Postmodernism in America
By Steve
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I hear the word, "Postmodernism," in churches and often I get a sense that the person does not really know what he is talking about.
Postmodernism literally means "after modernism." The modern giants in the artworld were Jackson Pollock and Picasso, individualists who exhibited a titanic individuality and explored parts of themselves that many people find distasteful. Picasso's main influence was Nietzche philosophically. Pollock saw himself as competing with Picasso.
After Modernism, there were no longer these titanically gifted souls. Andy Warhol is mainly a critic or ironic commentator of our industrial civilization, how our society reproduces the same kind of individuals all the time. Basquiat is interesting. He had some real talent, but it is really hard to tell whether he was really a genius or not. What he realized was that all these great works of art were in the ghetto and everywhere else in the places that people consider to be low culture. They were not literally there, but permutations of the artworks were there.
After Modernism, there was no dominant movement in the visual arts, music, or the other arts.
Gradually, over time, Marxists and Anthropolgists took over the meaning of Post-Modernism to mean "everything is culturally constructed and everyone is equal." This is really the stupidest statement in the world.
What does a person mean when she says "everything is culturally constructed?" I guess she means that the culture determines everything. Culture is the primary mover of economics. But isn't culture simply the marketing part of economics, most of it? Who determines the culture? I guess you could say movie stars, press, hollywood, politicians, etc. Who gives them the right to determine the culture? Don't we? Are they better than us or do they represent us? I suppose here the anthropolgists would sooner or later determine the culture since they are "culturally specialists" but according to many prominent anthropologists, all cultures are equal since they are all culturally constructed so no culture is better than any other culture so how would anthropologist construct a culture?
Anthropologists ignore the historical developments of cultures over time to attain superiority over other cultures by gaining a sustained competitive advantage.
Now Marxists. Everyone is equal. Black people do not feel equal to others. They feel they have suffered more so they deserve more. Asians do not feel equal to others because they are ignored in the social games that society plays. White people have worked hard to understand people of all races but they don't get any pats on the back for doing a decent job. No one feels equal. We are all competing and differentiating ourselves and fighting for markets and sharpening ourselves. Even if everyone were equal, sooner or later, alliances would form and groups will strive for an adavantage over the other groups.
Now Marxist paradise was a dream where all these communities could live happily together, but the simple fact is that that does not happen in reality.
Now who's going to make sure that everyone is equal in a Marxist world. I suppose the Marxist philosophers. Alan Dershwitz once made observation that maybe Noam Chomsky supports these dictators in China and other places because he vicariously identifies with dictators. Some of these Marxist professors must dream of becoming an unequal leader of a Marxist paradise.
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