Currently in America 5
By Steve
- 401 reads
Hippism must be questioned at a fundamental level to understand liberals. John Lennon, the protypical hippy, was and remained very anti-Jewish and he did not care much about homosexuals either. His wife Yoko Ono was very pro-Japanese and probably thought of other East-Asian nations as backward idiots. I've never seen a black or Asian hippy with the exception of Jimmy Hendrix who was robbed blind by those around him. His family is still trying to get what remains of his money. Mick Jagger really questioned why Jimmy Hendrix was going out with Caucasian women. Mick Jagger never really dated a black woman, I believe. I'm just trying to say that there's a lot of racism in liberalism, both sexually and politically. The men in Hollywood who support black causes and women are really Italian-Americans like Robert De Niro and Leonardo Di Caprio and their liberalism is of a different kind than most liberals.
Hippism was influenced by Eastern Mysticism and Dionysian impulses in Western culture. Now, first, I want to stress that there is no liberalism per se any more. There are only liberalisms. The destruction of generalizations and the cult of the specific has destroyed ideology altogether. Hippies often lived with their parents during the night and protested and did drugs and ravaged American society during the day. They were about personal liberation and they were motivated by a secret envy of the Jazz subcultures and the hipster culture that preceded the hippy movement. Hippies wanted to find their nature once again in organic living, appreciation of nature, etc. Again, there is an envy of Native Americans culture that they helped to destroy and curiously enough, I've never met a Native American hippy. Most of all, hippies wanted to have great sex. The appropriation of the Eastern ideal of the spiritual sage was understood in Indian terms which means that there was a continuity between sex and spirituality.. spirituality was the ultimate sublimation of sexuality. These Hippy gurus were womanizers of the highest order and many of them had their followers engage in group sex, spiritual training, etc. Some of these individuals turned out to be extraordinary men like Steve Jobs, but most Hippies cannot survive in the world without government help. Whereas they had their parents support them before, now they have the government. Vermont is a state in which many hippies live and it is hard to see how long that state can actually support the drug habits of its citizens.
There were more militant aspects of 60's counter-cultural tendencies. Some of the Minute Men who were basically TERRORISTS are teaching in American Universities while black revolutionaries were very much done away with or put in jail. Robert Redford is making a film about the Minute Men, glorifying them as heroes of the 60's.
Hippies sought a transformation of character through drug use, the easy way to go through spiritual transformation. Spiritual transformation is an arduous process which Nietzsche lays out in one of his treatise. At first, one is a camel. When one is a camel, one takes on many tasks without saying no. Then one becomes a Lion once one has taken on enough. You begin to know what is more than enough. Once a Lion, you go into isolation, into the desert like Christ in the desert. Then you meet the great Dragon of Thou Shalt with scales of Thou Shalt from all the different cultures of the world and you kill that Thou Shalt. You become an "overman" in Walter Kaufmann of Princeton's sense of the word, sublimely in control of your self, knowing the Vision of the future. No hippy really went through such a spiritual transformation except Steve Jobs.
The liberation of Steve Jobs was controlled liberation. He was like the Master of a Kung Fu Theatre episode. He was very insulting to people and often made them break down in tears. But some of them changed and realized what low expectations they had of themselves. When I changed over from a Samsung Phone to an IPhone, I was amazed by the marvelous creation of the IPhone. Although before I sensed a kind of Satanism in Steve Jobs, I take that back. But his use of spiritual field distortion sounds a lot like the kind of spiritual distortion used to create hysteria during the salem witch trials. Aleister Crowley, another 60's influence, who founded a kind of Satanism based on the perennial philosophy of the East, is another person who engaged in spiritual field distortion.
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