that she had an answer to Will's question, but she didn't, for deep down inside she would not be put off, by what he had told her.
The trek down to the sea, was a treacherous one, she knew the fog would be thicker, and there were many crevices you could fall down, if you didn't know where you were going. There was also no way her parents would allow her to go off, she had never been any further than the edge of the forest, which meant that Varden would have to go alone, but at least he would now know where and what had happened to Dawson.
The question on her mind now was, how on earth were they going to free Dawson, if he'd been shipped away...and to where? Was the biggest question of all.
Cinnamon had been quiet too long. “What are you thinking girl? Tell me,” asked Will shaking her.
“I...I don't know...but you're right my feelings for Dawson are strong, but I don't know why, as I hardly know the man, it's just a feeling I have, that he is here to help us in some way, if only we could free him.”
There was a brief silence, then Will lifted her chin, “look I'm tired now and there's nothing else I can really say, so I'm going home and I think you should go away and think very seriously as to helping the prisoner, don't do anything you may regret later Cinnamon, I would hate to loose you.”
Cinnamon wondered how she would get through the day, until she could see Varden and tell him what had happened, he seemed to be the only person who understood. Saying her goodbyes she turned and made her way home, before starting work.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Eight ( Pt 5 ) The Beach Awaits | ABCtales
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Hi Jenny. I owe you a big
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I liked the way your story
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An extremely well penned
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I'm still barking at your
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A little romance
Cinnamon has no problem attraction male attention, if seems she has already givern her heart to Dawson, maybe she can find a way to free him before Gregor gets wind of it. Would hate to see her thrown in the caves, well written, good read.
Still working on my next story, vacation is over so my free time is limited, I'll try to post more soon. Ray
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that is generous
Thank you, that is so sweet of you. I work a swing shift so sleep is actually more an issue than time. But I intend to read more of your story today, thanks so much again, hope you enjoy book two. Ray
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