Deconstructing Context 8
By Steve
- 490 reads
The hermeneutics of suspicion is basically a theory of suspicion. People suspect that discrimination, the impolitic use of language, and oppression are the causes of the inequality that lies at the heart of the issue. Yes, it is true that these factors did contribute to inequality among the sexes and the races, but most of these issues were addressed during the 60's, 70's and 80's and there is still the ongoing fight against inequality.
At the same time, the scapegoating of white European, American, and Jewish top dogs for all the problems in the world is nothing short of scapegoating and resolves nothing.
Also, political correctness, for all its pretense of equally helping out minorities who are discriminated against usually ends up helping out just the elite of the minority cultures.
There is really nothing scientific about the hermeneuctics of suspicion. Power structures are not usually analyzed scientifically. Usually, people fall back on sensationalism and exaggeration to prove their point. In some ways. the hermeneutics of suspicion resembles guilt by association.
Now, I don't deny that some politic correctness is needed. Even in groups that hate political correctness, there is a kind of political correctness within the group. James Joyce, in Ulysses, shows how hard it is for a person to change. Without Jesus Christ, I could not have begun to change. Perhaps it is better to just have a nice language that accepts us for what we are... an etiquette aimed at change but actually supporting the status quo.
The Germans only changed when it hit their pocketbooks. Have the Swiss really changed concerning the Nazi theft of Jewish wealth? Was this not just the redistribution of wealth? Is Switzerland for the redistribution of wealth?
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