Dwellers of the New World Chapter Six ( Pt 2 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 3017 reads
Dawson didn't waste any more time, having so much on his mind, it was a relief to be actually planning his next move. He felt like some deranged man on a mission.
Walking down the corridor to his quarters, he opened the door and went to get his tablets, he was a diabetic and wouldn't go anywhere without them, his course of injections were wearing off, he could always tell when this was happening, as he felt himself becoming moody and agitated.
He called up Justin and Stewart, who were the ship's technicians, they had been working on the ship's computer, which was causing problems. “Yeah! What is it Dawson?” enquired Stewart abruptly, annoyed at having been interrupted when they were busy.
Dawson knew this wouldn't be easy, but it never was when it came to dealing with Stewart. “Stewart...I need you and Justin up in the cockpit, as soon as possible.”
“Why...what's the problem? We're right in the middle of sorting out this dam computer...can't it wait?”
“No...not really. I've got an announcement to make, I need you both to cooperate with what I have to say.”
There was a silence at Stewart's end of the line, then he said “Look Dawson we can't just drop what we're doing on your orders, as soon as we can, we'll get be up, and I hope it's important...okay?”
“Yeah...okay, it is important so don't leave it too long.” replied Dawson, thinking perhaps it would be best if he did this on his own.
He changed into his outside gear, an all in one suit that gave him some protection against the unknown atmosphere of the caves, then he took one of the stun guns out of its casing, this was to be used in defence in case of attack, it would at least give him time to get away.
Attached to the suit, was a specially made belt with pouches to hold items such as the gun, a water bottle, an instrument called an image intensifier, which was similar to a torch and detected any invisible source.
Walking over to the provisions machine where food tablets were kept and hung in sachets, he opened the door and took out a week's supply, then placed them in a backpack with other items he would need, including a metallic blanket in case of the cold.
Feeling pleased that he'd accomplished getting himself ready, he started to feel that he could probably achieve a lot more if he went alone. He made his way back up to the cockpit with all his equipment.
Upon entering, Penny was sat pensively. “So Dawson...you're already to go?”
“Seems like it,” replied Dawson. Setting his backpack down and feeling slightly awkward. “Yeah! Actually already and waiting for Stewart and Justin to get up here. Though if they take too long, I'm tempted to go alone.”
“Don't you think that's a stupid idea? If anything went wrong you'd have no back up.” said Penny. She sat back in the seat staring at Dawson, biting her nail nervously.
“Why are you always so negative Penny? Sometimes you have to go with your gut instincts, I feel a lot happier now I'm doing something positive.”
“I'm not a negative thinker, I just feel more haste, less speed, as the saying goes. By the way how much food have you taken?”
“I've got about a weeks supply, so if I get stuck, at least I'm covered as far as food goes.” Dawson was getting agitated he had taken a tablet, but still the feeling wouldn't go away.
“I wish I could persuade you to stay Dawson, at least your safe here even if we can't leave.”
“No chance Penny, I'm just itching to get out there.”
Time passed and Dawson wasn't prepared to wait any longer. Darkness was almost upon them. He stared out across at the cliffs towering like a huge monolithic building against the approaching night sky.
Gazing at the cave entrance, he observed a misty cloud drifting out and across the beach, it was a sight he'd not noticed before, which now made him even more inquisitive.
He turned back to Penny, putting his backpack on and checking his wrist communicator to make sure it was working. “I think you'd better inform Stewart and Justin that I've gone, this is getting all too frustrating to hang around any longer. I also don't want to go through all this business again, them telling me I shouldn't be going.”
Penny decided it was hopeless to say any more, so agreed she would let the men know what he was about to do.
With communication working, Dawson made his way to the airlock chamber. Once in Penny opened the outer door. Dawson breathed the air, which seemed to be okay, but on a strange planet such as this you could never tell. He also wondered about the mist that was floating and slowly snaking its way across the beach.
Looking up, he noticed the snake like flying creature, coming inland from across the ocean, it started to worry him. “Hello Penny...are you there?”
“Sure thing Dawson...how's it going out there?”
“I'm going to head for the cave now, get off this beach. That flying creature is coming inland and I don't fancy being its meal for the night.”
“You go steady out there...be careful...those caves look very creepy to me.”
Dawson waved to Penny from the beach and started to make his way towards the entrance, the creature getting ever closer. Dawson's eyes fixed on the ghostly smog that lurked inside, he turned and took a last look at the ship and the flying creature, then gave a last wave and entered.
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Good chapter Jenny. Left
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Once again you leave us
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Yep, another good one, Jenny
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getting creepy
A flying snake, a mystery mist he is not going to Disneyland or is he, great set up very exciting and imaginative fun read hope every comes out of this in one piece, good stuff
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happy to oblige
When I finish reading Dwellers I plan to read your first posted book
Good writing Ray
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You are quite welcome,
You are quite welcome, looking forward to The Chosen Ones
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