Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 6 ) A Binding Agreement

By skinner_jennifer
- 1937 reads
It was hard to hear above the wind, but Addie lifted a special device to his mouth and as he spoke, his voice was loud and clear, reverberating so all could hear. Again he put his hand up in Peace and folk were quiet, as Addie began to speak.
“My friends! Some of you may now know of our existence, which is why I tell you good people that there's nothing to fear. Those that have met us before, will be aware that we only wish to protect and help you! Our future Dwellers of this New World.” Addie paused before continuing his speech. “A few of our ancestors, left an old earth that became contaminated many millions of years ago. They settled on a planet called Obsidian, which is now our home. Our ancestors brought a few Chosen Ones to this earth and left them to multiply – you are their results and also an extension of our own families. We know that you've suffered greatly at the hands of dictators now and in the past, but I'm afraid this will always be the case, as in life there are always positive and negatives. For now we wish to put things right, giving you all a time to heal.”
Addie waved Brad and Simon forward, the owl still perched on the boy's shoulder. Taking his hand, Addie began to speak again. “This young boy who's name is Simon is very special.” Simon began to redden, his face blushing at Addie's words of adoration, feeling all eyes on him.
“One day, he will be a great healer, who has exceptional foresight, he will be told prophesies of the future in dreams. As of now he's too young to become a leader, but Brad his Father will teach him how to give guidance to others without controlling them.” Addie gave Simon his crystal, telling him to protect it, then gazed at the bird smiling.
“This Owl will become a symbol of Peace to all, the majestic bird will be protected here after.” Addie paused again, as everyone cheered his words. Then he spoke again. “We know that a man by the name of Gregor has been an evil dictator amongst you, well we wish to reprogramme him to become a healer – does anyone have any idea where he is?”
The people around shrugged gazing at one another, not having any idea where the Master was, until Bruge stepped forward afraid and worried. “Uh! Excuse me, but the Master Gregor went down in that Doom Chamber ages ago, he still ain't come out yet.”
Simon tugged on Addies sleeve. “I think this may have something to do with the crystal – it's just a feeling I have.”
“I think you may be right,” replied Addie. He looked back at Bruge. “I want you and some other guards to search the tunnels down there, see what you can find.”
“But it ain't safe for human habitation – a man could get lost forever in them tunnels,” replied Bruge.
Simon grinned at Bruge. “I think you'll find the tunnels quite safe now, just go careful.”
Bruge's inquisitive nature got the better of him, so he took Seth, Josh and a couple of other guards and entered, dreading the thought of what they'd find. Reluctantly each guard accessed with a torch, sliding down into the Chamber, the stench not as bad as it had been due to the boulder being left open.
Each guard checked out a tunnel. Josh lit his way, the torchlight guiding him, the fog no longer apparent. After a while in the distance, Josh noticed someone crouched on the ground. The guard picked up pace and when he reached the figure, Josh noticed the white hair and pale skin, he had a feeling it was Gregor though the face was hidden.
Josh reluctantly pushed the man's head up, giving him the fright of his life; Gregor's face was distorted and as white as a sheet. Quickly Josh stood up, not wishing to hang around any longer. He made his way back to the Chamber, shouting. “I've found him – I've found Gregor.”
The others hearing his call came running back. “Down here!” Cried Josh. “It ain't a pretty sight either, his face be all mangled and contorted. Ain't got no clue how it happened.”
Following Josh, they were all sickened when they saw Gregor, for the first time they actually felt a sorrow that their Master hadn't had a chance to be saved. The guards picked his limp body up, carrying it out of the tunnel taking a breather before the climb out of the Chamber.
As Addie approached, they lay their Master down at his feet. Again Addie felt the need to speak. Turning to the people again, he delivered a message, pointing at the dead body. “However bad this man has been, I believe you should give him a proper burial.” No one said a word, they just bowed their heads.
Cinnamon had noticed that Varden had gone missing, she took a good look around her, but he was nowhere to be seen. Her attention had been on Rosa and Will, now she felt suddenly lost, even though surrounded by so many loved ones. “Has anyone seen Varden?” She enquired. But nobody could help the girl.
