Conversations with God 2
By Steve
- 417 reads
Let me step back in time and space and say that the Holocaust was the logical conclusion of Greek, Christian and European civilization. I will clarify this later, but for now, I want to talk about what is wrong about the belief that God is all-powerful. If you accept the fact that Satan does the dirty work of God by his authority and he is only a shadow, then you must ultimately assign God the responsibility for evil. That means either that he is both good and evil or that he is beyond good and evil and we simply interpret the happenings of reality as good or evil. Let me try to give an example. In liberal universities, there is literally a culture war going on. Conservatives are determined to take over the liberal universities. And it is not just conservatives, but also vengeful feminists. They are creating an almost puritanical atmosphere in the universities, accusing people of sexual harassment for mere trespasses and squeezing out any joy of life from academia. The free conversation of intellectuals is something I've always admired. Flirtation can excite and illuminate thought. Some of my best thoughts were born out of flirtation. I am also someone who has very little interest in actual sex. It is very much an overrated sport although it can be elevated. And for women, as Hollywood shows, it can be a real horror show. Also, women in America view sexuality in quite an extreme manner. I have almost no attraction to American women. Anyway, women blame the patriarchal system which is an extension into time and tradition of God, for all their problems. So many of the hard core feminists are assigning blame to God and God created their image to be subservient to the male, everything is permissible for them to regain their true image. But what is the true image of women? Again, I am not saying that real sexual harassment doesn't go on. In athletic circles, it seems to be the rule. I am just saying that it is ridiculous to blame God for this. Jesus worked with the disenchanted, the suffering, and the rebels in his quest to establish his kingdom. He did not murder Caesar. We cannot fix the world by fighting fire with fire. We must patiently work toward our goals.
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