Dwellers of the New World Chapter Nine ( Pt 12 ) In Need of a Place to Stay
By skinner_jennifer
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Brad almost nodded off a couple of times as the wagons headed off along the bumpy track, but luckily Rue was on hand to give him a nudge every now and again.
Brad noticed some boats off in the very far distance, although it was so
cloudy, they weren't that clear, there seemed to be a thick fog building and it still remained very cold.
The track finally came to an end leading down to a small bay, there were some stone cottages nestled along side the beach, fishing boats bobbed up and down on the water, nets already for taking out for the day's catch. It reminded Brad of when he was last in the bay, he'd gone out with some of the men and felt quite at home on the sea.
“Where is everyone?” declared Rue, finding the bay absent of life, with only some horses grazed on some grass at the back of the cottages.
“They're probably sleeping or just waking,” said Brad, coming to a standstill. “Don't forget it's still very early.”
Jumping down, Brad assured Rue that he knew some of the owners of the cottages, but said it would probably be best if he approached these people on his own, he didn't want to overwhelm them.
Leaving the travellers to look on with mixed feeling of despair and wonder, Brad made his way down a path, he hoped that the residents of the bay would remember him, he was so tired and needed a safe place to sleep, but It had been many years since he was last here, there was always a chance that they didn't even live here any more.
Approaching one of the cottages, he knocked on the door a couple of times, but there was no reply. Brad felt despondent as he turned to walk away to the next cottage.
Suddenly from around the side of the building, a woman appeared, she wore a head scarf, a top and a skirt made from hemp, which the ocean people had discovered was good for making sails for their ships. The plant material had been stumbled upon quite by accident, while working and clearing the land, what was once thought of as a nuisance, was now a sought after plant and the seeds were collected each year.
“Can I help you?” she enquired, feeling cold and wishing to be back in doors so early in the morning.
Brad turned around, overjoyed that someone was in. He recognised her immediately. “Kadlin...is it really you?” he uttered with relief.
The woman smiled when she saw who it was. “Brad...Brad, how are you?” a surprised expression on her face, at seeing him so early in the morning after so long.
“I'm fine...but look at you? I can't believe how well you look, the sea air must agree with the people down here, cause you haven't changed one bit.” Brad remembered all the happy memories from when he was last down at the bay, they came tumbling back down through his memory.
Kadlin approached Brad, giving him a big hug. “Korben's inside, he'll be so pleased to see you.” She took Brad's arm. “Come on round the back, we're just eating.”
Brad stopped Kadlin in her tracks and spoke again. “Um! I need to ask you a favour...I have some travelling friends with me, we've been travelling all night and we're so tired.” He paused worried that what he was going to ask next, wouldn't be welcomed. “I was just wondering...would it be al right if they camp here for the day and night?”
She looked up to see about eight wagons all parked up. “I think you'll have to speak to Korben about that, we don't have much space here.” She said leading Brad around to the back of the cottage.
As they entered through the back door, Korben was sat eating at a table. He was a muscular built man, his beard covered most of his face, his large hands looked like they were used to hard work. Also around the table were two girls and a boy.
Korben looked up from his food, smiling when he saw Brad. “Ah! Brad my old friend...what are you doing down here? I thought you were up North with your family.”
He stood up to give Brad a hand shake. “Come sit down...Alena, Camisha, make room for our friend.”
The two girls took their plates of bread and sat on the floor, a bit shy of the man they hadn't seen for so long.
“This is Zeth my son. Zeth you remember Brad don't you?”
The boy nodded shyly, unsure of who this man actually was, he went back to eating his bread, playing with it, more than eating it.
“Can I get you some tea Brad?” enquired Kadlin, taking a bowl of water off the fire.
“Yes...that would be good.” replied Brad, sitting down at the table.
“So my friend...how are things with you and your family?” asked Korben.
Brad's face saddened as he remembered. “I'm afraid all my family are dead...fireballs came from out of the sky...everyone was burnt alive, except for me and my son Simon, we were devastated, I cannot tell you how hard it's been.”
Korben couldn't believe what he was hearing. “Brad, I'm so sorry...I don't know what to say.” The man couldn't imagine going through such a terrible situation. Changing the subject he asked about Simon.
“So where is your son now?”
“Well!” said Brad. “That's one of the reasons I'm here, as well as coming to see you all of course. My son and I have been living with some travellers, they took us in. We were camping in the forest, when we got moved on by some really nasty characters, we ended up having to travel all night.”
Korben interrupted Brad. “Sounds like Gregor's men to me.”
“Yeah! That's the man who fired a weapon at my Joe. Well we had to travel all through the night, we're so tired.” He paused once more biting his lower lip, unsure of what Korben would say. “ I was just wondering if we could make camp here, just for the day and night, we won't be any trouble and we'll be gone by early morning.”
“Where are these friends of yours now Brad?” enquired Korben scratching his beard.
“They're up on the dirt track, we have about eight wagons and horses.”
Korben looked at his wife, then back at Brad. “Eight you say? But where will we put them all? this is only a small bay.”
“That's exactly what I told him,” said his wife pouring some tea into a mug.
“They just need somewhere safe to sleep...please Korben, they won't be any trouble,” pleaded Brad.
“Let's go see these friends of yours, see if we can sort something out.”
“Thanks friend.”
Drinking his tea down quick, the two men left the cottage. “I have to take the boat out soon, go catch some fish...you're welcome to join me,” said Korben.
Brad would have loved to go out fishing and taken Simon too, but he was so tired. “Sorry Korben, as much as I'd love to, I'm going to have to say no, I really need to get some sleep.”
As soon as Korben saw the wagons, he was worried. “The only way those wagons are going to park here, is if our neighbours agree, this is only a small bay remember.” The two men stood staring up at the travellers feeling lost for words at that moment, unsure of where to go next.
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Catching up Jenny. Good
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And where will they go next,
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Another nice turn
These people really do need a break, glad to see they have friends about lord knows they have enough enemies. Good enter change between characters, nicely detailed and paced well done Ray
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