Across the moor a lone figure strode out, determination on his face. His clothing no longer rags, but fit for a boy who'd travelled to a far off planet, but believed it was all a dream. He couldn't remember anything of his time spent on Obsidian, just the fact that he woke up on board one of the strange Crafts he'd stepped from, in odd clothing, an all in one suit made of some sort of leather that he'd never seen before. His boots were comfortable, but felt very strange after being so long with bear feet. He was desperate to see his friend Si and give him the good news.
Varden had such a feeling of relief when he saw the guards carrying out the dead body of Gregor. To know that he wouldn't have to watch over his shoulder, or fear being taken prisoner took all the anxiety away, leaving him with a strength of freedom that he'd not had for a long time.
No one had seen Varden walking away, they were too interested in the body of Gregor. Reaching the path that led down to the beach, the boy found it hard to believe that he no longer had to hide. Strolling along the sand, there wasn't a soul in sight, just the sound of the Ocean as it lapped the beach, and the birds taking bites from shells that had tiny creatures ready to devour.
The wind had calmed down a lot, as Varden entered the cave with a feeling of urgency. Walking up to the wall, he picked up a pebble and banged three times. It was dark and he hadn't had time to light a torch, so depended on his senses. At first there wasn't any reply, so he knocked again and again, until finally the brick was moved.
“Who's there?” Came the usual deep guttural voice, that the boy had become accustomed to.
“It's me – Varden!” He said in a whisper, though he had no idea why, when he knew there was no longer any danger.
Long arms stretched through and lifted him up, pulling the boy until he sat the other side gazing up at his friend.
“Varden boy! What you want now?” Si was understandably surprised by the boy's new attire.
Getting up and brushing himself down as he always seemed to do after being pulled through the opening, he started to relay his good news. “You're not going to believe what I'm about to tell you!” He became excitable, rubbing his hands together and swaying from one foot to the other.
“Relax boy! You're making me feel anxious.” He pointed to the warts on his arms that began to ooze a thick, white fluid. “Look! This is caused by your ramblings. Now tell me your news – quick.”
“Well! It's a long story – but the bit you'll be pleased with, is that your Father's dead!”
“DEAD! What do you mean DEAD?” Si didn't know whether the boy was telling the truth or not.
“I tell you Si, the guards pulled him out of the Doom Chamber. Gregor no longer rules the land.”
Si squeezed a wart on his arm, as he tried to take in this new information. “Are you sure boy? You actually saw his body?”
“Yes! Yes! I promise I gazed upon him, though he was in a pretty bad state. This means you'll no longer live in fear, you can come and go as you please.”
Si wasn't so sure. “I don't think you should be too hasty with your words boy – there are many people who will look upon me with horror.”
“I'm sure once they get to know you, they'll see the goodness that I saw in you,” said Varden, not understanding his friend's caution.
“Look boy! You need to go now, this news is a lot for me to take in, I need to be alone with my thoughts. But I see you've found a new life, with your different clothes, so go and live it.” Si didn't mean to sound abrupt, but he'd heard enough, and wasn't sure he wanted to come out of hiding, he liked his life and felt people just made him feel inadequate.
“But Si! I thought you'd be pleased by the news.” Varden declared.
“I don't know how I feel boy!” Without even hesitating, Si lifted Varden up. “Sorry! But you gotta go now.”
Poor Varden was confused, but as Si shoved his small body back through and he landed back in the cave with a bump, he decided not to argue with his friend, but just leave him to his thoughts.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Twenty ( Pt 7 ) Sad Farewells | ABCtales
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This story has come so far
This story has come so far from the beginning, but this part brought it together so well. You really should try and get it published - you've put so much into it, Jenny. I'm going to go back and try and catch up, but very much enjoyed reading this today.
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Bee is right, Jenny...so far
Bee is right, Jenny...so far indeed, and I feel priviliged to have tagged along on the journey
I always enjoy the sections which include 'Owl', and I am so pleased that the creature was given its deserved recognition. Another thing I look forward to is finding out how Si is getting on. Your marvellous descriptions, larger than life, are mind boggling, in a repugnant, and yet somehow endearing kind of way, if that makes sense...a bit like the story of Beauty and the Beast, I guess.
Again, I have enjoyed being transported to 'your world', Jenny...if for but a few brief minutes. Thank you.
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Poor Si
Poor Si still a prisoner in his own mind, well maybe time will free him wondeful imagery, nicely tied up neat and endearing Ray
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