Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 11 ) Helping Hands

By skinner_jennifer
- 1465 reads
Liora stood feeling reluctant to back down, if they didn't agree to the valley being used as a burial ground. As the crowd came towards her, the woman's heart began beating faster at the thought of confrontation, but she knew it was up to her to deal with the situation. “So; Gibor! What brings you here with all these folk?” She plunged the shovel into the snow, preparing herself for the fire bearer's reply.
“We got word of what you was up to; me and the others think it's a great plan, so if you agree...we'd like to help speed up the process.”
At his words, Liora breathed a sigh of relief, this was such a pleasant surprise. “Gibor! You're more than welcome to help out, as are all these kind folk too, it will certainly speed up the job – thank you so much.”
For the first time in ages Gibor grinned. “Well! Come on then – let's get on with it.” He turned to the others. “Listen to what Liora tells you and we should have these bodies buried before the day's out.”
Folk gathered around the healer with shovels in hands, as Liora showed each one where to dig, she couldn't believe how eager they were to please and felt a great respect for them. The inhabitants of Wild Whistling Isle sang as they lifted snow and earth into mounds, even the children tried to help out, though they spent more time throwing handfuls of snow at each other than actually digging. The snow had been the hardest part to shovel away, having compacted, but once the earth was exposed, it broke up easily. As afternoon darkness approached, the bodies one by one were rolled into their graves, then came the job of filling them in, which was a lot easier.
Peco the ship's cook, had been quietly cooking some rabbit stew, he had a number of pots on the boil over the fires that had been lit. Peco was glad to see the back of Bracus, he'd never liked the man, or the way he treated the children, but had never said a word, too afraid he might have been thrown overboard if he'd voiced his opinion, now he sang and whistled as he chopped and stirred, enjoying the fact he was cooking on dry land for a change.
With an icy cold wind at his back, Brigs came over to Liora and took the shovel from her. “Here! Let me, you've done enough – go get some food.” He could see her hands were blue with the cold.
Liora smiled, wiping her brow, fatigue written all over her face. “Thank you Brigs, I am feeling pretty hungry.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and smiled again, before turning and making her way over to the fire, where the smell of cooking had her mouth watering. Jay caught sight of Liora and decided to join her.
Each person was given a bowl and queued for the tasty stew with some corn bread, which many of the women had brought with them to share.
As the afternoon wore on, It wasn't long before Tariq and Kalina, with baby Tegan and son Fallow arrived, with Cinnamon, young Will and Varden, then followed Evelyne – Nathen and Ben with Addie and his men. Dawson had stayed back at Tariq's and Kalina's cabin, he was too weak to come out and needed to sleep.
Liora was suddenly overcome with tears in her eyes, watching the Island's folk coming together, it seemed like everyone had arrived, this was a night she wouldn't forget in a hurry. Some of the men had returned to their dwellings for some brew to share. Barrels were rolled through the tunnels and set up by the fires, which the men drank, while the woman sang and danced. The children though tired, looked on as day became night, though the temperatures were freezing, the darkness and atmosphere was lit up by the flames of the fires. Those that stayed, carried on drinking and celebrating into the night, the ale keeping them warm and content.
Jay and Liora stood watching with tankards in hand, enjoying the fact that everyone was so happy. “Tomorrow we do the blessings,” uttered the woman. “You and I Jay...together we'll lay these bodies to rest.”
“That sounds like a good plan,” replied Jay, taking a last gulp and placing an arm around her shoulders. “There's also something I've been meaning to tell you.” Jay paused before continuing. “I've decided that if it's okay, I'd like to stay and set up a life here with you.”
Liora turned to face him and beamed adoringly, the firelight giving her face a warmth of affection, placing her hands on his cheeks, she couldn't resist a long tender kiss with him, pulling back she offered her own feelings. “Of course Jay...that's everything I've ever wished for and more.” As they stood gazing at the others, Liora felt the day had been long and she was tired. “I think we should leave now and go back to my shelter with the children...hopefully they'll be leaving the day after tomorrow, the sooner they go home to their families, the better.”
“Of course!” Replied Jay, “but It all depended on Brigs and his plans to set sail.” Liora agreed, but they both had a feeling he wouldn't want to hang around any longer than he needed. Tomorrow they would meet him to discuss his plans.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 12 ) Shades of Winter | ABCtales
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I've not kept up with these
I've not kept up with these stories, but I was hungry when they started cooking, which is a good sign, drawing on the senses. Perhaps someting of the smells? Inhabitancy also seems like an archic word usually associated with buildings? Inhabitants? Maybe?
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Jenny - I was chuffed to bits
Jenny - I was chuffed to bits when I noticed this had been cherried. Never more greatly deserved.
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Whew just friends eager to help, that's good so glad Jay has won Liora's heart, nicely done Ray
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