Dwellers of the New World Chapter Nine ( Pt 11 ) The Ocean Awaits
By skinner_jennifer
- 894 reads
The going was rough, the moors held many crevices, one wrong move and the horses could pull the wagons over. But thanks to the fact that Brad had been down this way many times, they finally reached the ocean, it was a sight to behold in the far distance.
Morning became lighter, as the wagons stopped, the travellers began to dismount, looking out across the open land.
Simon jumped down from Ida's wagon, running to his father, closely followed by River. Grabbing Brad's leg, Simon stared out at the large
expanse of water, it was almost hard to tell where the sky ended and the ocean began, because of the mist.
“Father...it's huge!” declared Simon, with eyes open wide.
“That's nothing son,” replied Brad. “You wait till we get closer. Come on there's no time to waste.”
“I'll just check on Joe,” replied Rue.
“Okay my friend, but don't take too long. Simon...you come and sit up next to me.” Brad was getting pretty excited at the thought of showing his son the ocean for the first time.
Simon climbed up on to the driving seat, with River jumping up to join them.
As Rue pulled the curtain back on the wagon, Joe was holding his head, he had just started to come round, but was feeling woozy.
Sam gave him some water, while Rue was pleased to see he was okay,
and not dead.
“How do you feel Joe?” enquire Rue.
“Like I've been hit by a bolt of lightening, what on earth hit me?”
“That my friend I don't know,” replied Rue. “But I'm sure glad you're still alive and with us.”
“So where are we now?” Joe wanted to know, still feeling woozy.
“We've just crossed the moors, now we're heading towards the ocean. I'd best get back to Brad, he's raring to go.”
“Yeah okay...let us know when we're making camp, I just need to rest at the moment,” replied Joe.
Once again they set off, there was a fine rain still drifting in off the ocean, as the wagons approached the rocks and the cliff.
Simon was so overwhelmed, he was only able to utter one word. “Wow!”
“Come on son, off you get,” said Brad, as he jumped down himself.
The boy and dog leapt down off the wagon. Brad picked up River, unsure of how he would react to being out in such an open space.
River started to tremble, he'd only know the forest and was anxious to stay close to his master, it was as if he sensed some form of danger.
They walked closer and closer to the edge of the cliff, but not too close, just enough to take in the amazing scenery.
Simon held his father's hand, full of emotion, his eyes filled up, it was so much bigger than he'd ever expected.
Suddenly from out of the sky came a sight they were always pleased to see. Tawny circled the band of travellers, always faithful – searching for his friends, when finally he spotted the man and boy. He came to land on Brad's shoulder, his big eyes pleased to see him once more.
As the travellers gazed at the vast expanse of ocean, Simon turned to Brad. “Father...I'm really hungry, can I go get something to eat?”
Brad remembered the meat they'd cut from the pig. “ Yeah! I'm hungry too...come on we'll get some of that food from last night.”
He took Simon's hand, with Tawny sitting on Brad's shoulder and River following, he went back to the wagon.
Rue had decided earlier, he'd had enough of the ocean, so he returned to his and Brad's wagon.
“Had enough my friend?” said Brad to Rue.
“Yeah!” he yawned. “ What with all the commotion from last night and this ocean air, it's making me feel tired.”
“I thought we'd hand out the meat we cut from the pig last night, you going to help me?” uttered Brad. “I'm sure Ida will have some broth to go with the meat.”
“Sounds like a great idea,” declared Rue, rubbing his hands together. “I'm famished.”
Brad went round to the back of the wagon, opening the curtain he lifted his dog in, then told River to stay in the back with Sam and Joe, who were now both sleeping soundly.
Rue jumped down from the drivers seat and made his way round to give Brad a helping hand. There was no way to make a fire, so they served up the meat and broth cold, with some bread supplied by Ida.
Brad kept some scraps of meat back for River.
Finally all the meat was gone. Tawny was now quite at home, perched in the wagon with River and the two men.
Daisy came out to let Brad know that Cinnamon was sleeping again, so she wanted a break from watching the girl.
“Okay Daisy, but ask one of the other girls to stay with Cinnamon, we don't want her waking and trying to get out,” replied Brad.
“I'll go ask Tansy, she's not usually doing anything special,” said the girl.
Turning to Rue, Brad announced that they needed to find somewhere safe to camp.
“The horses need feeding and watering, but there's nothing out here for them,” declared Rue. “What we going to do Brad?”
“It's okay friend...I know some people who'll help us, it's just a little bit further to go.”
“I hope you're right,” said Rue, “I feel nervous out here in the open. I'll be glad to get back to the forest.”
Rue left Brad and got all the travellers together to explain to them, where they were going.
Once a crowd had formed, Brad announced to them, that he knew some ocean people that would help them, they just had to be patient.
They all returned to their wagons, weary but ready to set off once more.
Travelling along a dirt track, that took them along the coastline,
the salty sea air and the views were out of this world.
They wondered where they would be heading next, nervous but curious as to these ocean people that Brad talked of.
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A day at the beach
Lovely images, just hope Gregor's men don't show up and ruin their fun, nicely done RAy
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