Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 7 ) The Beast in the Storm
By skinner_jennifer
- 1940 reads
A strong wind was picking up, as wave upon wave lashed the sides of the Flying Fish, thrusting the ship up and down. Everyone in the hull held their breath; as the swaying of the ship made some of them feel nauseous, but they were also thankful that at least the hull was well sealed and insulated. As the wind whistled, it caused each one of them to shiver not only with cold, but with fear too.
Although the weather was treacherous up top, down below on the ocean bed there was no sound at all just calm. As the drip worms slept, sea creatures swam around them being extra careful not to approach, they instinctively knew how dangerous these worms could be if woken from their slumbers. Their huge bodies seemed frozen in time; with just their breathing giving any knowledge of them being alive.
Through the dark murky waters swam some Snags, searching for a tasty morsel; the fish that dared to float by would be a meal for any large creature that happened to be passing.
The skeletons of humans that had been taken by the creatures, had been deposited on the ocean floor, some of them had dropped various items of jewellery or weapons which were scattered, but never to be found again in such dangerous waters.
Many of the tiniest creatures are colours of the rainbow, luminous to look at, but although they held a beauty; are poisonous to the touch. There are daisy fish which have white bodies with yellow tentacles, then there is the lopsided angel fish, so called because of its luminous wings, half its body is short and the other half long, living on the shellfish that are hidden on the ocean bed or rocks, using its wings it sends out a vibration to the creature inside the shell, this in turn hypnotizes the shellfish into thinking there's a female wishing to mate, then the shellfish is caught off guard and attacked and eaten.
Rocks and crevices make ideal hiding places for many of the creatures, their world an every day frenzy to get away from the enemy at large in the ocean deep.
A slight movement in the deep waters causes one of the drip worms to stir, making waves as it moves...but surprisingly the others didn't awaken. Turning to face the surface the creature could sense the drift of the ship, its bulging eyes staring upwards, then immediately and without hesitation it started to ascend, picking up pace as it soared, weaving a path its tongue dripping fluid that seemed to leave a trail. Luckily however the other drip worms were not alerted and so carried on sleeping.
The sensation was all too much for the creature, as picking up speed and no longer sleepy, its instincts guided it forward. A huge wave appeared as its head hit the surface. No longer able to contain itself, the drip worm circled the ship.
Panic aboard the Flying Fish was rife, Bracus and his men had seen the rise of the beast and suddenly all hands were on deck. The crew had never felt so scared, this was one creature that couldn't be defeated, with the wooden spears that the men had brought with them. It was the one beast Bracus had dreaded on this journey.
Bracus called for calm, telling his men to get to their posts with their spears at the ready, but it was too late they were already panicking and fearing the worst. Each man struggled with ropes and sails, as the ship endeavoured to stay afloat. Varg and Jason were at the helm, the wheel was not much use in the gales that prevailed, though luckily the wind was on their side and propelling them forward on towards their destination.
As the storm continued and the Flying Fish was thrown around on the waves, Bracus shouted, “Get below deck!” His voice hardly audible with the sound of the wind. It was no good no one was listening and even if they did hear his words, they thought there was no where safe from this creature. The darkness made it even more scarier, visibility almost void.
“We gotta get out of these waters, then we'll be safe!” shouted Bracus to Varg and Jason, who were still struggling at the helm, their clothes almost being ripped from their bodies.
One of the men stood staring over the side at the strange creature that circled the ship, trying to make out what the drip worm would do next. As he gazed, the creature suddenly leapt into the air, startling the man before he had time to think; the beast opened its mouth thrashing its tail against the hull of the ship, reaching out with its huge long tongue which dripped acid fluid, the drip worm wrapped it around the man's neck and swung him through the air, the venomous tongue swept the man into its jaws, as savagely sharp teeth took a hold.
The children cried in fear, the vibration of the creature's tail echoing around around the hull. The adults including Cinnamon tried to calm them down, but no one really understood what was happening, so all they could do was wait and hope that everything would calm down soon.
Varden was so terrified, without hesitation he quickly ran across the deck almost tripping over his own feet, opening the hatch door he descended the stairs, slamming it behind him. Standing there in the half light, he had been struck dumb and couldn't find words to describe what he'd just witnessed.
Everyone wanted to know what was going on, they questioned the boy, but suddenly the room started to spin and Varden collapsed in a heap on the floor.
Bracus had seen the whole incident and bellowed for absolute calm. Rounding up his nervous men, they too all went below, while the creature was otherwise occupied with the man he'd just devoured.
All they could do was hope that the drip worm would not find them, for Bracus knew that it would scour the deck searching for its next victim.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twelve ( Pt 8 ) In Shock | ABCtales
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Jenny - this was such an
Jenny - this was such an amazing chapter...that wonderful description of aquatic life. I know I've said it before, but you do have such an imagination, and your words bring it all to life for your readers.
As for that voracious drip worm, I saw it in full technicolour, so animated was your account of it, and it sure was blood-curdling and spine-chilling, to say the very least.
Very, very much enjoyed
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Drip Worms! Drip Worms!
Drip Worms! Drip Worms! There was nothing about Drip Worms in the brochure. I would never have ventured on this voyage if I had known. I thought I had signed up for a nice quiet sea trip with my good friend Bracus. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny, where is your imagination going to take us next?. I can't wait to find out!
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Burn and devour
Those worms of yours are right out of a nightmare, scarey stuff, too bad Varden had to see it, and to bad it didn't get Bracus, great imagery especially the underwater scenes, great read
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