how to fix america i
By Steve
- 248 reads
i want to tell you flatly first that i don't care about america. whatever i suggest goes to the wind. i know that this is also the experience of good americans. i'm sure they have great ideas on how to fix america. they go to the government and unless they are close friends of the government officials, their ideas go to the wind. or the idea has to please everyone or fuck over everyone. that's what a good idea is these days. it's a kind of consensus, groupthink shit idea that wins over the day.
1. having said that. my first idea, derived from my conversations with americans who use to care. DRUGS - LET THE PHARMACEUTICAL CORPORATION TAKE OVER THE DRUG BUSINESS. alcoholism is a disease, drug-use is a disease. these people are taking the drug as medicine. LET THEM GET A PRESCRIPTION SIGNED BY THEIR DOCTORS TO USE THE CORRECT DRUGS TO CURE THE DISEASE.
of course there was the oxycontin outbreak. it's comparatively small compared to other drug outbreaks in the US.
2. Money for foreign countries - IF the US is going to give money, MAKE SURE THAT IT PRODUCES SOME KIND OF RECIPROCAL WIN-WIN benefit.
Marcos's wife had tons of shoes. everytime a US business wanted to get into business in phillippines, they had to dish out so much money to marcos. a former south korean president had his money kept in different bank accounts while his daughter attended school in the US. i know that all this is not US money, but a large portion probably is. I can only conclude that this is all due to too much sex, drugs and rock and roll. so, americans officials, stop fucking the foreign women. the american love for sex is well-known all over the world. pornography shows american men having sex with all types of women. and when war happens, there is intermarriage which means the military were the first ones to breaks the miscegenation laws. in other words, don't party so much.
3. corporations - if you're going to diversify, make sure people are laconic and to the point. synergize your resources. synergy multiplies. don't make a corporation into the home. business is war. don't do drugs to make yourself high when you lose an argument with a female. don't masturate in the restroom when you lose a battle with a male colleague.
become one body. make everyone do their best work. center the energy of the group. create rituals and resources. become one.
if you are in high tech, guard your secrets well. don't have one person know the formula to a new, creative product. design groups to work on a project piece by piece and have someone perfect it. be perfection as a reflection of God.
hire the best and make them fight with each other until they decide as a group who the best really is and who can lead the group.
cut as much as possible in areas in which human resources are not involved. human resources must learn that they cannot work as a single unit. everyone must work together.
fuck anyone who says that they can't. they will. where there's a will, there's a way. everyone laughed at the idea of a helicopter. the nazis wanted to kill einstein. who the fuck cares what other people think? did the masses ever create anything? they are highly resistant to change.
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