Politics as Usual 4
By Steve
- 402 reads
As for political positioning, Hilary Clinton has positioned herself as being right of Bernie Sanders. When Obama was running, she portrayed herself as left of Obama. This would have made Obama a centrist which is a blatant lie.
Hilary Clinton is a new meritocrat. Unfortunately, she does not realize that America is really no longer a meritocracy. America goes by context. There is that word again which is so important in Postmodern discourse.
I will now go through what Post-Modernism means very quickly.
Postmodernism has its roots in existentialism, especially Sartre-ean Existentialism. Existentialism asserts that existence precedes essence. We essentially have no essence. There is no God who created us in a certain image. We have the right to create ourselves.
Bruce Jenner can turn into Caityln Jenner. Genetic engineers can recreate human beings. Homosexuals can exist. On the other side, the mass purges of the 20th century, both existentialists and evolutionists have been relatively silent about or they have blamed religion wrongly.
Post-Modernism, nowadays lets the culture or rather the acceptibility in culture decide what is right and wrong. But culture goes through changes relatively every 20 years (a generation). Cultural context and the emphasis on cultural context (although culture is not a completely coherent thing either) is an offshoot of Derridean deconstructionism. Derridean deconstructionists assert that Plato's theory of Absolute Forms (Phaedo) was based on an argument about opposites which mainly define each other. Black and White are opposites, but you cannot define black without defining white so they are relative to each other. The only absolute is difference, not black or white. So life and words contain a logocentrism based on opposites which are relative to each other. If you listen on the internet to the lectures of Yale Professors on Decontructionism, it feels very speculative, careful, and roundabout. That is because they are exposing the contradictions within a text, that a text is many texts which does not cohere and that a text has many authors This is because they have a liberal understanding of text. Conservative deconstructionist stress the logocentrism more. Boundaries are often very hard to define. A bound text is bound by the shifting context of opposites within a culture.
If we look more deeply at reality, liberals are no longer at the forefront of culture. Stanley Kubrick once said that liberals were always ahead of conservatives. This is no longer true. It's a lie. Hilary Clinton acts like she is the fountainhead of culture. She is not. She's a liar.
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